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Other Side


I held the cold beer tight in my knuckles like a grid lock. My eyes were screwed shut, hoping to prevnt the consistent fashbacks from raging in my mind. My head was aching from the ongoing strain to avoid having memories of Evangeline.They were hauntng me. Hunting me down to destroy the little shreds of life still existing in my body.

My senses were coasting on th borderline of getting hammered. But I didnt give a fuck. I had nothing to hold myself together for anymore. My actions caused her to desert me like I reeked havoc on her dignity. Which I did in plain sight. Everyone knew of my devious plan. Her precious innocence was slaughtered by my cruelty and selfishness. She had already been through hell, I brought her back to it.

The door jingled open and I barley lifted my head up to see who came sauntering in. I took a swig o my sparkling beer and reached for my empty shot glass, hitting my knucke on the wood once. i wanted to destroy this shit bar and sink my fist into crushing bone. The bartender fixed me another fireball and slid it my way. I knew Evie would murder me if she knew I was drinking. I couldn't pull myself out of my slump to bother.

"Three Guiness please." A voice interrupted my thoughts. It was a soft voice, one the didnt belong here. Lanas fmiliar face seered across my mind as I recognized Evies best friend.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" I growled. Lana looked at me, a gare sttting on her petite featutes.

"You arent the only person thats allowed to go to a bar." She said. I pushed myself up to stand, my feet shaky underneath the weight of the booze.

"Is Evangeline here?" I pressed. Lana rolled her eyes.

"You know she doesnt come to these places." I ran a hand through my hair. My heart was beating rapidly and I rushed past her and climbed into my car. My head stung as a memory I urgently tried to hide plagued me.

~ "Harry..." Evie squealed as I pulled her onto my lap, her back resting on the steering wheel. My lips tenderly touched the skin on her neck. Her head rolled back as my tongue rn across the sensitive skin under her jaw.

She cupped my face in her hands nd pulled my lips to hers. My fingers held her ass tightly, breathing in her scent. I kissed her harder, forcing myself to ignore the betrayal I was kissing her with.

"When did you know you loved me?" She asked after she was sitting back down on the leather seat. I paused.

"Because my heart started beating again."~


Hope you enjoy! Please comment!!
Im gonna ty to be as interactive with you guys as I can!!!! (: (:

all the love


Thanks you!!! The next chapter will be up by Saturday!!

Pleaseeeeee update! This story is WOW! *head explodes* is that my brain that landed on the screen??:)

Hey babies! Sorry its been a few days since my last update but Ive been so busy with the holiday. Chapter four will be up by monday!! Comment and Vote

xoxoxo all the love
Catie Styles

CatieStylesmitam CatieStylesmitam

Thank you so much! I'm so excited for this story!! (':

CatieStylesmitam CatieStylesmitam

Wow! This is a very good story! I can't wait for chapter two! Love love love it!

julietrainier7 julietrainier7