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Good Intentions

Ch 38


I exit the truck slamming the door behind me, enter the house and go straight to my room. Right now a shower is the only thing that may help me clear my head.

I stand under the hot water and all I can think about is getting the hell out of this place and getting back to where I belong.

My memories are slow to return. I base most of what I do know on on how it feels, feels right, must have been. So far, it hasn’t failed me yet.
I exit the shower and get dressed into some clean clothes and get ready for dinner. I hear a quiet knock at my door and tell them to enter, I know it’s Meghan.
Her words are words of warning about Jim, but at this point, I wish he would come at me.

I hear the back door open and slam and watch as her demeanor changes instantly and fear grip her soul. We both stand in silence as we try to listen to what is said in hushed voices in the kitchen and neither of us could make anything out. We stand and watch each other intently trying to see if the other was able to make anything out.

Dinner is called and I exit first, only because it is my room and it might draw attention if she were to exit first, but then again, who cares.
We both take our seats at the table and the tension in the air could be cut with a knife. Dinner eaten in silence as always, until Jim clears his throat. It takes every once of strength in my body not to roll my eyes, here it comes.
“Will here has chosen to confront me today about how he came to us and I have decided to let him him know exactly why he is here.” I almost lean back in my chair and just to watch this performance but decide not to press my luck at this time.
I sit and listen as he says he is saving the hearts of girls and their mothers and something about him watching his mother cry in anguish from the floor from his sister falling in love with a band member and running off with them.
The urge to verbally defend myself is overwhelming and then he throws in my life had lost direction and purpose. The guy had seriously not done his homework. He didn’t know me at all.
“Since when did my life become yours to choose for me. I had not lost direction or purpose, it just wasn’t what you though I should be doing.” I’m twenty one years old, cant a guy live and make mistakes along the way.

I slide my chair back and leave the table to go to my room, right now its what is best before this mess gets bigger and out of control.
I hear him yell at me that I left with out permission, I yell back I don’t need his permission and shut the bedroom door.

Saving the hearts of mothers and daughters? What is that all about? I don’t break anyones heart. Intentionally anyway. How can I break their heart if I don’t know them? He is delusional if he thinks it is my fault and that I should be held accountable for thousands of girls hearts.

I hear his footsteps in the kitchen and listen as they make their way towards me and stop at the door, the lock engaged from the outside.
I laugh out loud at how utterly absurd this is. I lie back on my bed and decide to have a go at some lyrics I remember and start singing at the top of my lungs. I know I’m provoking him but I don’t care. The thought that this whole scene of blatant disrespect would kill my mum, runs through my mind, but quickly leaves it, knowing that she would understand and she would know I was doing what I had to do.

The thought is quickly interrupted by something crashing against the wall. I stop and listen as Lily walks Meghan to her room, hopefully out of harms way.

I sit up and look at the door frame and the door. This house is somewhat old, I wonder if I could kick it out? I’m pretty strong, or at least I think I am. I step back and give it a good kick and to my surprise, it worked.

The smart ass in me makes another appearance, “So who’s taking me into town?”
I make a split second decision as Jim makes his way towards me and land a punch between his eyes. Mark would be so proud of me, hell, I’m proud of me. The thought that I have remembered another name fills me with more hope that all this will soon end.
I circle Jim watching him so he doesn’t get a jump on me. He reaches for the table to steady himself and I land two more, sending him to the floor.

I step back and keep an eye on him and watch as Lily goes to the cabinet and fills a syringe with clear liquid and goes to him, emptying it into him. She caps it then reaches out to me and pulls me in for a hug.
She instructs me to get him under the arms so we can put him in my bed and restrain him until we decide what to do next. I stand back and watch her put the restraints on him that I know were probably intended for me at some point.

I make my way into the living room and collapse on the couch, everything hits me and Im suddenly more than exhausted. Its all I can do to keep my eyes open but my brain is running rampant with thoughts that are trying hard to resurface.
I lay down on the couch as Lily hands me a pillow and a blanket, my eyes close almost immediately.
The dreams start.
They do not frighten me as they have before. There are more of memories making their way to the surface. I feel them making me happy inside, a sense of contentment. I see faces and the names that accompany them. I see a little blonde haired girl that wraps her arms around my neck and squeezes hard when I pick her up. I start to slip deeper into sleep and the dreams continue but in a distance.

I awake in the morning shivering, the couch isn’t near as warm as my bed. I notice sometime during the night Lily had put another blanket on me but the chill in the air is making its way to my bones.
I sit up and wrap them around me tightly and lie back down, listening.

I hear Jim struggling or fidgeting some but decide to stay away from him, for the good of both of us

I don’t know what kind of time table to put on this being rescued thing. Is this something we sit and wait on or we drive into town and do it ourselves.
Before we do anything we need to sit down and decide how we are going to handle this. Its obvious Lily and Meghan played a part but how to go about everything without them getting into too much trouble. Then, I did promise Meghan if she helped me, I’d take her with me.
The thoughts are clouding my brain. I decide to put them to rest until I can sit down and write them out, maybe they’ll make more sense at that time.

I look at the clock on the wall and decide I’ll get things started around the farm. Just because Jim’s a dick doesn’t mean the animals shouldn’t get fed and taken care of.
I go into my room and get my clothes, totally ignoring Jim and his angry bitter words, they fall on deaf ears. I dress in the living room and put my dirty clothes in the hamper in the laundry room. I layer up and step outside into the cold.

Nothing like sub zero temps to bring you back to reality


Look for a double update later today :)

I'm back !!!!


Can't hold the anxiety!

What a brilliant story. So grateful that you share your wonderful work with us. I can not wait for your next story! Xx

Melancholy :( ;)

Professor, this story was so unique! Chapeau to you! Can't wait for your next story, because I know, coming from you it can just be amazing as everything you do. Life is surprising, not just in fiction ;)

Loved this story!! You are such a talented writer! I can't wait for the next one. :)
