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Saving A Fallen Star (Book 1 in Saved series)

Chapter 3: What's Gonna Happen?

Harry's P.O.V.

The day had gone great for me. Lots of adoring fans, photo shoots, signings, interviews, your average day. It was now 3:30 and nothing bad had happened. Nobody died or was gravely injured which was soothing. Well wait, Niall just about died now because he lost his King Size Twix Bar. It was actually kind of funny watching Niall scramble around looking for his Twix. Then Louis pulled it out from his hat. Yes, Louis was wearing a hat in the summer. Not a baseball hat, oh no Louis was wearing his gray woolen/cotton hat. Louis laughed at Niall's facial reaction.

"Louis William Tomlinson! How dare you!? You almost gave me a freaking heart attack!!!" Niall screamed snatching his Twix back.

"Just playing a little joke Niall."

"Well it's not funny!" He said storming off, eating his Twix.

We all laughed at Niall's obsession, excuse me dedication (yeah right;), the feeling came back. It was uncomfortably stronger than this morning! I stopped laughing immediately to concerned to laugh and began to think (again). Louis and Zayn were so confused and didn't hide it. They gave me a confused glance *cough, cough, stare, cough, cough**, and Liam stared at me concerned. After a few seconds he asked, "Harry?... Are you okay?"

"Yeah, you've been kind of...yeah alright you've been SUPER jumpy today." Zayn added after Louis 'really...kind of jumpy?!?' look.

"What's going on in there? You're not being dirty again are you Haz?" Louis asked knocking on my head. I swatted at his hand, glared at him, and then confessed.

"Guys I've, uh well... Ever since this morning I've umm...had this bad feeling. It keeps getting worse as the day goes on. Now it feels like.... I don't know, like someone close, maybe one of us is going to die or get gravely injured or something. I just can't shake it...no matter what I do."

"Is that why you've been looking over your shoulder every 10-20 seconds? Not because you're checking some chick out?" asked Zayn.

"Really?...Really Zayn??" I said exasperated, "Yes that's why I've been doin' that." I put my head in my hands, exhausted. The same thought's whirled through my head. 'Who's going to be the unlucky one? What's going to happen? When? Where?, How?' I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked up slowly and nearly jumped out of my skin. "LOUIS!!" I yell. "Don't do that!!!"

"Come on Haz, you're under too much pressure. Let's sneak out, go have some fun, and clear your head in the process. That's my advice at least."

"Louis, that's always your advice."

"What? It always works."

"Let's go!!" exclaimed Niall.

"Where?" I ask.

"Bowling." Niall said in a 'duh' voice.

Liam then said, "Harry you could use a break...we all could honestly."

'Daddy Direction moment...and they are sooo pressuring me!' I thought. Then I said, "Allllll-right, you win. Let's go bowling!"

The lads cheered and began to shuffle out the door. I however went the other direction (ha-ha). I walked outside and leaned causally on the railing. As I looked out into the busy city of London, I wondered aloud, "What is going to happen? Can anybody, in the bloody city tell me!!?” Miserably I shook my head and ran after the lads. I caught up with them but stayed towards the back. Again I wondered, "What is going to happen? What, what, what?"

"I don't know Harry." Said Liam softly. "I just don't know."


Thanks for reading please comment:) !!!!

#1 1D fan


Please update soon

Plzzzz update

Alright I'll do it some time this week I promise. (and if I don't spam me till I do)

Update, when you can, ok? I love it!

thank you so much!! That helps alot.
LiamsBatgurl!! LiamsBatgurl!!