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Other Side


Being anti-social doesn't necessarily mean I-don't-want-to-socialize-with-anyone-right-now. It means I get extremly bad anxiety when I have to talk to new people. Lana knows I don't mix well with numerous people. I panic and I utimatley shut down. My palms sweat when Ibsee the large fraternity house looming at the end of the street. Lights are only shining from the first floor windows. Music is excessively audibe from our car. It sounds like heavy metal was the choice. It sends a chill through my spin.

"Lana I cant go in there." I say, urging the dsperation and anxiety in my voice to shine through. Lana only rolls her eyes and checks her pound of make up in the rearview mirror. I sigh and grip my cellphone tight in my fingers. I wetten my lips wth a quick swipe of my tongue.

"Come on." Lana pops open her door and drops her feet to the ground. I squeeze my eyes shut for a split second and follow her up the walkway to the door. The door is already unlocked, allowing free entry. Lana pushes inside, scanning the crwd quickly, looking for Tristan. She grabs my hand before I can make a move to shut the door and pulls me through the crowd of bodies.

The music is definitely too loud to hold a substantial conversation. But thats not what people come here for. Girs wear shorts that look 3 sizes too small and shirts that belong under a real shirt. I observe a desperate girl trying to seduce a guy who cant focus on her for a second. I shiver and tear my eyes away from the awkward situation.

"Tris!" Lana squeels when she sees him sitting in a small circle with five other people. My chest tightens as the space closes in, leaving less room to breathe and more room to dance. Tristan pulls Lana into a hug, hands reaching the curve of her ass. I take a deep breath,forcing mysef to calm down.



Lana pulls away from him only to adjust herself on hin his lap. I grip my phone tighter, using it as a distraction from my panic mode. I sit in the chair next to Tristan. My leg sare shaky and my palms are wet, like I placed my palms in water. I scan the audience lazily watching Tristan and Lana.

A guy with immpeccably beautiful skin, a caramel color, dark hair flopped on his head, has a bottle of whiskey in his large hands. A girl with died purple hair wlks towards us. Shes headed towards a gorgeous guy sitting on a chair, avoiding every other person in the room but the purple haired girl. He has curly brown hair that stretches to an inch below his shoulders. A black lip ring pierces his bottom lip, a matching stud adorns his eyebrow.

He has green eyes. Almost a moss green color. They're beautiful enough to draw, catching the light, only to bring moss to emerald. His jaw line is sharp, a tattoo peeking up underneath is black t-shirt. Black ink litters his arm in an unproductive fashion. The girl with purple hair rests her ass on his lap, crossing her long tan legs. His large hands hold the bare skin just above the waist of her shorts. A notice rings decorating his fingers.

He kisses her neck, moving a hand to her butt. I look away, finding myself staring at the floor. Lana is tlking to me. I cant hear her. Doesnt she know the music is obliteratingly loud? I shak my head at her and sink back into my chair.

"I'm Zayn." I hear a rich voice in my ear. The dark skinned boy sits next to me, breath smelling of whiskey and cinnamon. The anxiety in my chest bolts awake.

"Um, hi. Evangeline." I say. Zayn smile an my heart tightens. I take another deep breath.

"You look lost." He chuckles. I cant decide of Im supposed to laugh so I smile.

"Kind of." I need to draw.

"Do you know anyone here?" Zayn shifts in his seat, moving closer to my ear, lips brushing it.

My skin riddles with goosebumps.

"Yeah , Lana." I say. I jerk my thumb over my shoulder. Zayn nods.

"You look like you need to get outside." Yes. I need fresh air. I need to breathe. I see the crly haird boy stand up, lips still attatched to the girl with purple hair.

"Thats Harry and Alice, by the way." Zayn motions to them. I nod.

"I'll take you up on your offer to go outside." I say quickly.

Zayn smiles.

"Lets go."


Yay chapter 2!!!! Im soo excited for this story(: (:
Comment and vote!

xoxoxo all the love
Catie Styes


Thanks you!!! The next chapter will be up by Saturday!!

Pleaseeeeee update! This story is WOW! *head explodes* is that my brain that landed on the screen??:)

Hey babies! Sorry its been a few days since my last update but Ive been so busy with the holiday. Chapter four will be up by monday!! Comment and Vote

xoxoxo all the love
Catie Styles

CatieStylesmitam CatieStylesmitam

Thank you so much! I'm so excited for this story!! (':

CatieStylesmitam CatieStylesmitam

Wow! This is a very good story! I can't wait for chapter two! Love love love it!

julietrainier7 julietrainier7