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Saving A Fallen Star (Book 1 in Saved series)

Chapter 7: I Told You

Harry's P.O.V.

I sat there frozen with shock. 'She just saved my life!' I thought, 'I knew it, I knew something bad was going to happen!!!' Then I heard a scream and was knocked back to my senses. I crawled over to the girl who had just saved my life and shook her shoulder.

"Hello? Look does me a favor and don't die." I said panicked. She moaned. "Good at least I know you’re alive." I quickly stood up, grabbed a hold of the light and threw it as if it was a feather. I kneeled down and gently touched her neck, searching for a pulse. It was slow and weak which drove me into full fledge panic mode.

"Is she dead?" Louis asked.

"No. At least not yet." I carefully picked her up and ran offstage, the lads following close behind.

Our manager saw us running and came over stopping us. "Harry! Thank goodness you're alive and in one piece."

"Are you for real!!!?” I fumed. "This girl needs medical attention right now!!" The girl moaned, eyes fluttering open.

“W-where am I?" She asked.

“You’re at the concert hall in London." I said gently.

"Oh. Who are you?"

"I'm Harold."

"As in Harry Styles?!?!?" The girl asked eyes wide, tensing.

"Y-es" I answer slowly. I was trying to place her face; I had seen her before but where???? Then I felt her relax and it scared the heck out of me. 'Did she just die in my arms??????!!!' "L-Liam is she....." I asked breathless. He gently grabbed her wrist, held it for a few seconds, and nodded his head no. I exhaled completely relieved. I put my head on hers, hiding my tears. Liam took her out of my arms and Louis forced me to sit down. I placed my head in my hands and began to sob.

"Harry, this could have happened to anyone. It's not your fault." Liam said trying to comfort me.

"No. It is my fault. I knew something bad was going to happen, and I didn't take the precautions. Now because of my mistake, this fan, this girl was injured." I moved her hair off of her face.

Then as if struck by lightning I recognized her. We had made eye contact, and she had waved at me.Tears prickled my eyes; I gently took her back from Liam and said, "This is not how I planned to meet you." I cried some more then stopped. I felt something sticky on my hand. Slowly removing my hand from underneath her leg, I looked at my hand and swore. My hand was covered in blood. I tore off my jacket and wrapped it around her leg screaming," Where are the bloody paramedics!!!!!??????"

Then as if by magic they appeared. As they wheeled her into the ambulance, I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned around and said, “I told you so." Then I ran into the ambulance ignoring the lads come back calls. We drove off, I held her hand squeezing it tightly, mentally screaming 'hang in there.' Speaking loud enough for her to hear me, I said, "Please, don't give up, stay with me. Stay with me."


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#1 1D fan


Please update soon

Plzzzz update

Alright I'll do it some time this week I promise. (and if I don't spam me till I do)

Update, when you can, ok? I love it!

thank you so much!! That helps alot.
LiamsBatgurl!! LiamsBatgurl!!