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Chapter 25


Connor pulled me into his rough grip, "Franta..." Ashton growled. I tried kicking Connor off to get a grip harder. "Ow." I cried.

I saw Ashton starting to tear up and began to say "Let her go, you can kill me. I don't care! Just don't kill Iris, she's my only point to stay alive. Fuck my gang.. I would quit if Iris and the baby didn't need it, but I still keep the gang because guess what..they'll need money. Connor just kill me, put me out of my misery, I wanted to die.."

"Okay," Connor let me go and I ran to Ashton hugging him, the tears in my eyes were unbelievable. "A-a-ash-ash-ashton." I said crying... "Hmm?" He asked me. "I love you." I said.

"Quit being lovey dovey Ashton's gonna die anyways." Connor says. Ashton walked up to Connor, he just stood there. Connor put a gun to his head. I couldn't watch.

I closed my eyes, I heard a bang. That was the end of Ashton Irwin.

I opened my eyes to a new sight, Ashton was alive, still breathing.. Connor was on the floor covered in blood. How? What the hell happened?

The full o2l gang stood there in shock, "You better leave now..I have ten more bullets.. that's more then enough to kill all of you." With that o2l dropped everything, including Louis.
"How did this.. my god." I said.

"I always come prepared, all of us do." Ashton says. "Cough, cough.. besides these seven nimwits. You know, them.." Calum says pointing to 1D and Dan and Phil.

"Shut up Calum," Dan says rolling his eyes. We all laughed. "Now, let's actually eat." I say.


Awwe, this is like my fave chapter I've ever written. Im so sorry for taking forever to update.. I got Youtube addicted.. NO! IT WASN'T JUST DAN AND PHIL! I also was watching Smosh, with Dan and Phil. Lol.. Also I was pretty depressed when Zayn left 1D.. BUT DID YOU SEE THE KCAS! IT WAS SO SEXY! ASHTON WAS DRUMMING WITH SLIME ALL OVER HIM! THAT IS LIKE UGHH! SEXY!




xD You'll see.


Okay. :)

bubbles.s bubbles.s

Yes a sequel pls!!!!

Sequel PLZ!!!

maddy2379 maddy2379



bubbles.s bubbles.s