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Loosen Up

Chapter 2

Brooke POV:
*20 Minutes Later*
We arrived at the ally at 4:30. When we get the I get out of the car and here some one yelling at Zayn and I as we are getting out of the car. I turn around and look to see who was yelling at me,and it was Niall.

"Hey love." He says as he comes up behind me.

"Well hello." I say to him trying to do his British accent.

We laugh at each other and then Niall puts his arm around my shoulders and Niall, Zayn, and I walk to the end of the ally where our gang always hangs out. Zayn and I went and stood in the spot we always stand in and he wrapped his arms around my waist. I turn around to face Zayn and am about to kiss him, but then I here my best friend shriek and come running at me.

"Oh My God HI!" She says to me and she jumps on me and hugs me to the point that I can't breathe.

"Oh, Hi" I say to her as I am trying to catch my breathe from how hard she hugged me.

"Woah, what was that all about Alex? You hugged her like you hadn't seen her in ages?"Liam says as he wraps his arms around Danielle.

Oh come on. I am not saying that she can't hug me, but don't hug me when I am about to kiss my boyfriend. Ots not fair to Zayn. When you do that it takes my kisses away from him. Not fair do it again and see what happens.

"What? I can't hug my best friend?" She says as she turns and looks at Liam.

"No, No, No. I am not not saying that at all. She is your best friend, but I was just saying because you hugged her like you guys hadn't seen each other in ages. It was only since last night." Liam says as he looks at me and looks back at Alex.

"Okay you guys, stop it now! Alex he is not saying you can't hug me.He was just surprised because of the way you did hug me." I say to them trying to calm them down.

"Okay fine." Alex said as she looks down at the ground.

I turn around and kiss Zayn. As I stop kissing him he pulls me back for another one, but this time doesn't stop. He grabs but butt making me gasp. As I gasp he sticks his tounge right into my mouth and explores every inch. Just as we were getting to the good part someone interrupted us. We stop kissing and Zayn lets out a groan of frustration.

Zayns POV:

I let out a groan of frustration because of the person who interrupted us. Brooke turned around and saw it was Perrie.

"Awe what you can't handle me and MY boyfriend making out?" Brooke said to her making sure she puts a lot of feeling in the word 'my'.

"No just think that the image of you and Zayn sticking each others tounges down your throats is a little disturbing and gross." Perrie as she looks at her nails.

"Oh I see.... So it is jealousy." I say to her and laugh.

"Nope. And I am sure that everyone else in the gang would agree that it is quite disgusting." Perrie says as she points to every other person.

I thought about what she said for a few seconds and then I remembered that they do it to us all the time. So if they did it to us then we can do it to them.

"Perrie can me and you talk please." Brooke says to Perrie with a fake smile.

"Sure. Where at." Perrie asks and she smiles.

"This way." Brooke says as her and Perrie walk to the start of the alleyway. As they walk off I stare at Brookes butt and rub my chin.

Brooke POV:

Perrie and I get to the beginning of the alley and we stand there for a moment not speaking.

"Listen. I am afraid that you are going to try and break me and Zayn up." I say to Perrie as I turn to face her.

"Oh my god! Why would I do that!!" Perrie yells at me disappointed.

"Because I have Zayn and you don't. Because you want him so bad!" I say trying not to cry.

"Im not going to do that. I might be selfish but not the selfish. If Zayn and I get together or will be on its own."Perrie said as she pats me on the shoulder.

I stop talking and wipe the tears off of my cheek and look up at her.

" Thank you Perrie. I needed to here that."I say to her as I pat her head.

We walk back to the alley and Liam, Louis, and Eleanor are fighting.

"HEY!! What is going on here! I am gone for like 5 minutes and you guys are already fighting! What's the problem?" I yell at them as they all look at me. They all start talking again at the same time so I yell at them again.

"STOP!!! One person at a time! Liam go" I yell stopping the argument.

"Okay so I suggested that Eleanor should get a tattoo and then Louis got mad at me for it." Liam said in a calm voice.

"Okay Liam if you think El should get a tattoo them that is your opinion. Louis if you don't think El should get a tattoo then that is your opinion. El if you want to get a tattoo then get one and Louis you can't stop her." I say to then calming them down. they stop arguing and I ask the girls what they wanted to do.

"Oh how about we go to the mall and go shopping." I hear Linessa suggest. I thought to myself that if no one else was giving ideas then we should do it.

"Okay the. The mall it is." I say to the girls as we all walk off to the car.


There you go guys. Hope you liked it. I know it sucked monkey balls.. Leave some comments and let me know what you think. Thanks love you!!!!❤ please leave me comments and let me know what you think. Thanks loves!!!


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