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Dad Or brother?


"Does this hurt?" The doctor said poking my ribs with a tool. I in take a harp shaking breath

"Yeah just a little" Tear are threatening to come down. I look up at ashton He is sitting in those uncomfortable hospital chairs looking at me sitting on the doctors table. HE looks so tired and worn out. NO dip he was pounding on your chest for a whole 15 minutes! I thought to myself.

"On A scale of one to ten how bad does it hurt" The doctor said holding up 1 finger then 10 fingers.

"A 4" i said holding up 4 fingers on my right hand .

"Okay we are going to have you take some X-rays and then i will give you some meds or what ever we will have to give you" The doctor said before he left the room.

"You know you don't have to lie about the pain right now" Ashton said getting up and sitting next to me On the tan doctors table. he started to rub circles on my back to comfort me. I'm terrified of doctors offices and my anxiety was kicking in and i started to fidget with my hands.

"But it doesn't hurt so much to be a 5" I said look to my side. He so concerned. His green eyes filled with worry and his eyebrows were coming together making his forehead have a vertical crease from his nose to the mide for head. His forehead started to wrinkle up.

"You can tell me when ever you're hurting you know, Right?" He gave me a small smile making only his right dipple show.

"yeah i know just lets not act like im hurt that bad, because i'm not"
I shrugged making my ribs send off shoots of lighting of pain throughout my body.

"No don't fake it, I saw the pain in your eyes for a second when your shrugged!" He pointed at my eyes.

"Ms. Irwin?" A lady in pink scrubs came to the door with a blue clip board in her hands.

"Yeah?" I asked

"Come this way we will get you your X-Rays" she said. I followed her down a white hall way with many rooms to each side. She opened the door at the end of the hallway. I revealed a dark room with some light by a computer and a big machen and a another table but this one is metal.

"Please go lay down on the table and i will be right here, the X-Ray Machine will go up and down the side to side to get the picture then you done. " She said as she helped me on the
The machine made a small humming noise as it went up and down then side to side.

"OKay all good now we are going to put it on the big screen for the doctor and what it looks like you might need a cast." SHe said leaving me in the room by myself.

"This way sir" I turned to my left and saw ashton and the doctor come in.

"So this is her ribs from her collar bone down to her hips. Right here there is a broken Rib .There is one here and one here, Oh Also right here" He said pointing at each rib " they all are in her breast to lower breast region "

"Ohh so what do we need to have to help them heal?"

"Well we will have her lay low and not to move as possible, we will also be giving her this medication" He said handing ashton the slip of paper for a doctors note.

"Thank you" AShton said helping me up and leaving me follow him to the pharmacist. He had gotten the pill then we left and got home again.

"So she had 4 broken ribs all in this area and she had to take these every 5 hours" Ashton explain to luke what happened at the office.

"Bri i am so so sorry" luke said with a puppy dog look on his face he was truely sorry and hasn't stopped sayin it since we came home

"Luke i'm fine"I laughed making me cringe in pain

"Bri come take some meds" Lou said getting a cup of water for me

"Oh well imma going to be popping these pills" i joked



My nickname is Bri because my name is Brianna... I love this so much ❤️

Hey it's a continued storie it call dad or brother? Continued bcs of the whole Google thing and I haven't been able to update it but I will as soon as possible so please go read the rest

Hey it's a continued storie it call dad or brother? Continued bcs of the whole Google thing and I haven't been able to update it but I will as soon as possible so please go read the rest

Omg update please I can't bare this

yes it would have hahahahaha