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The Boy I Fell In Love With

The Old Cabin

Louis's POV:

"Stop!" I ordered the cab driver, who halted the cab in the middle of the gravelly road.

"Here?" he questioned, gazing around at his surroundings. "But there is nothing here! Are you--"

"Yes, I'm sure," I snapped at the driver impatiently while tossing him some pounds. "Bye."

As the driver hesitantly drove off, I stared at the empty night sky, with no stars shining. I could almost hear the wind whisper to me, "There's no more hope, no hope, no hope..." I quickly started my walk to the school's parking lot, interrupting these thoughts.

My watch read 11:58. He could be here any second. My hands shook as I glanced around, trying to find Austin in the heavy darkness. I could feel memories rising-- memories including Aria, Austin, and Samantha.

"You're on time," a voice growled. I turned to face Austin, and I felt like he was the predator, and his next meal was me.

"Where is she?" I asked sharply, noticing that Samantha wasn't with him.

"You'll have to follow me," he smirked, his eyes glinting in the darkness.

"Do you think I'm that stupid?" I scoffed, but inside, I wondered if I would have follow him to see the love of my life again.

"I thought so," Austin muttered, and he reached into his pocket and before he pulled it out, I knew what it was. He pointed the gun at me. "Follow me," he commanded.

He led me west of the school, and into the woods. There was an abandoned cabin, small and withered from age. I let my hope rise, but when I was inside, I saw that there was no Samantha.

"Where is she?" I demanded, whirling around to face Austin. I didn't care if I got shot. I just had to know that she was safe.

"I'll show you," Austin grinned, and walked over to the middle of the cabin. He lifted some floorboards, and motioned for me to go under the cabin. So Samantha was underground. I felt like I was walking in to some kind of trap, but I went anyways, ignoring my phone that was blowing up with texts.

As Austin joined me and put the floorboards back, I just saw that I was in this empty, cold cellar. "Liar," I bellowed at Austin, and lept at him. He pointed the gun at me and there was a loud bang. Did he shoot me, I wondered. No, he shot the ground.

"That was just a warning shot," he spat at me. There was a ring on the floor, and Austin lifted it up. We were going even more underground. I climbed down the ladder and saw. In the middle of the underground room was a table, and Samantha was tied to the table leg.

"Samantha!" I gasped, and raced over to her. I put my hand on her cheek, wiping away her tears. "Shh, it's okay, I'm here." As I struggled with the knots, I felt a hand punch me on the cheek. I rolled on the ground, clutching my cheek as Austin glared down at me.

"Why?" I whispered, and I could taste some blood in my mouth.


Plz UPDATE SOON!!!!!! X :)
Plz UPDATE SOON!!!!!! X :)

I know I love that fanfic, abducted :)

Yes to a Sequal!!!!!! Did you really need to ask? :{)