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Can you keep a secret?

Chapter 16

(Harry's P.O.V)

I called Synthia's name, but she was too busy talking to Albert. I sighed before continuing to follow them.
My dad's getting married, and I wanted Synthia to come to England with me. I also think getting her out of here would do some good for her, and myself. She's always worrying about her job, we always argue over it and it all ends up being because of our jobs.
She really hasn't been herself lately. She's been nasty towards anyone at all that wants to help her. She's slowly becoming her father. I love her but I can't stick around when she's never even around.
Albert opened the door to the stairs, and held it open for Synthia. I quickly grabbed it before it slammed shut. I quietly made my way down the stairs behind them.
“I'm leaving New York,” She said. “What? Why? Who's going to run everything?” Albert started to panic, while Synthia stopped making her way down the stairs.
“Albert, I just need a break.” He made a 'o' shape with his mouth “I can slowly feel myself turning into my dad. I don't want to end up being like him. Speaking of him, he's also coming tomorrow I just don't want to deal with him.” He sighed before speaking “Synthia I get it, and your stressful affair with Harry isn't helping either.”
I was so ready to strangle him at that very moment but I just wanted to hear what Synthia had to say. “Ugh, I know.” That hurt. “If I wasn't his boss he probably would of dumped me by now.” 'Does she really feel that way?' I thought. “We've just been arguing a lot lately.” I agreed with her on that part.
She sighed before sitting down on the step she was on. “Maybe you and Harry just aren't meant to be.” That made my stomach clench, I couldn't loose her my entire world now revolves around this one 18 year old blonde girl. “Yeah, maybe.”
That hurt so bad, I let out a shaky cough. I saw Synthia go pale before turning her head towards me. “Harry” She started but I cut her off “Synthia do you have any idea how much you mean to me? I fucking love you so much, and I know you do to. If it wasn't for this damn job you wouldn't be so blind to see that.” I was sad, but slowly that sadness turned to anger. She slowly stood up from the step, not saying a word.
My was heart pounding, my breath was getting heavier and heavier. I had never been so pissed in my entire life. I threw a punch at the hard marble wall. I felt a shot of pain go through my hand and up my wrist. I quickly withdrew my fist, and saw that there was blood on the slightly damaged marble.
I immediately looked down at my fist and saw how my knuckled where busted open. “Harry,” Synthia whispered. I whipped my head up towards the beautiful girl in tears. “Synth, I-i I'm sorry I shouldn't of gotten mad at you,” I stepped forward, brushing away her warm tears off her beautiful face with my unharmed hand. “I'm so sorry” She whispered so quietly it was barely audible.
“I think we should get you to the hospital.” Albert stood up examining my hand. “I'll drive” Synthia sobbed. I felt so bad, I shouldn't of gotten so upset, it's not like she broke up with me.
Synthia silently sobbed the entire drive, and the entire time I was getting checked out by the doctor. While Albert went home. I fractured 2 knuckles and thankfully didn't have to get stitches.
She drove back to my apartment. She opened up my door, giving me a sad smile, a type of smile I hoped to never see on her pretty face. I leaned in a kissed her on the nose. She quickly dialed in the security number to the apartment building.
She opened up door, before holding it open for me. “Synth I can do stuff on my own.” I sighed as the door closed behind her. “Harry please, just let me help you.” I groaned before giving in.
Synthia grabbed the apartment key out of my pocket, and unlocked the door. She once again held it open for me. I groaned in annoyance when I saw Randy sprawled out naked along with two girl laying on top of him.
“He's such a man-whore.” I heard Synthia chuckle as we made our way upstairs into my room. “Synth” She hummed in response “I was meaning to ask you if you wanted to come to England with me, my dad is getting married and I was just wondering if you would come with me? I don't want to go alone, because if I do my family is going to get on me about never finding a girl.” I plopped down on the bed sinking down into the softness.

“Harry, I'd love to. When is it?” “It's in four days.” She smiled a smile that I hadn't seen across her face in weeks.


Ugh these short chapters latley! So sorry for the short chapter! I hate writing and reading short chapters. But I promise next one will be much better!


Oh my god... I'm dying... please update... before you kill me... *dies* too late...

Jasper_Renee_II Jasper_Renee_II

oh man! I really thought the worst after how last chapter ended. thank you for not making me freak out :)

katydi katydi

ahhh noooo!!!! why did she? why did he have to be there? ahh!!

yay! badass synthia comes out to play! FYI, sometimes it doesn't let me log in, but know I'm reading every chapter and loving it!

Spartl_ Spartl_