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Can you keep a secret?

Chapter 10

I threw another pair or jeans into the suit case. I was finishing up the little bit of packing that I had left to do. I zipped up the suitcase after throwing in my toothbrush and hair brush. I unplugged the charger out from the wall, and threw it into my backpack.
Last night was one of the best nights of my life. I just hope that things won't go back to being awkward again. I really hated it when Harry kept his distance from me last week. I have a feeling he won't shut me out like he did then.
I almost feel like everything is going by so fast between us, even though we've know each other for three almost 4 months now. I have no regrets when it come to me and Harry, and I hope he feels the same way.
I dragged my suitcase, along with my backpack down the stairs and next to the door. I walked around the huge house, quickly locked every window, and made sure I didn't forget a single thing. If I did more then likely I can buy it when we get there.
After checking the entire house I threw on a think winter coat, and made my way out to the car. I was going to pickup Harry for the first time ever. In our months of being friends. I've never been to his apartment. Harry didn't have a house, it's just to cheaper for him to live in a apartment.
I'm actually quiet curious to see where he lives, and also to meet his roommate. From what I here he's not the sharpest tool in the shed. Harry makes enough to have his own damn apartment, I would know because I give him his pay check. His roommate's probably a close friend of Harry's
I made sure to lock the door behind me, after I made my way outside. I whipped open the trunk and lightly set my suitcase down. I had Christmas presents for Harry, I didn't want to break anything. I climbed in immediately turning up the heat. It was a very cold winter day.
I typed Harry's address into the GPS on my phone, he gave me his address last night so I can come and pick him up in the morning. I then tried my hardest not to hit the car in front of me as I pulled out onto the street. Thankfully I squeezed through.
I thankfully never got lost. I parked in the parking lot behind the apartment complex, I parked in a guest parking space. I got out and made my way towards the door. There was a key pad, I remembered Harry told me the pass-code. It was 3852. After I entered it the door became unlocked, but it locked right back up after I closed it again.
He said he was in C4 on the third floor. I just decided to take the stairs, the staircase was right next to the elevator.
I soon made my way to the third floor, and opened the door. I began the search for C4 it was only a couple door down from the stairs. I brought my fist up to the oak wood door, and softly knocked. I heard a faint 'Be there in a second.' I stood and waited for the door to be opened.
The door flew open, a boy that only had a sheet wrapped around waist, with his toned chest exposed. He smiled at me before looking me up and down. He bit his lip, he was so attractive. I pushed that thought to the back of my head.
“Uh, is Harry here?” I shyly asked.
He had a thick British accent, just like Harry “He's asleep, but in the mean time we could have a bit of fun.”
My breathe was caught in my throat, “Uh can I come in, s-so I can wake up Harry.”
He opened the door a little bit wider for me to come in, I slipped past him, my chest touching his. He smirked at me. Once I made my way past him. I looked around a little bit, it was a nice apartment.
“Where is Harry's room?” I quietly asked, but loud enough for him to hear me.
“The room upstairs.” He pointed towards the spiral staircase.
I quietly thanked him before heading up the stairs. Once at the top I quietly opened the only door upstairs, and I quietly shut it before looking around his room. I expected it to be a mess, but it was actually very neat not a thing on the floor besides his suitcase which I'm guessing he packed last night.
Then in the corner of the room was a bed. Harry spread out, all over the white duvet. His curls sticking up in each direction. I could here him silently snore. He looked so cute.
I quietly tip toed around to the side of the bed that had a little room for me to get in and wake him up. I climbed on top of it on my knees, I placed my hands on his chest.
I never realized he had tattoos, I looked at all of them that I could see in the position Harry was in. He never really showed off his chest or his arms, so I never knew. I'm going to admit that it made him a lot more attractive.
I lightly shook him, to try and lightly wake him up. He didn't budge. I shook him harder, still nothing. I took my hands off of his chest.
I leaned over him, until my lips where almost touching Harry's, my lips lightly grazed over his. Until I went in a kissed him. He lightly stirred, his lips moved slightly against mine, I took my lips off of Harry's.
“Harry get up.” He tried to stay still and act as if he where still sleeping “Harry I know your awake.”
A smile appeared on his face “Damn it.” He muttered, before opening his eyes. “Mmm good morning to me” His voice morning voice, just made me melt. He pulled me on top of him, I squealed.
I laid my head on top of his chest. I heard every beat of his heart, and I felt his every breathe. I looked up at him, put my chin on his chest. He was already looking at me, his hand reached up and pushed my bangs up out of my face.
“You never told me how hot your roommate was.” I joked. His faced hardened, his jaw clenched together. He light pushed me off of him, onto the other side of the bed, and he sat up. He thankfully had jeans on. He got up, grabbed a shirt before throwing it over his head, and down his toned torso. “Harry I'm just kidding.” I crawled to the end of his bed.
His face softened, he sighed. “Did he say anything too embarrassing?” He ran his hand through his hair. “No. He answered the door, with only a sheet around his waist. Does he do that all the time?” I giggled. “He's a old family friend.” He sighed, but ended up chuckling. I got off the bed and wrapped my arm, around his torso. His arms wrapped around me. He kissed my hair, before setting his chin on top of my head.
“Miss Hass we have a flight to go catch.” I chuckled, he muttered a 'what' “We're no longer taking a plane.” He slightly pulled away, he gave me a puzzled look. “We're taking my dad's private jet.” His eyes widened. “So we don't have to rush through a airport.” He slowly nodded.
“Well let me brush my teeth, and we can get going. Okay?” I nodded.
He entered his bathroom. I decided to make Harry's bed real quick while he's brushing his teeth. I put pulled the duvet back up and set the pillows back down, of course after I fluffed them up again.
The bathroom door opened, Harry was putting the toothbrush in a bag and put it into his suitcase. He thanked me after looking at the bed and seeing it was made. I realized Harry also put his hair up in a bun. I never realized how long his hair was.
The bedroom door then opened, Harry's roommate entered, not even bothering to shut the door. He now had a pair of sweatpants on. He flung himself on the newly made bed. I glared at him, he sent a wink in return.
“What the hell do you want?” Harry huffed. “Just coming to ask you who she is.”
“She's Synthia Hass, she's Darik's daughter.” Harry face hardened annoyance clearly spread across his face.
“So you're doing the bosses daughter?” I gasped, both me and Harry shook our heads. “So then she's single.” No one said anything, me and Harry weren't technically together, we've only went on one date. “You're not asking her out Jeremy.” He huffed.
I turned towards Harry, he sent me and sympathetic look. “We have a flight to catch.” I lied just wanting to go. “Yea, a flight to catch.” Harry also said catching on to what I was doing. He muttered a 'Bye'.
Harry picked up his suitcase and made his way down the staircase. Once we exited the apartment Harry apologized for his roommate's behavior. “I now know what you're talking about.”


Just the feels!! Sorry It's sort of short, I just wanted to end it there. Next Chapter I promise will be better!


Oh my god... I'm dying... please update... before you kill me... *dies* too late...

Jasper_Renee_II Jasper_Renee_II

oh man! I really thought the worst after how last chapter ended. thank you for not making me freak out :)

katydi katydi

ahhh noooo!!!! why did she? why did he have to be there? ahh!!

yay! badass synthia comes out to play! FYI, sometimes it doesn't let me log in, but know I'm reading every chapter and loving it!

Spartl_ Spartl_