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3 Years Ago..
As I sit on the hotel couch, my eyes on my phone, Liam changes the TV channel to the news. ‘’hey, there’s that girl I was telling you about, Louis.’’ I hear him say. I look up at the TV just in time to see a picture pop up of a girl, perhaps fifteen, possibly sixteen?

The lady starts to talk about the topic, in which I haven’t heard of yet, ‘’Alabama teen Lynsey Shaw reveals horrible past and parenting. Shaw released this information only a few weeks ago to Orange Beach, Alabama’s sheriff, who then told the supreme court of the problem. Lynsey will be given treatments and testing to make sure she hasn’t caught any thing through the years of suffering. The living conditions of Lynsey and her sister, Kayla, aren’t known currently, but police officials will investigate soon. She has been questioned on the situation, if it is true. And she said that she swears its all true. Good Morning America’s Robin Roberts got the personal chance to talk to Amy Shaw, Lynsey’s mother, on the situation. Alabama judge is determining on whether to charge Shaw with abusive, mistreatment, and possibly suspicious murder attempts. Officials of Alabama have not released a actual statement yet, but the interview with Amy Shaw will appear on GMA in the morning. It is said to be a vivid, and emotion scene. Possibly, horrible for some viewers with soft hearts. I’m Katherine Little, World News at 9.”

I roll my eyes, releasing a light huff at the TV. That’s pitiful. A parent shouldn’t ever do that, no matter what the personal situation or state of mind is.

Liam and Louis silently discuss the conversation amongst themselves as I decide to do some venturing on the Internet, just to learn a little more about the girl, Lynsey Shaw.

That’s a pretty name, unique spelling. Its really pretty. And she’s pretty too, and way too innocent looking to have been treated that way.

I type in her name and automatically, faster than I had thought, pictures and articles pop up all over my phone screen. I got a lot of reading to do now.


This a new story, of course! And I just would love to think you all for reading and checking it out!! And i wish you can comment, subscribe, and rate please. keep or delete? I REALLY NEED YA'LL'S OPINIONS!


@Niall's Irish charm

thank you! xx

It's good, keep going.