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Just say yes!

Learn to love again


'Run, you idiots!'- Matthew pushed Eric and David. Apparently that wasn't in their plan, their guns had to threaten... not to kill.
The three escaped from the building, and my eyes looked at the victim. My heart stopped for a moment, the pain was unbearable. Jace stood in the corner with wide open eyes, he couldn't believe what had happened.
'Jace, call an ambulance.'- My voice was barely heard. I had no power to speak, but the second time my shout made ​​Jace jump. -'Jace! Call an ambulance immediately.'
Harry was lying on the ground, his body was so lifeless. I ran to him and grabbed his arm.
'Harry, please. Open your eyes, please!'- My tears ran down my face, and then continued on his arm.
He coughed and slowly opened his eyes, meeting mine. The bullet was in the area below his heart.
'Hold on, the ambulance will be here any moment.'- I was stroking his face, trying to keep him awake.
'All the time... we were fighting, breaking up, but you were next to me... I was next to you. We were happy.'
'We'll be again, Harry. You'll be fine, nothing will stop us.'
'Marry me!'
His words made ​​me cry even more. Harry used all his strength to utter them. I nodded in agreement.
'I love you'- I kissed his lips like never before, they were cold.
He smiled, then closed his eyes... forever? I was his last kiss, the last love and support. At that moment my life ended too, at this point I stopped living, I stopped breathing, thinking and feeling. I wrapped my arms around his body, praying, but then the medical team pushed me and tried to save his life... it was late... too late.


It was my fault. I ruined his life and career, I killed him. I took his last drop of life.
'Don't worry, Emma. There is still hope.'- Bella rubbed my back, while we were waiting at the hospital.
Niall, Zayn, Louis, Liam, Gemma, Anne, even the managers were here. No one said a word, but I knew they blamed me. I could see it in their eyes.
The doctors were in the operating room for so long, no one told us anything. We were just praying for a miracle.
'I want to talk to a relative of Harry Styles.'- One of the doctors came to us with a straight face.
Anne stood up and walked with the doctor to the end of the corridor. All watched their conversation, but didn't understand what they were saying, then Anne almost fell to the ground sobbing. We all knew what had happened, everyone knew it was the end. Louis and Gemma ran to her, hugging her tight. Bella wrapped her arms around me when I burst into tears.
'This can't be true, can't be true.'- I kept repeating until I heard the voice of the managers.
'Harry Styles died in a car accident. This is the official version.'
Car accident? Was it that easy to manipulate even his death?
'Relax, Emma.' - Bella was shocked like me, she didn't know what to do or say. She was just standing next to me, she was my only friend at this time.

All the mourning souls were at the cemetery. Tears didn't stop streaming down our faces, no one could believe that Harry was dead. No one was speaking, everyone stood and looked at his coffin. I walked over and put flowers near him and our first photo together from the opening of my exhibition.
'I know most of you don't want to see me, but I want to tell you something. I also know that most of you blame me for what had happened, even I blame myself and I will never forgive myself, but I loved and will always love Harry. He is everything to me, we went through so much together and we continued to support each other. I didn't know him all my life, but he was my best friend and also a lovely boyfriend. Sorry for your loss, I... I'm sorry.'- I didn't finish my "speech" because I couldn't handle my emotions.
Liam approached and hugged me, wrapping his arms around my waist.
'Relax, Emma. Nobody blames you!'- He whispered in my ear.
Later everyone started to leave, but I stayed till the end. The gravediggers buried Harry's coffin, he was gone.
I couldn't stop my tears, I wanted to be in his place. I wanted to die.
'Don't cry, my dear!' - An old man approached and put his hand on my shoulder.
'Who are you?'
'I work here and got sad when I saw you crying.'
'I'm crying because he is gone... because it's my fault.'
'You are wrong, dear, death comes every day and doesn't ask us. Be strong!'
'I can't, he was everything to me.'
'What are you going to do now?'
'Now ... My problems will continue- lawsuits, accusations... and I just want to get out of here and go to New York. Everything here reminds me of him.'
'You'll start over there.'
'I would like to start over here and fix the mistakes... to change so many things. All would be different if I was a little braver.'
'Do you really want it, Emma?'
'What? How do you know my name?'
'Let's say that I'm a special person. There's a song: If we could only have this life for one more day
If we could only turn back time.
'It's his song. What do you mean by that?'- I was surprised by his questions.
'Do you really want to go back in time and fix your mistakes?'
I was shocked, my whole body was trembling at the thought of something like that.
'Just say yes, Emma! Just say yes!'- He smiled at me and I nodded. -'God gives you a second chance, honey. Second chance to be happy and to save Harry and Ares. You'll be back in the day that Harry had to hide from his fans. The day you both have met, he'll learn to love you again, Emma.'
'I don't know what to say, I ...' - It was a miracle, like God knew how many problems we had in the past and how Harry and I wanted to be together so much.
'Count backwards from ten and remember that this is your last chance. Be brave and tell the truth! Love him and don't give up!'
'I won't, I promise! Thank you!' - I slowly closed my eyes, the tears still streamed down my face, and began to count, waiting for the magic to happen.
I wanted a second chance and got it. I wanted to see him again, to feel his touch and warmth.
The new old life!


So this is the end of the first book, I hope you liked it. Make sure to add to subscribe to the sequel - Everything at once (sequel to Just say "Yes!").
please comment xxx


ha, sorry. x
thanks for reading it!
hristiyanak hristiyanak
Omfg I was dying on the last chapter
erincaldwell22 erincaldwell22
Thank you :) I'll upload the other chapters now.
hristiyanak hristiyanak
This is an amazing story, love! Keep writing and update! :)