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Saving A Fallen Star (Book 1 in Saved series)

Chapter 18: Tests, Tests, and uh..Oh Yeah!! More Tests

Kaya's P.O.V.
To wrap up all the tests the doc's did it was; a blood test (those seriously creep me out), a quick x-ray (cool and creepy at the same time), flexibility (sheer annoying-ness), reflexes (to see if my nerves in my ironized leg still worked), a walking test (OWWW), and there were some other ones but I don't remember them. I passed all the tests with flying colors except one. Yup, you guessed it, the walking test. I seriously bombed that one; I couldn't even stand up for two seconds. AHHH embarrassing!!
"Well...we could put her on crutches" one doc said.
"or a wheelchair." said another.
"Excuse me," I interupted. "Couldn't I just have a Leg Brace?I've seen them before on people. Can we at least try?? Please?????!!??"
They looked at me with an 'why didn't I think of that?' face. "Alright. We'll try it, but if you fall wheelchair. Deal?"
"Deal." I said.
As they left to get the brace, slowly I got into a chair and stared at the ceiling thinking hard. 'Would mom ignore or hate me? What would I do if she kicked me out? Where would I go??' I pushed these thoughts out of my head told myself to think positive, happy thoughts. I studied the patterns on the floor reliving my first morning's kiss with Harry when I heard footsteps. I snapped my head up and saw the doctors walking toward me the brace in their hands.
"Ready?" They asked.
"Yeah." I said while nodding my head.
They strapped it on my leg and I was so nervous I thought I might hurl. Then the doctors took 2 or 3 steps back and said,
"Now stand up slowly and stand still for a minute."
I nodded dumbly and did so, mostly. I managed to stand up for maybe 30 seconds before my head was spinning and my legs felt like jelly. I leaned onto the wall breathing deeply if they said something I didn't hear it. I now felt light-headed and collapsed into a pile, vision clearing slowly. I looked up at the doctors and stuttered,
"H-how long was that?"
They nodded their heads no and said, "I'm sorry, you only stood up, without a wall, for 31 seconds."
I put my head down in distress I was so close. Then out of nowhere a fiery determination burst through me and I slowly stood up again. Instead of standing still I took a very small step. Pain burst through me but I gritted my teeth and took another step, and another, and another each step getting bigger. The doctors stared with gaping jaws. I laughed for joy, I was walking!! It was slow but I was....Falling. I fell again and as I hit the ground I broke down into tears. I cried, and cried and cried unable to stop. The doctors helped me into the wheelchair and I didn't fight. They wheeled me outside and I was met with a flash.
"What the??" I asked. The answer I received was questions being screamed at me.
"What is your name?"
"Why did you save Harry?"
How did you know?" ect. ect. ect.
"What? Huh? Repeat please?" I stuttered. 'Help me Harry!!' I thought, 'Get me out of here!!'


Please update soon

Plzzzz update

Alright I'll do it some time this week I promise. (and if I don't spam me till I do)

Update, when you can, ok? I love it!

thank you so much!! That helps alot.
LiamsBatgurl!! LiamsBatgurl!!