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Can you keep a secret?

Chapter 7

I'm now 18 years old, my birthday was last week. Over the course of these last couple weeks, since I found out my father was moving to L.A. I've also been learning about the business, I'm a fast learner so I'm almost ready to take in on myself.
Anyways today was the day that I get to meet my soon to be step-mother, I was invited to lunch. I'm not excited at all, but I mean I'm happy for my dad. I really am. Just I've never even met my mom, or really had a mother figure in my life. So I don't know how I'm going to feel about all of a sudden having a new mom.
I slipped on a pair of black flats, while looking in the mirror. I at-least want to make a good impression on this woman. I flattened down my purple skater girl skirt. 'You can't put this off any longer Sythia, or else you'll be late' I told myself.
I made my way out of my room. I saw Brenda spread out on the couch. I rolled my eyes. Last night I was trying to work but she wouldn't go, she kept on turning the T.V on while I turned it off. She just doesn't get it, she never will. This always used to happen when I was in college too, she would interrupt me and my studying, but in this case it would affect my JOB not just a school grade. It honestly pissed me off.
I let out a heavy breathe I didn't know I was holding in. I decided to just leave her there so I wouldn't be late. I really do want to imprint a good first impression on her, now that she's going to be my new mom.
I grabbed my keys from the bowl near the door. I opened the door quietly not to wake Brenda, and then I slammed it so then it would wake Brenda, so then maybe she'd leave, and just go home.
I decided to just walk there, it was only a few blocks away, I also didn't feel like trying to get a taxi, and it also was surprisingly warm outside for a Winter day in New-York. This would also count for my daily exercise, even know it wasn't that much.
Eventually the restaurant came into view, it was a very first-class type of restaurant. Ones me and my dad don't care for. We would rather go to a normal old diner, just because the food was simply better. It was probably her idea. I really hope she's not materialistic, or just uses my dad for his, well actually now our money.
I opened the door, I was engulfed in warm air, and the smell of expensive champagne. The smell was so strong it almost made me gag. I walked up to the hostess.
“Um, excuse me, I was looking for my father Mr.Hass.” She looked up at me and smiled.
“Okay let me show you where they are darling.” She started walking, she had longer legs then mine so I had to walk a lot faster to keep up with her.
I saw my father seated next to a girl that looked about in her mid-twenties. I was shocked she was so young, especially sense my dad is fifty-nine. The hostess, walked away, and started talking to another table.
My father looked up at me and smiled. I slowly sat down, still shocked. I got a closer look at the lady, she had some dark tattoos up and down her arms, and her neck. She doesn't seem like my dad's type at all. Although I never really knew what my dad's type was. She was pretty though she had tattoos that covered her beautiful body. She had black hair, and these electric gold eyes, that just captivate you. She was beautiful.
She smiled at me before speaking, “Why, you're just the prettiest little thing.” She had a very thick country accent. “Darik you never told me how pretty she was.” She lightly hit my father's arm.
I blushed at the complement, “Nice to meet you...” I trailed off, because she never told me her name, and I do not want to call her mom.
“Reen, darling, my name.” She took another sip of the champagne.
I nodded, shyly and smiled. I took in my surroundings. I've never actually been in this restaurant. I looked around and saw a familiar face making it's way towards the table. My face dropped it's smile, and it turned into a deep frown with a scowl. Alan. Why does he always have to try to approach me? Me and him are not getting together.
He reached the table and had the nerve to get into the chair next to me. He looked at me, while I gave him a death glare. How dare he? My father clutched the side of the table. He told Alan to stay away from me.
Alan bent over, kissed my cheek “What are you having darling.” whispered into my ear, before going back and looking over the menu. “So wheres that boyfriend of yours now hmm? What's his name Harry or something?”
I gaped at him, “Harry, is not my boyfriend, but neither are you.” I growled.
I turned back to look at my father. He clenched his jaw, before speaking “I didn't know you and Harry where even friends.”
“We are it's nothing more then that Dad, I promise.” I let out a sigh of relief when his face softened.
Reen rubbed his back to try to comfort him. I smiled at that. Alan coughed awkwardly. I decided to quit being nice about it. I balled my hand into a fist and punched him straight in the balls as hard as I could. He groaned in pain as he held his balls, he finally got up from the table, not before sending me a death glare.
The lunch was surprisingly very nice, well except the encounter with Alan, he's just a asshole. I'm happy I get along with Reed though. We are going shopping tomorrow to try and get to know each other better. My father had to go to the office, I told him I'd be there later I just have to pick up some files at home. So sooner or later I turned onto the side walk of my street. I was about to start walking up the steps to my house, but there was a figure standing there before knocking. I awkwardly coughed and the figure turned around. It was just Harry.
“Sorry, I was at lunch with my father.” I took the key out and stepped inside. I threw the keys in the bowl next to the door.
I saw Brenda sitting on my couch eating ice cream while watching some movie. It pissed me off. Harry looked at me confused.
“Brenda just go home okay, I have work to do, and you already interrupted me enough last night. So can you please just go home!” I huffed.
She turned her head towards me and she started crying. “Brenda I'm sorr-” She cut me off “No, I'm sorry, just my mom kicked me out. I don't know what to do Synth.”
“Brenda why didn't you tell me? Why did she kick you out anyways?” I sighed.
“S-she kicked me out because, I-I'm pregnant.” She stuttered.
I gaped at her. “Do you even know who the dad is?” She shook her head.
“Brenda just stay here and eat all the ice cream you want, I just need to go work okay? I'll be back soon okay?” She nodded.
I looked over at Harry and I saw him giving her a sympathetic look. I quickly grabbed the files from the counter in the kitchen. Harry was already waiting at the door, for me. I quickly grabbed my keys and made my way out the door. I just wanted to get to the office as soon as possible, so I can get back to Brenda as soon as possible.
Harry already got us a Taxi while I was thinking. I climbed into the back, Harry following me right after. There was for once since I've met Harry, there was a very awkward silence. He thankfully broke it as soon as he realized it himself.
“What are we going to with her?” Harry asked.
“I don't know. She needs to get a job, though so she can move out because I have work to do and her being there will distract me. I don't have time to take full on care of her.” I sighed feeling bad.
“Well you're going to still help her to get out there right?” He ran his hands through his hair, he only does that when he's thinking.
“Of course.” I put the thought of how hot he was into the back of my head, it wasn't the time for that.
The taxi stopped in front of the building. I gave the man a hundred dollar bill, even though it was probably a twenty-five dollar ride, I just wanted to get out of this car.
Harry got out, I followed behind as he held the door open for me. I looked up at the building, once again. I sighed. “Here we go again”



Oh my god... I'm dying... please update... before you kill me... *dies* too late...

Jasper_Renee_II Jasper_Renee_II

oh man! I really thought the worst after how last chapter ended. thank you for not making me freak out :)

katydi katydi

ahhh noooo!!!! why did she? why did he have to be there? ahh!!

yay! badass synthia comes out to play! FYI, sometimes it doesn't let me log in, but know I'm reading every chapter and loving it!

Spartl_ Spartl_