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Don't Let Me Go ~ N.H.

Chapter 8

I woke up hours later still in bed…tucked in and fully clothed. Huh…Andre must’ve gotten rid of the evidence, I thought. I got out of bed and went downstairs.

“That was some nap you took,” Mom said.

“I wasn’t taking a nap,” I said. “Andre knocked me out and raped me.”

‘That’s bullshit! You teach her to lie like that?! She’s lying! She was taking a nap!” Andre said.

“Mom, I’m not lying! You’re dating a rapist!”

Mom laughed. “That’s the silliest thing I’ve ever heard!”

“You’ll be sorry you said that when you become a grandma!” I burst into tears and ran back up to my room.



This went on for four whole months. Mom continued to deny that she was dating a rapist. I’ve lost all connection with Niall thanks to Andre. I got a package from Niall one day, but Andre threw it out.

I looked at the pregnancy test again. Two pink lines. I was pregnant with Andre’s baby.

I threw the pregnancy test in the trash and went to Kami’s house to tell her.

“See? I told you your mama was dating Andre Fenton!” Kami said after she heard me out. “How are you gonna break it to Niall?”

I had told Kami about Niall earlier.

“I can’t. Thanks to Andre, I’ve lost all connection to Niall.”

“You can call him on my cell.”

“Nah, he wouldn’t recognize the number. I’m going to the doctor’s office. Will you come with me…you know, for support?”


Kami and I got into my car and went to the doctor’s office. It was jam-packed, so we waited for an hour to be taken to an exam room.

Ten minutes later, there was a knock at the door. A young doctor came in and introduced himself as Dr. Cunningham.

“I’m Carlie Jennings, and this is my friend Kami,” I said.

“Okay, Miss Jennings. I understand you might be pregnant.”

“Yeah, I took a test and it said it was positive.”

“Well, hop up on the table, and I’ll take a look.”

I climbed onto the table, and Dr. Cunningham started the ultrasound. It didn’t take him long to find a heartbeat. “Well, I hear a heartbeat…no, TWO heartbeats! You’re having twins, Carlie!”

“Oh, God…” I groaned. “Can I get an abortion?”

“Well, it’s your choice, Miss Jennings, but I don’t think you should. You’d be killing two beautiful additions to the world. Does the father know you’re pregnant?”

“There is no father. I was raped.”

“Ah, I see.”


After the appointment, I dropped Kami off and drove back to my house to tell Mom.

“Mom, I now have proof you’re dating a rapist!” I said.

“What’s that, hon?” Mom asked.

“I…” I started to tear up. “I’m pregnant…with twins.”

There was a pause before Mom said anything else. “You go up to your room. I’ll talk to Andre.”

I went up to my room while Mom talked to Andre. I leaned against the door so I could listen in on their conversation. All I heard was shouting, dishes breaking, and then a gunshot.



thanks, Cathy! There will be a sequel, too!

Hey...its a really nyc story...I love it

Ahanya Banerji Ahanya Banerji