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(Anna's POV)

"I'm going out with the lads" he kisses my forehead and I instinctively flinch "I'll be home soon, I love you Anna" "I love you too" I manage to say just before he closes the door. Its not a lie, I really do love him, I think that's what hurts them most... I still love him even after everything he's done to me.

I try to move, try to get off of the bed but I can't. Not without being reminded of my punishment last night. I didn't even do anything wrong, I just looked at my brother and Harry lost it.

As I'm scanning my brain, thinking about if I did something else, the door flies open "come on you have to leave!" I'm pulled out of bed "ouch!" "I'm sorry Anna but you have to go, now"

It's like time skipped and before I knew it I was being thrown in a taxi and given an airplane ticket "Take this and go Anna" "But-" I'm cut off mid sentence with a kiss.


Authors Note

I hope everyone likes Unexpected, there are just a few things I wanted to tell you before reading.

I also posted Unexpected to Wattpad, I just wanted everyone to know that I am the same author. Wattpad name is LadyBugg7137

This story contains explicit scenes of: violence, sex, and scenes that will make you burst with feels

For the younger readers out there I will warn you before anything sex related happens. So you can just skip that part.

One last thing. I just wanted to say that I don't think any members of One Drection are capable of doing any of the things they are going to do in this story. I love the guys and I'm not trying to make them look bad, I just wanted to right them like this lol. So yeah :)
That's it! hope you enjoy Unexpected!! and please feel free to comment, like, etc.
Ooh one more thing. NO HATE PLEASE!! Its not a good thing, I wouldnt go on your story and post hate so please dont do it to mine. If you dont like it you dont have to read it, or you could nicely tell me how to make it better :)
Ok Thanks!





omg i'm gonna stay up all night it's already 2 a.m but I don't really care I want your update love you

Awe thank you so much!!! I'm glad you like it!
I'll update, hopefully tonight or tomorrow:)

omg please please please update soon m your fic is the best one I've ever read in my life LY please update

Thanks buddy

Laila Haider Laila Haider