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Mörk Sanning

F o u r

Nova's POV~

I sat in a painful silence as Rob and Maurice tried to explain this situation to Louis. My tendency of brutal bluntness earned me a spot in playing the solo silent game. It seemed as though neither of these men could find the right words to explain this certain predicament, and I was growing weary of it.

Their constant small talk was eating away at my patience. I had to say something, "Louis," Rob and Maurice both turn to me giving me warning looks, "you're being sought after." I say in the most adorning way possible. He stares at me dumbfounded and confused.

I turn to rob and flat out say, "If he has to know eventually he may as well know now, it doesn't make sense to stall. That only would waste time." Rob waved me on to continue in an annoyed way. I turned to Louis with a file in my hand to present him with it.

"Here," I gave him the file and continued, " as you may know when you are very popular you tend to draw attention, usually in your case vigorous appraisal, but in a few select situations there is still the grave attention. When I said you're being sought after what I meant was, they want you dead." I clear my throat as I finish waiting for him to freak out on me.

"Louis-" Maurice started, and the now very pale Louis finishes it, "Don't talk."

"Why the fuck was I not one of the first ones to hear about this?! Of all of the shit that comes out of your mouth Maurice why wasn't this the first? I just don't get it..." Louis trails of in to a panicked mumble. In his panic he flips through the file I gave him landing on one paper in particular. It was a copy of the white piece of paper with cut out letters and a skillfully cut out eye taped to the top.

Rob opened his mouth as he was about to say something, but hesitates and then continues, "Well the reason hasn't been made one hundred percent clear yet. We received a threat letter mailed to you, and we assume that it's from a gang in UK. It's got distinct markings on it that we can assume is from one of the western gangs. The entire package that it was delivered in was coated in gasoline, meaning that no finger prints can or will be found in or on the package."

"Rob," I butt in before he can say anything else, "that's enough. The fact of the matter is that we will be protecting specifically you," I jester towards Louis. "but we will keep a close watch over your band members as well."

The poor kid looks as if he was about to go in to an anaphylactic shock. I sat him down on the clean cut read couch, and offered him something to drink. He refused at first, so I held back a bit. The juxtaposition of the couch and his complexion made me uneasy. He was ghost white. I look up to Rob and Maurice to wave them off to leave, but they didn't budge an inch.

"I can take care of the rest. Will you two Inform the rest of the band members of the bigger situation." I said it more as a command than question. They had no choice due my words of action, so they left without their silent protest. I watch the two leave out the door of the dressing room. In my right hand pocket of my black jeans I hit the small button on my sedation device, and I hear the almost undetectable security camera die.

"Louis can I offer you a drink?" I ask as I did before. This time he just gives me a distant nod.

I get up off the couch leaving Louis by himself, probably one of the few times he will ever be alone again, and I walk over to where the fake crystals glasses sit beside the shitty choice of liquor. In my breast pocket of my army green jacket sits a small vile full of sodium thiopental, truth serum. I put ice in to the glass as I take the vile from my jacket. I place exactly four and a half drops of the candor substance on the ice and pour the liquor on top. I swiftly put the vile back in to the confinement of my jacket, and carry the drink to Louis. He takes it with no extra thought.

I sit in silence as he swallows the drink down with ease. He sets the clear glass down on the table and clears his throat, "Don't take this the wrong way, but you seem like you got a stick up your ass."

A half drop to much I thought to myself.

"Is there right way to take that?" I say with a bit of regret.

He just sat in silence still taking everything in. He looks at his glass longingly as if he was expecting it to magically fill back up. I get up, grabbing the glass, clean up any residue left, and put it away. As I pivot turn back I swiftly grab a bottle of water. Sitting back down he takes the bottle from me and chugs about half.

"So Louis there are a few things I'd like to ask you... " I pause thinking carefully about the exact things I need to know. There are some unforgiving truths that I do and do not need to know.


So to any of you who are still here, hey! Sorry I haven't updated in 6 months I feel super bad about it...life has just been to crazy for me lately. It's now Christmas break and I've found a bit of time on my hands, what better to do than to write? Ehh either way please comment, rate, and subscribe! Let me know what you think of my slow coming of a story, haha! I might be able to update once more over the break.

Swedish word of the day(?)- docka which translates to doll in English. (May or may not be important for the story later)


So glad you updated x

petal petal

Can't wait for it!

lovelypastel lovelypastel

@indiah, @cocapuffs

Thanks so much! I love it when I get comments like these, I can't wait until I finish this up coming chapter. It will be a bit longer by the way. ;)

This_crazy_girl This_crazy_girl

Love the first chapter! Hope to see more from you x

lovelypastel lovelypastel

This is awesome. Short, but you packed a punch. I love the unfamiliar Swedish concept. I'm quite curious about it now :)

indiah indiah