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One Direction Imagines


(this ones slightly overdue.. sry!)


Okay. Got to do only ten more and we'll call it a day. Heck, I'll even treat myself with some icecream. C'mon Sasha.. just ten more.

I struggle to reach my goal of 150 pushups.



145.. fuck. I almost toppled over on that one. okay okay.. just five more now.

146.... c'mon

147... My arms hurt like heck....

148... yes yes... so close.

149.... ONLY ONE MORE....

150.... "FUCK YES!" I try to scream but it comes out breath-y...

I fall down to the ground and my body just rests itself for about a minute, but an evident smile is plastered on my face.

Once I feel restored, I get up and immediately lose balance. As I prepare myself to meet the floor once again... two arms catch me before I do.
I open one eye and find myself being pulled upright. I turn around to thank the stranger.. only to find the worst person to possibly exist.

"Zayn.." I say with distinct distaste as I push myself out of his grasp.

"Hey babe..." He says back with a smirk.. although his eyes are glued to something below my face. I fucking hate him and his fucking ass smile.

"If you don't mind me asking.... what the fuck do you think you're doing here?" I ask folding my arms across my chest. Only then did I realize what he was staring at.

I have pretty big boobs, to be truthful, and most of my past boyfriends have mentioned it was kind of a turn on so it didn't surprise me at all that he was staring at them especially since I only had on a sports bra with shorts that looked kinda inappropriate to wear to a public gym.. but hey! I thought it was usually empty on Thursday mornings. It always is... except for thanks to Mr.fucking-ass who decided to show up.

"Uhm.. I asked you a question Malik!" I shouted, and he instantly shook his head out of the trance. He looked up and smirked at me... "Sorry there babe, I got... distracted." he says with an evident cheeky smile. He knows I knew what this "so-called distraction" was.

"Yah whatever... just answer the fucking question. Why the heck are you here? Were you following me? Honestly.. I don't have time for this bullshit. I don't like you and you bother me so stay away cuz I'm definitely not interested. So why don't yo-"

"HOLY SHIT.. damn... are you nervous or something babe? You talk like you're on fire! First of all sorry to disappoint, but this is my local gym and my friend owns it, so I always come here. I forgot to come on Monday's like I always do, so he said I could come in today at this time.No need to piss your pants- er- shorts babe. I'm wasn't planning on following you...... yet." He says.


"Yah.. okay that's great to know. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna go lift some weights. Although, I do have one last important thing to mention." I tell him.
He raises an eyebrow," And what would that be, your royal highness?" he asks in a mocking tone.
"For you to stay as far away from me as possible, my undignified servant." I whip myself around and head towards the other side of the small gym.

I feel him watching me go to the other side and it makes me feel a little queasy but whatever. I just need to finish up in another ten minutes, like I always do, and get the heck out of here.

I set myself down on the bench and reach up towards the handles.

Ready. set. go.

I lift the weight up and move my hands to accommodate to the heaviness.
At one point, I let out a sound that sounds more like a moan. It wasn't on purpose at all, it was struggle-related as I was lifting it up five more times.

But as soon as I did that, I heard a faint "fuck" somewhere across the room. I decided to ignore it and continue the last of my lifting. I let out the same sound once more. And before I can comprehend what is going on, the weight is lifted off of my hands and set onto its stand. I get up in anger to shout at whoever did that, but I'm pushed back down as two lips hungrily attach to mine.

I push the person off of me and to my astonishment, it was Zayn.
"WHAT THE FUCK ZAYN?" I shout. " What the hell do you think you're doing? I was on my fucking last one and you stop me and then fucking kiss me? What about "stay the fuck away from me' do you not get?" I ask nearly screaming.

When I look at him, I see an upset face. He looks to the ground like he's about to cry. But then his face changes, to that of a hungry animal. His eyes go from a pretty brown to a dark reddish tone.... wait.. did I just say 'pretty?'

His eyes rake my figure up and down and he bites his lower lip. I look down to find that my sports bra had ridden up and you could see lower half of my boobs hanging out. oh shit.

I immediately try to pull it down when suddenly my body is thrown against the wall, and Zayn attaches his lips to mine ferociously. I try to push him off of me, but for some reason, his behavior is turning me on.

Before I know it, my sports bra had been flung across the gym and his tank was right next to it. He lips sucked my skin as he went down my neck and almost all of a sudden, he changed his pace. HE slowed and kissed my breasts tenderly as if they were delicate. He playfully bit my nipple and I tilted my head back letting out a moan.

He started gently groping and sucking my boobs as I got out of my shorts, and he did the same. His hands glided up and down my legs as he continued attacking my breasts.

"Just as perfect as I imagined..." He breathed still continuing his torture.
"FUck zayn..." I muttered grabbing onto a fistful of his hair and pulling it gently. He groaned at my action and breathed out, "jump."

I immediately followed his order as I wrapped my legs around him. His hands caressed my bum causing me to yelp slightly as he chuckled into my chest.

He set me down on the bench I was on earlier and pushed me down.

HE bent towards my ear and nipped it playfully as his hands softly squeezed my boobs.
"I'm gonna make you feel so good baby... But... I need to know that you want it. I don't want this to be a forced thing. As much as I'd love to just fuck you, I won't unless you say its okay."
He moves his head from my ears and looks me in the eye. Then it hits me... could it be?!?

"Zayn... am ..am I-uh-." I stutter not knowing how to say it. He nods his head beckoning me to finish. Here goes nothing. "Am I that secret girl everybody says you have had a crush on since middle school?" I look up at him and he looks slightly taken back but smiled a warm smile.

"uh... well.. yah." He strokes the back of his neck in embarrassment.
"So.. all those rumors.. of you having a room in your attic with stuff dedicated to your crush.. was that for me?" Honestly.. I'm shocked!

"y-yah.." Now he looks really really embarrassed and he tries to get off of me, but instead I pull him down. He looks confused, and I can still see the prominent red on his face. I search his eyes and give him a smile.

"You know Zayn.. as much as I hate.. or well hatED you.. I always admired the fact that you had a crush on a girl for so long. I felt that whoever that girl was.. she'd be a lucky one because she'd have someone who loved her truly. I just can't believe it's m-me." He stares at me blankly. "would it be awkward is I said I kind want to finish what we started 'cause I'm turned on as fuck and now that I know that girl was me, I want to kiss the life out of you."

He looks at me with pure happiness as he breaks into a toothy smile. "Gladly." He says before plunging his lips onto mine.

His hands move down to my legs and spreads them apart. "No more foreplay Zayn, I want you in me Now!" I say.

He nods and gets up. I look confused as he walks up to his shorts. He pulls out a condom and looks at me with a thumbs-up sign. Way to kill the mood Zayn! I roll my eyes but before I know it. He's back on top of me and he thrusts in hard, taking me off-guard. Well fuck!

We kiss as he continues to thrust.
"Fuck.. you're just as perfect as I dreamed you would be sasha.. so fucking sexy.. I'm gonna fuck the life out of your tight wet pussy baby.."
His dirty talk sent me over the edge as I countered back with a few lines of my own.
"Yah that's right Zayn... fuck my pussy..... GOD... you make feel so good baby... faster.. Zayn!! I'm gonna- OH FUCK!" I reach my high as so does he. He mutters profanities as we ride through our orgasm.

Exhausted, Zayn falls on top of me and we stay their for a couple of minutes.

"Do you--uh-- love me?" I ask quietly. He doesn't move but I hear him whisper softly, "I always have.." He looks up at me, and says,"and I always will."

"I love you too." I whisper before pulling him into a passionate kiss.

We get off of eachother and quickly dress back up before we get caught. We didn't make much of a mess so there wasn't a lot to clean up.

"You know.. I think I'm gonna take a week break from the gym. I got more than plenty of exercise to last me an extra few days." I say laughing. Zayn laughs back, "Yah.. I could say the same. "

We head out of the building and onto the pathway. Zayn insists to walk me back to my apartment and I don't refuse.
We finally reach my little abode and I turn around to say good-bye.
"Hey um-sasha... uh.. would you- well.. want to..you know.. bemygirlfriend?" He asks rather quickly. I laugh. I've always had a crush on him, but I guess I just hated him too much to realize it.
"I think it could work" I say with a wink. He smiles and I peck his lips good-bye as I slip into my room.

Well... I guess when they say love can happen anywhere.. they were being darn right truthful... because I happened to find the love of my life.. in a local gym.


This was WAYY overdue and I suck.. so I'm sorry. I'm an idiot and I hope you can forgive me for taking so long and its all thanks to my fucking school.

annyways.. I hope you enjoy this...


I love y'all! <3
thanks for staying with me :)


ofcourse... i'd love to!

love-babe love-babe

so I'm writing this story and i would love if you read it and gave me some feedback procrastinate is the name of it would mean the world to me if you gave me some input being that your such a good writer

haha.. glad u liked it !

love-babe love-babe

No problem love <3

love-babe love-babe

Ah wow thank you its really good and I love i