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The Misfits

Chapter 49

I gasped for air as I was jolted awake. My eyes fluttered opened to see broken or compacted metal everywhere. I blinked furiously in attempt to see through the heavy smoke. My body hurt like hell. It felt like I had been hit with a…truck. I looked up to see the concrete and that’s when I realized I was hanging upside down in Harry’s all but totaled car.


I looked over to my right to see Harry hanging limply beside me, blood dripping from his forehead. That’s when the panic began to set in.

“Harry! Oh my god Harry!” I fought with my seatbelt a moment before falling back down to the Earth. I slowly made my way over to him, wincing as glass from the windshield cut my hands and knees.

The smoke was growing thicker now and I had seen enough action movies to know not to stay in a flipped car. My hearing was starting to return as sirens and screams filled my ears.

“Harry!” I coughed one more. I pushed the airbag away from his face and nearly sobbed at the sight of him. “HARRY!”

He let out a small moan. He was alive. Harry was alive. I tried to control my shaking hands as I attempted to undo his safety belt. But it was jammed.

“HELP! SOMEONE HELP ME PLEASE!” I screamed before breaking into another coughing fit.
“You need to get out! The car’s on fire!” called someone from the other side.

Growing desperate, I punched my bloody fist against Harry’s latch once more and he fell on top of me. Using the little strength I had left I pushed him towards the strangers voice. He was pulled from my grip and I began crawling after him. The smoke was so thick I could hardly see or breathe.

Strong hands took hold of my arms and pulled me out of the car. The last thing I saw was the spot that Harry had been not a moment before bursting into flames.


Nothing. I could feel nothing. I saw and heard nothing. All that existed was blackness. Or was it light?

What had happened? How did I get here? I couldn't seem to remember. Could I remember anything?

My name was Thalia. I remembered that. I lived with my mom and aunt Lucy. I had 11 siblings. But I hadn't been with them. Where had I been? With my dad? No, no that wasn't right.

The image of a smiling brunette appeared. He had dimples and long untamed hair that had been pushed back out is his face carelessly. His bright green eyes were elated, laughing at some private joke. I knew this boy.

But suddenly his face changed. He looked to be sleeping his eyelids flickering as if he was trying to wake up. His smile was gone and his hair now matted and wet. Wet with blood. It was dripping down his pale face. I had to help him.

I tried to call out to him but I had no voice. I tried to reach out to him but I could not move. He was dying and I couldn't save him.

Then it all came back. The fans. The crash. Harry lying there soaked in his own blood. My newfound limbs ached and throbbed. My hands felt as if they were on fire. I gasped for air and looked up to see a strange woman above me.

"Hey there she is," the woman smirked. She had on light purple scrubs. I was at the hospital. "Welcome back Miss Kalfis."

"Harry?" I croaked in a voice I didn't recognize.

"He's in ICU now Hun, he's gonna be just fine."

She and another nurse wheeled me into a room where they quickly hooked me up to an IV. She took my hands and I almost screamed at the sight of them. I looked like I had crawled out of hell. You couldn't even see them through all the blood.

The nurse gave me shots and my body began to numb itself from the morpheme. I watched as she stitched up my hands and wrapped them in gauze.

I kept trying to ask her about Harry but all she would tell me was that he had "hurt his head somethin awful." Which was useless information to me for I had already known that. I asked her when I could see him and she told me tonight if we were strong enough.

I began to doze off into a dreamless sleep, a side effect of the medicine. But I wasn't complaining. The medicine kept me from seeing Harry's lifeless face.





I frowned, wanting the annoying beeping sound to stop. Every inch of my body ached. I could hear voices as I began to wake from my drug induced sleep. There were loud and I let out a moan hoping they would just go away.


I opened my heavy eyelids to Louis standing over me. His hair was a disheveled mess, looking even worse then usual. Large bags hung under his eyes and I could see that he was crying. I attempted to move my arm but it felt like my bones were made of lead.

“Thank God! Oh shit Thalia we thought you were dead!” He half sobbed. I felt someone else take my hand and turned to see Maeve standing over me, tears falling freely from her face. Mackenzie stood with Niall in the corner both of them looking ashen faced.

“Don’t worry you can’t get rid of me that easily,” I smiled weakly. “How’s Harry? They wouldn’t tell me.”

“He’s in ICU,” Replied Elaine before pushing my hair back gently. “They think he’s going to be okay.”

“You saved him,” Louis added, his voice hallow. “You saved his life Thal.”

But I shook Louis off and turned back to Elaine. “Think? Ellie is he okay?”

“He hasn’t woken up yet,” she whispered.

It was as if someone had punched me in the gut. I suddenly couldn’t breathe. I needed to get out of this bed, out of this room. I needed to see him. And I needed someone to turn off that damn beeping noise.

As if reading my mind Maeve said, “Thal, they said they would take you to see him in a bit. Once you’re stronger.”

Stronger. All right Thal, pull yourself together. “How did it happen?”

“It was another fan.” I turned my head to see Liam stand up from the back of the room, wincing in pain. He looked even worse than Louis. “They must have been speeding down the street to try and see you and Harry in time. It was nearly a head on collision. Your car…flipped.”

“I remember.” I nodded. They all frowned at me as I pressed for more details. “What happened to the fans? Are they okay?”

“One has a broken leg, the other a concussion.”

Those poor girls. They’re going to kill themselves knowing they were the ones who nearly killed Harry Styles. I tried once again to shake the image of Harry hanging in the car from my mind but it seemed to be burned to the back of my eyelids. No Thalia. Elaine said he was going to be okay. He had to be okay.

“Have you guys seen the two fans at all?” I asked, needing a distraction before I lost it. I moved to sit myself up and immediately Louis and Elaine began to help me. It hurt to move. A lot. But I figured if I looked like I was feeling better they would let me see Harry.

“Briefly.” Liam ran a hand through his hair, letting out a deep breath. I frowned in response before he added, “Only enough to hear them apologize before they brought us here.”

“Well can I see them?” I asked.

“I don’t think that’s a good—”

“I want them to know I’m okay,” I protested.

“No offence babe, but yer a mess,” replied Niall. “Ya might scare em off.”

I looked down to see my hands completely wrapped in bandages; spots of blood already seeping through what I’m sure were fresh linins. I could feel the bruises on my right hip and knee forming. And I’m sure my face was a wreck. But I didn’t care.

“I’m fine.” I replied.

“Are you sure you’re alright?” Harry asked again.
“Harry I’m fine! Please just focus on driving.”
“You’re not fine stop lying,” he snapped back. “you know I hate-SHIT!”

“Thalia.” Liam snapped me out of my thoughts. I had been breathing heavily and they were all staring at me like I was crazy. “They said no visitors, you can’t see them.”

“And what are you? Elves?” I cried out. Both Liam and Elaine glared at me while the other four bit back smiles. I realized I was being dramatic but I think I had earned that right. I let out an exasperated sigh. “Well if you’re not gonna let me see them can you three go talk to them?”


“I’m serious you guys! ” I gently patted around my bed looking for the call button. “Oh where’s that nurses button…”

“Alright, alright.” Liam snatched up the button before I could reach it and stared at me hard. “We will go see them if you promise you’ll calm down.”

“Right now.”

“Right now.” He agreed. I nodded and he gently patted the top of my foot before heading out of the room. Louis kissed the top of my head while Niall merely shot me a wink.

“Are you sure you’re okay Thal?” Mackenzie voiced as soon as the guys had left. I held out my hands and she quickly ran over. I was not okay. That little temper tantrum had been a distraction. But it hadn’t worked and I realized it was information I needed.

“I’m fine.” I replied softly. There was that lie again. But I knew I’d be okay as soon as I saw Harry. Now was the chance to find out what was really going on. I knew the guys would try and shield me from any upsetting information, but my sisters would never lie to me.

“Have you seen him?” I asked hesitantly.

All three shook their heads. Maeve was the first to speak up. “But I heard Gemma saying they had to perform emergency surgery when he got here.”

I tensed at this news and the feeling of emptiness immediately returned. But of course they would have had to fix his head. There had been so much blood…

“He’s going to be okay Thalia.”

I nodded numbly. He has to be okay.

“The only reason he was in critical condition was because he had lost so much blood it wasn’t the injury itself,” added Elaine.

“They said you got him out of the car,” Mackenzie whispered. “The fans and paparazzi…they said you saved his life.”

“Do you think they’ll like me now?” I asked dryly. There was silence before all four of us burst into laughter.

“Oh shit! I almost forgot!” Maeve ran to her bag and dug around before pulling out something small. “We brought someone to help you feel better.”

“BUN BUN!” I cried, taking the raggedy old bunny in my hands and hugging him tight against my body. I looked up at my three best friends and felt tears stinging the back of my eyes. With a sniffle I mumbled, “I love you guys so much. Thank you for being here.”

“We’re just lucky Ni and Lou were over at ours when we...heard the news,” smiled Mackenzie.

“Your mom was going to come down but we convinced her she didn’t have to once we found out you were stabilized,” Elaine added.

“Figured you didn’t want your mom over here babying you,” Maeve chuckled. “She almost flew out. The boys were ready to offer her the jet.”

I let out a laugh, “Of course they would offer her the jet. No, I’m glad it’s just you three. I don’t think I could handle anyone else.”


Gemma pushed me slowly into the room. It was much bigger than mine and could probably fit a dozen people. But right now there were only for of us and Harry.

I couldn't tear my eyes from the bed. I moved to the end of my dumb wheelchair as Gemma brought me closer. I hadn't wanted to use it but the nurse threatened not to let me go if I didn't.
"Has he woken up?" I asked, my voice a small whisper.

"Every half hour or so he'll wake up for a few minutes," sneered Robin. A second later I was being pulled into a tight hug by Anne. She began crying, her body gently shaking as she held me.

"Thalia...Thalia you...you s-saved him," she sobbed. "You got him out of that car. Oh baby you're so, so brave. How can we ever repay you?"

"You never have to," I replied with a small smile. "Is he going to be okay?"

"He's got a bad blow to the head but the doctors fixed him up. They said he'll be okay."

We all jumped as Harry let put a groan from his bed. Gemma wheeled me to his side as the brunette beauty turned to look at me. He had a bandage wrapped around his head so his hair stuck up funny. He also had a black eye forming, but as far as I could tell that was the worst of it.

"Hey," I smiled. He was alive. I just had to keep telling myself that.

"Hey," he whispered back. Then a frown appeared on his face and he looked close to panic. "Why are you in a wheelchair?"

"They made me. I'm not hurt."

"She got into a fight about it with the nurse," giggled Gemma. "I thought she was going to sedate you!"

"You little troublemaker." Harry have a weak smile and I reached out to comfort him. However this was a bad decision. He snatched up my hand immediately, "what happened to your hands?"

"They were cut a bit from the glass," I replied, forcing myself not to say "I'm fine." "The nurse stitched me up. She said I would be alright."

"But how will you draw?" He pressed.

I gave him a smile, "Harry I have all winter break before I have to draw again."

"I'm just glad everyone's okay," Anne cut in, as Gemma gently rubbed my back. Harry still looked distraught and I began lightly running the tips of my aching fingers against his arm. He seemed to relax slightly on seeing that I was okay.

As the conversation turned to the accident Harry seemed to worsen. I guess Anne hadn't told him about the fans being the ones that hit us before. Once he had calmed down again his family left, leaving the two of us alone.

"You promise you're okay?" He asked weakly. I nudged him gently and he slid over so I could crawl up next to him. He took my hands and gently ran his fingers over the bandages. "Does it hurt?"

"Are you kidding?" I half laughed. "Do you know how many drugs I'm on right now?"

He let out a chuckle, "drug addict."

I stuck my tongue out at him and snuggled closer. We lay for a while in silence before I noticed he had tears in his eyes.

"Harry?" I frowned. "Babe what's wrong?"

"I-I'm so sorry Thalia-"

"Hey now, none of this," I wiped away a few of his tears and gently brushed his hair back from his face. "It was an accident Harry."

"But I should have listened to you! We should have just waited and then none of this would have happened."

"Harry, look at me. It was an accident that could have happened anywhere. It was no ones fault you cannot blame yourself."

"But I'm supposed to be able to protect you and look at what a shitty job I've done. The media and fans are attacking you, your ex is stalking you, and I nearly killed you!" He thumped the bed in annoyance with himself, while turning away to his his tears.

I propped myself up in my elbows to look at him, being careful not to use my hands. "Harry Edward Styles for the last time it was an accident. I am not dead."

"But you're not safe with me!" He cried out, taking my wrists and holding them up in front of my face.

"Safe?" I practically yelled. "Harry I didn't decide to date you because it was safe, I'm dating you because I fucking love you. Will you please stop talking like you want to break up?"

"I love you too Thalia, which is why I'm questioning if it's best to make you go through all of this."

"Stop trying to be all noble and listen to me." Harry rolled his eyes and if he weren't already in a hospital bed I probably would have hit him. "I knew going into this I would have to deal with paparazzi and upset fans. I knew I was going to have to live with long distance but I don't care about that be cause I. Love. You."

Harry opened his mouth to speak but I cut him off, desperate to make him see. How could he be saying these things? I was still recovering from the fact that he hadn't died. For the past 6 hours I had been a wreck because I hadn't been able to see him and now he's acting like he wants to break up? I couldn't handle it.

"They told me I wouldn't remember the crash but I do." I turned his face so he was looking at me, wincing slightly at the pain. "I remember hanging upside down in that car...and I-I remember l-looking at you and thinking you were d-dead."

I broke into sobs and Harry quickly wrapped his arms around me in a tight embrace. I clung onto him, breathing in his sent, touching him to remind myself he was really here.

"I th-thought I had l-lost you," I whispered and Harry pulled me even closer. "I s-so s-scared. Harry I-"

He cut me off with a kiss, pressing his lips hard against mine as if to remind me that he loved me too.

"I'm so sorry you had to see that Thalia, I...I can't imagine...let's not talk anymore. We're both on too many drugs to be making sense now anyways." He kissed my forehead and we lay staring at each other. "I love you. And everything's going to be okay."


Sorry for leaving you guys on that cliffhanger for a week but I tried to make up for it with an extra long chapter!
Harry seems to be taking this a bit harder than Thalia, do you think they'll be able to last?
What do you guys want to see happen?
I'll update again soon.
Promise this time.
Fo real.


I love this story I'm on chapter 33 now then I'll start the sequel!!!great job sweetie :)

Allie Miller Allie Miller

There is a sequel! I'm working on it now! Here's the link:

iknowplaces iknowplaces

I LOVED this story! It was amazing and you should definitely write a sequel! :)

amysmurfff amysmurfff

How could I ever leave my fave 1D writer

Thank you! I was a bit unsure about this chapter, but I'm glad you liked it as well. It was really hard ending it.

I'm working on the sequel as we speak! (or would it be type?) I've just been perfecting the plot - though I have a feeling you might all hate me...guess we'll just have to see. I'll post it soon I promise!

@Extraordinary Dreamer
I didn't want it to end either - which is why I dragged it out so long! I've fallen in love with my characters and just can't seem to let them go. Also thank you so much for sticking with me through to the end, I know you've been here from the start and you have no idea how much that means to me!!

iknowplaces iknowplaces