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Zayn quit 1D

Zayn Quits

Am heartbroken toallzayn grls am here to support yall cause ZAYN JUST QUIT ONE DIRECTION sad but true sorry though the band will continue as HARRY LOUIS LIAM AND NIALL IT IS LITTERLY SAD .



You aer so right

I'm not partial to Zayn, no, but that doesn't mean the pain of realizing the split doesn't still exist. Everyone blows off this big news flash because they only see One Direction as a stupid boy band...but that, my fellow directioners, is not at all what they are. They're the boys that stole our hearts and made us fall into a void of false realities. And even though it will never be quite the same without Zayn Javadd Malik, we will always remember in 2010 when One Direction was born and began a long journey that's still not over. This is just an obstacle on a long line of jumps and turns. Let's be there for them, not against them, no matter how hard it gets :) Love to all, stay strong!

~C.R. xx

atomic_girl411 atomic_girl411

@vas Happenin? Swaggy002
Look up perrie edwards new yoko ono

Guys do me a favor go to google and look up perrie new yoko ono

i know sweetie