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Everything changes


I knew we couldn’t stay in London for very long, we are still THE most famous boy band from this time but I don’t wanna leave yet. I can’t just leave for almost a half year to visit America, can I? What would Kylie say? She would hate me for it uhg. I look to the other side of the room were Niall, Louis, Liam and Zayn are sitting and the only one who looks excited is Liam. Yeah he is also the only one who doesn’t have a girlfriend here in London. The rest of us need to leave our girls behind for six freaking months. This can’t be true.

Management is still talking about the trip and telling us what to do and what not but seriously I’m not even listening anymore, the only thing that I can think of is how to tell Kylie this. She became so important to me in just a couple of months. I can’t even explain it. She does something with me that no one ever did; she makes me feel special just by being with me. It’s cheesy I know, but I kind of like it.

Management is finally done with their talk and we are allowed to leave. The boys and I walk downstairs too our cars without saying a word at each other. I think we all feel the same, but we knew this when we entered x-factor. “Guys I see you around, I’m going to see Kyl.” “Wait what about a movie/game night at my place just takes the girls with you and we make some quality time before we head off to America.” “Sounds like a plan to me, see you tonight guys.” I open my car door and head on too our building. It’s so handy that I have the spare key to Kylie and Khloe’s apartment. I open the door but there is still nobody home so I lay myself on the couch and decide to wait for Kylie here.

I open my eyes and see Kylie’s stuff on the table. I hear the someone in the shower and I walk towards the bathroom, before I could knock she already opened the door. “Harry don’t ever do that again.” I chuckle and lean in for a kiss. She leans back and gives me a little peck on the lips. “Also hello to you beautiful how was your day?” “Long but good, how about yours?” “Not so good but we talk about it later we have game night at Louis tonight wanna come?” “Yeah sure, but what happened today?” She walks towards her bedroom. She turns around and gives me a worried look. “Nothing, we talk about it later I don’t wanna spoil the evening.” “Turn around Harry.” “Babe, you have nothing more than I haven’t seen before.” “I know, but still turn around.” I give in and take a seat on her bed with my face towards the wall.

When she’s fully dressed she takes a seat on my lap and wraps her arms around my neck. “Thank you for being so perfect.” And she gives me a long kiss. This is was different from all the other kisses we shared. With this kiss she showed she needs me. And because of that I give my all to her. This makes it so much harder to tell her that me and the boys have to leave in a couple of days. Yes you’ve heard me good, a couple of days.

“Come on, babe. Let’s go to Louis.” “Sure, but I have to write a note for Khloe.” “Why? Niall takes her with him you see her tonight.” “It’s our thing Harry.” I roll my eyes and she writes the little note and lays it on the counter. “Let’s go, I have to beat you at games.” “You think you can beat me, that’s so cute babe. Ok Lets go.”


Hiiii you guys,

Second update for today. I hope you guys like it. PLEASE VOTE AND COMMENT. I wanna know what you guys think.

This is what Kylie is wearing at game night at Louis!

I love you guys.


sorry it posted so many times

Makenzie  Horan Makenzie Horan

My favorite narry moment is when they are at an interview and Niall is trying to answer a question and harry is smushing his cheeks and you can barely understand a word he is saying.

Makenzie  Horan Makenzie Horan

My favorite narry moment is when they are at an interview and Niall is trying to answer a question and harry is smushing his cheeks and you can barely understand a word he is saying.

Makenzie  Horan Makenzie Horan

My favorite narry moment is when they are at an interview and Niall is trying to answer a question and harry is smushing his cheeks and you can barely understand a word he is saying.

Makenzie  Horan Makenzie Horan

My favorite narry moment is when they are at an interview and Niall is trying to answer a question and harry is smushing his cheeks and you can barely understand a word he is saying.

Makenzie  Horan Makenzie Horan