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I know how you feel...

Leah’s POV
“Yeah, good friends” Harry smiled at me. “Like I believe that” Jesy jokes around, just being herself. I move forward and gave Lily a hug and when I came to Jesy she whispered some words into my ear. “Where’s Zayn?” she whispered and when I looked her she had a sly smile on her face. “I’m not his babysitter” I smiled back at her.
“Leah you haven’t introduced me to your friends” Harry speaks up when Jesy and I stopped laughing. “Oh yeah, I’m so sorry” I begin “This is Lily and this is Jesy” I say as I point to them. “Hii” Harry says before he comes and stands next to me “Hey” Lily and Jesy replies. “So how long have you been friends?” Harry asked “Well Jesy and I have been friends since 1st grade, but we only met Lily in our 1st High School year” I replied with a smile. “O” was all that Harry could say.
The door then opened and in came Zayn and Niall, looking very pissed off.

Zayn’s POV

UGH…that stupid cafeteria! “What’s wrong” a voice suddenly asked and I soon learned that it was Leah “That stupid hospital cafeteria, wouldn’t give us food and Niall was driving me NUTS cause he didn’t get any food AND you know how he behaves if he’s hungry, but can’t get any food!” I replied “It’s a miracle that you’re still alive” Harry spoke up. “Who? Me or Niall?” I asked. “Both of you!” Harry exclaimed “You got that right” I answered.
The nurse then came in placed Leah’s plate on her table. “You can have it” she said after the nurse exited the room and she motioned Niall to take it. “Thanks!” Niall exclaimed and gave her a hug. He then went and sit next to her bed in the chair I slept in and began to eat.
I then looked up and for the first time I actually saw that we were not alone. There were two girls with us that I didn’t know, one with blonde and blue hair and the other one with brown hair. The one with the blonde hair is really pretty. “Who’s your friends?” I ask “I’m Jesy” the one with the blonde hair says “and I’m Lily” the one with the brown hair says “Hii, I’m…” was all I could say before I got cut off by Jesy “Zayn, we know” she said “How?” I ask surprised “Leah” Jesy replied with a warm smile “OH” I say as I return the smile. Jesy and I started talking and it turns out we’ve got quite a lot in common.

Leah’s POV
I saw Jesy and Zayn talking and I could see the sparkle in Jesy’s eyes when Zayn started talking to her. Jesy saw Zayn for the first time at one of the boy’s practices when we sat on the side and I showed her who’s who, but because Zayn doesn’t play she had a better view of him, so that’s when she told me she thinks he’s cute. I was soon interrupted while thinking, when Harry spoke up. “So what are you doing today?” he asked. “Hopefully getting discharged” I reply “I’m with you on that” he replied with a smile.
“What happened to the rest of the guys last night?” I ask all of a sudden when I think about Lily. “After they went to wash their faces they decided it was time to go home” Niall replies as he placed the empty plate on the table. “They wanted to say goodbye, but you were already asleep” Harry adds because I think he could see the question on my face. “Oh” I reply “Are they ok?” I add “I think so” Niall replies and I just nodded in reply. “So why are you still here anyway?” Harry asks “For observation” I sigh
“I’m just quickly going to the bathroom” I say before I turn around to exit. I’m walking down one of the isles when I suddenly feel a warm hand covering mine and when I looked up I saw Harry smiling at me. “I decided to walk with, JUST in case you get lost” he says “oK” I laugh and pull my hand out of his grip. “Leah!” I turn around when I hear my name and I discovered that it was the nurse, I walk up to her and come to stand in front of her with Harry next to me. “Hii, I was on my way to you to tell you that you can go home” she smiles “You just have to sign a few forms” she adds “thanks!” I exclaim. She then turns around and walk away. I start to jump up and down and I soon find myself in Harry’s arms. When I got snapped back to reality I pulled back “sorry” I apologised “don’t” Harry smiles “You’re going home!” he exclaims and we then started walking to the bathroom and to my surprise it was just around the corner.
When I walked out of the bathroom I saw the happy smile on Harry’s face and I immediately started speed walking to my room and I was soon running, with Harry next to me. When we reached my room I entered and when Harry had also entered I broke the good news by telling them that I can go home. The nurse then came and changed my bandages and gave me the forms to sign.
When everything was signed she told me I could go home. When I walked out of my room I saw my mom sitting in one of the chairs and when she saw me she got up and gave me a motherly hug. “How long have you been here?” I ask when we end the hug “All night” she replies “What?” I ask surprised “I asked that they keep you for observation to make sure everything is fine” she replied “but when I got back from the cafeteria they told me that you were sleeping” she added “OH” I replied and I then got all my friends and we went home.
When I entered my house all the memories suddenly came back to me. Memories of the day Ash came to pick me up and I saw him for the first time in years, memories of the one weekend my mother was away with his mum and he came to stay with me, that memory hurt me the most. I walked up to my room with Jesy and Lily only a few stairs behind me and when I opened my bedroom door I couldn’t take it anymore. When I walked into my room and saw my bed I broke down, I ran to my bed and started screaming and crying, cause the memories kept on playing through my mind of the night that we had sex for the first time.
“Leah!” Jesy and Lily screamed when they saw me on my bed. They ran to me and they both threw their arms around me to calm me, but nothing worked, NOTHING could take those memories that were playing in my head away, I kept on seeing Ash in front of me. My mom then came up and not even my own mother could calm me. I then saw Jesy searching my bag for my phone and she then called someone, but at that moment I couldn’t hear who she was talking to, cause I was too busy screaming and crying.
After a while I heard someone else coming into my room and talking to Jesy. Lily then removed her arms from me and someone else came to sit next to me and placed their warm arms around me and started talking to me “Leah listen to the sound of my voice” he said “Leah, it’s ok” he continued “you’re going to be fine” he added. He kept on talking to me and after a while I started to relax and my crying got less. I looked around and I couldn’t see anyone in the room. My mom, Jesy and Lily had closed the door and waited outside while he calmed me. I soon saw that it was Harry who had his arms around me. I turned around and buried my face into his chest as he sat there with his arms around me.
“Talk to me” he suddenly said “what did you see” he added and it had sounded as if he was talking out of experience. For a second I doubted but I then decided to continue. I told Harry what I saw and he hugged me even tighter and said “I know how you feel”…


Hii Hii
hope you enjoyed it :)

Dancing in the dark


Hii I just wanna say that I'm putting this story on hold, but it probably won't be for too long... and I also just wanna add that I have a new story, Love through a suicidal act, if you wanna read it.

Dancing in the dark

Hii... Just wanna say that I'm starting with a new story 'Love through a suicidal act' if you wanna read it.

Dancing in the dark

@Dancing in the dark
You're welcome. I'm adoring this!

petal petal

Awww... thanx! I'm glad you like it

@Dancing in the dark
minor changes or not, I went back and read everything. honestly loving this story x

PaperHearts! PaperHearts!