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Sweet Desire

Why Doesn't He Understand How Stupid I Feel?

Bella's POV

"Ready to go?" Harry asks as he and Dave finish locking up. I nod as I switch the main light off and we step outside.

"Are you coming David?" I ask as I look at him as he locks the outer door.

"No, I'm heading home tonight. I'll see you all in the morning." David says and I remind him tomorrow is my day off. "Ah yes, see you Tuesday." He smiles and says goodbye to us.

"Do you wanna jump in my car?" Harry asks as he unlocks his.

"I may as well drive, I can go straight home from there." I answer and Harry nods. As I unlock my car he stops and looks at me.

"You okay about going?" He asks as he is referring to Emily. I shrug as it is weird and it may affect me a bit but I have to get on with it.

"I won't stay long." I sigh as I open the car door and Harry nods.

"Are you ever going to tell him?" He asks as he climbs in his car but he leaves his door open. I look at him and shake my head.

"You can see how happy he is." I answer and Harry looks away. "I'll meet you there." I add as I get in my car and shut the door. We both start our cars and I follow Harry to the pub.

Once we arrive and have parked up, I notice Louis approaching the pub hand in hand with a very pretty girl, Emily. My heart does start to quicken as I can't believe how beautiful she is, I can see why Louis is so obsessed. What was I thinking coming here?

"Come on." Harry taps on my window and I open my door. "You're such a daydreamer." He laughs and I lock my car.

"I'm just tired." I lie as I look at Louis and Emily as we approach them. Louis grins as he excitedly introduces me to Emily.

"Nice to meet you." She says and I can't help but feel her smile is somehow forced. I smile back.

"You too." I add and Louis drapes his arm around her shoulder, she wraps her arm around his waist as we follow them inside. I look back at Harry and I leave the door open and I roll my eyes.

"Let's just get drunk" Harry laughs and I remind him we are driving. I know he's trying to find ways to lighten this up for me, but I just have to grin and bear it.
Harry and I take seats opposite Louis and Emily, unfortunately she's directly opposite me.
I knew this was going to be quite hard for me but I didn't think she'd make me feel this crap. The way she looks at me is almost as if she's full of disgust. I look away and I scratch the back of my head.

A few of the other guys we work with have turned up as they sit on a table next to us. I look over at them and smile as Craig, one of the mechanics is talking about today at work when Harry slipped on an oil leak.

"So Bella," Emily says and I turn to face her. "Louis tells me you're like one of the boys?" She adds with a smile. I do feel gutted that he has said that to her, but I try to break through it. But Before I can say anything Louis speaks,

"She has to put up with us enough." Louis laughs and I look at him and I don't smile. I turn to Emily again.

"Sometimes it's hard putting up with Louis, all we hear is Emily this and Emily that. Good and bad of course, but I guess somehow it's nice that he confides in us. " I answer and smile, her smile drops and Louis just bites his lip as he looks away. I glance at Harry who's biting back a laugh.

"She's the fittest girl in our work place too." Harry smirks and I can't help but laugh at him. I don't bother to let Emily know that I'm the only girl as I think I'll let it play on her mind. As Louis laughs she looks at him and frowns.

"Well, I'm glad you think of me at work." Emily smiles again as she starts to fakery smile again. How has Louis not picked up on any of this? In the corner of my eye all I can see is Emily with her arms wrapped around Louis' neck as they eat each other's faces. I feel a foot kick me and I look at Harry.

"Fancy giving me a hand at the bar?" He asks and I nod quickly and stand up. I don't look at Louis or Emily as Harry asks them for their drinks, I just head straight to the bar.

Why did I even consider that Emily could have been a nice person? I initially thought there's something odd about her and I know she's forcing all this affection on to Louis. I just don't understand why she keeps looking at me. There's no need to try and remind us that he's her's, we've heard it enough from Louis.

"It's sickening isn't it." Harry says as he joins me at the bar. "I don't know why she's all over him like that. I think you may threaten her?" Harry smirks as he looks at me.

"Don't be stupid, she's insanely beautiful." I snap and I really don't want to be here.

"You're beautiful too Bell." Harry sighs and I really don't want to talk about this.

"I'm sorry Harry but this isn't for me." I say as I quickly hug him. "You're a good friend and I know you're trying to help me suffer less but I just want to go home. I'll see you Tuesday." I add and Harry looks at me disappointed. I turn away from him as the girl behind the bar starts to serve him.
I quickly jog to my car wanting to get out of this place as quickly as I can. I unlock my car,

"Bella!" Louis calls and I frown as I stop and turn to him. "Where are you going?" He asks frowning.

"Home. I'm really not in the mood. Sorry." I sigh and I open the car door. He reaches forward and closes it.

"What's happened? It's not like you to quickly run out without saying goodbye." Louis asks and I look away from him. "Bella did Harry say something?" He asks and I look at him and shake my head.

"It's nothing to do with Harry!" I sigh and Louis shoves his hands into his coat pockets.

"Then what is it?" He asks and I look away again as I try to tell him I'm too tired. "Tired or not, you don't just run out like that. Is it because I called you one of the boys?" He adds and I shake my head.

"Louis. Please stop." I frown as I don't look at him but he continues to keep questioning me. "Lou.." I sigh over him but he doesn't stop.

"I know you well Bella so I can tell there's some-"

"You don't know me well enough to realise how much I like you though do you?!!" I snap loudly and I regret my words immediately. His eyes widen and my cheeks turn red.

"What?" He asks and I shake my head telling him to forget about it. But he gets closer to me. "What do you mean how much you like me?" He asks and I let my head fall into my hands.

"I can't do this. I will ruin everything.." I mumble and Louis just waits patiently. "Please.." I say as I try to open the car door.

"You like me as in what? A friend? More than a friend?" Louis asks and I'm starting to lose my patience.

"Obviously more than a friend Louis! Hence why I just want to get away from you." I snap and Louis looks away confused

"I had no idea.." He says softly as he drifts off into thought. I'm so angry at myself for letting it out.

"Why would you? You've been so focused on Emily." I sigh and he looks back at me.

"Is that why you left? Because of Emily being with me?" He asks and I wish the ground would just form a massive hole and just swallow me up.

"I left because she was all over you and she was trying to make a point to me. The way she looked at me Louis, she's not sure on me." Louis quickly shakes his head as he tries to convince me that I'm mad but I cut him off, "You're blinded by her, you wouldn't even notice."

"Bella.. I appreciate that you've told me how you feel. But being this jealous isn't healthy." I am officially speechless and horrified at his words, "I'm sorry that you've had to see me with someone else, but it's not Emily's fault that I don't see you the same way. You're my friend and just because you like me, that will never change." He adds and I really wish I could just slap him.

I don't say anything as I forcefully open the car door and get in. Shutting it after me I quickly lock it, I don't bother looking at him as I start up the engine and I quickly speedoff away from him.
Why doesn't he understand how stupid I feel? I've imagined before about telling him but his reaction in my head was different. I pictured him to be kind and caring, letting me down gently at least. But it was horrible, all he cares about is bloody Emily.

I wipe the tears as I can't seem to stop them, I'm so humiliated I don't want to face him anytime soon. I don't want to go to work, I need to stay away. My phones goes and as I pull over I read a text from Harry,

Are you okay? Louis doesn't seem happy after following you out. What happened? Xx

I wipe my eyes again so I can see the screen clearly as I reply,

I told him. I really wish I hadn't but I sort of blurted it out. He accused me of being jealous and now I don't want to be around him. I'm such a fool. Xx

I leave my phone on my lap as I try to pull myself together. He's just a guy, a guy who doesn't like me. That's fine, I know that things can't always work out so simply, but it's the way he made me feel. He's supposed to be my friend. My phone goes and it's Harry, I read,

What!? You're far from the fool here, he's such a dick. I'll have words. Good on you though for telling him, I guess he's more stupid than I thought. It's his massive loss. Xx

Harry's words invite more tears to stream down my face. I've never felt so emotional before. I know I'm over reacting but it's the shock of Louis that upsets me, I thought he was different and I'm not sure he's the stupid one this time.

Louis' POV

I stare into space as I think about how things were left between Bella and I. I shouldn't have been so blunt, just because I don't like her more than friends doesn't give me permission to be rude. I was in shock, I didn't know what to say let alone what to think.

"You sure you're okay?" Emily asks as she gently strokes my knee. I nod and quickly excuse myself as I head to the toilets.

"You're such a prick." Harry snaps and I turn around as he stands behind me. I frown as he looks at me in anger.

"Excuse me?" I snap and Harry walks closer towards me.

"How dare you treat Bella as if she's jealous of Emily. Do you know how hard it was for her to tell you how she felt!?" Harry asks in a harsh tone. I raise my eyebrows as I am completely clueless that he knew before me.

"I was in shock okay? I can't help it if I don't see Bella in that way! What would you have wanted me to do Harry? Get her hopes up and pretend that I'm longing for her too?" I spit angrily. "It's none of your fucking business anyway!" I retort and I look away from him.

"It's my business when it involves my friend. You could have handled it better, let her down gently. It's bad enough we have to put up with Emily all over you Louis, she is an evil cow as she knew Bella had some sort fondness towards you, otherwise she wouldn't be acting like a slag." Harry stops as I turn to face him. I get closer to him gritting my teeth,

"What the fuck did you call her?" I ask and Harry keeps his eyes on me.

"Do I need to repeat It?" Harry whispers and I quickly grab him by his coat and I pin up against the wall. Harry pushes me off him and I try to grab him again. "Look at you, you're a joke! You've pushed everyone away all for some girl that you barley know. You're an idiot Louis, a fucking idiot!" Harry shouts and I punch him in the stomach, my anger is rising and rising.

"Fuck you!" I shout as he grabs me and I'm thrown into the sinks. I grit my teeth as my head smacks forcefully on the edge of the sink causing my head to throb in pain. I manage to push him off me, as I go to charge towards him I feel someone grab my arms pulling me back. It's Craig. Then Ollie, one of the other mechanics grabs Harry as they ask us what's going on.

"You've changed Tomlinson. You've known Bella longer! She deserves better than that! You're a prick." Harry says and I manage to get out of Craig's grip and I storm out of the toilets and I head towards Emily.

"Come on, we're going." I snap as I take her coat and pull her up from her seat. She starts to question me what's going on but I pull her towards the car. I can't seem to calm myself.


So I had to get some drama started :)
Poor Bella? Poor Harry? Or Poor Louis?
What do you think? Who's right and who's in the wrong?
Let me know :)


Wow thank you so much, it's lovely to hear that it's one of your faves :) I've got a new story called Lost if you'd like to follow my next story! X

Thank you so much for this story, it is one of my favorites and I'm going to go back and read the whole thing again! Can't wait to see what you come out with next!

I'm so sad it's over but it has been one of the best stories I've read. Thanks for that!

@More than a feeling
You're very welcome, Thank you so much for reading and enjoying it :) x

@Who's Teddy
Oh you're so welcome, thank you so much for reading and enjoying this story :) x