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Faded Into Black

The Happening

My eyes raked through the crowd in effort to find Jade, my best friend and currently the love of my life. It was about 1:00 and I know how she is with time... She promised her mom she would be home before 1:30 and I planned on helping her keep her promise. She wasn't in the club, and if she was she was hiding very well. Taking my chances, I slowly pushed my way outside, breathing in the chilly autumn air. "Jade?" I called her name, hoping someone who maybe give me a hint of where she was. Several people looked up, but no one made a move. Well fuck ya to then. I maneuvered through the line waiting to get into the club and looked around once again. I looked a crossed the street to see her black piece of shit Beemer parked still. That means she has to be around here somewhere. "Jade!" I called again, but louder this time, causing my voice to bounce back in an echo. "Shit Jade, where the hell are you?" I breathed out, my breath coming out in a fog from the cold.

"Hey, listen... You don't have to do this." A voice, a quite familiar voice sounded from around the corner. "Please, just think about what your doing." She sounded... Scared almost.

"You had better move your ass before I blast a hole in your goddamn head!" Another man snapped. Jade was in trouble, quickly I started making my way to the sound of their booming voices.

"Let the lady go!" She demand.


"JUST LET HER THE FUCK-" as I reached the corner, I heard a loud bang, and my eyes nearly felt out from the sight. A large gruff bearded man held onto a tiny teenage girl. She looked scared and helpless under his trapping gasp. My heart cracked as suddenly Jade fell to her knees and made a croaking sound. When she fell, she laid on her back and I barely noticed the sight of the sticky Scarlett liquid foaming out of her stomach. Quickly I matched all the pieces and my eyes caught sight of the smoke flowing from the barrel of the gun. "J-Jade?" It came out scratched and my feet stayed planted to the ground. The man then dropped the teenage girl and ran, ran like the fucking coward he is. My feet all the sudden wanted to move and I rushed to her side. "Jade, Jade, baby open your eyes. Stay with me!" Her eyes were just barely open and I lightly tapped her cheeks in effort to keep her awake. It was failing because her eyes started to flutter closed. My head snapped up to the girl "GO GET HELP!" I snapped at her. She had been crying but now I could see shock filling her senses. I know I should go easy on her, but myself was also trying to push back the shock and try to keep Jade with me. When she didn't move and pointed towered the club "NOW!" That finally snapped her back and she scurried up and ran. My eyes shot back down to Jade and I noticed her smiling up at me. Her hand lightly slipped into mine. "Jade" i whispered.

"Shhhhh Harry." She cooed and smiled weakly at me. "please don't say anything." Her voice was shot, and yet she was still trying to speak "Your only gonna make it harder for me to go."

Now I broke down like a little boy. Jade triggered that scared little boy so easily, and I loved who I was with her. "No, no Jade. Please don't say that... You don't have to go."

"Yes I do Haz, I really do and you can't change that." Her voice grew weaker, and so was my urge not to fall apart.

"But... I love you." It came out as a whisper, and I buried my face into the crook of her neck, letting out loud sobs.

I felt her hand squeeze my hand a little tighter and I lifted my head to look at her "I love you to Harry."

"No! Not like friends Jade! I LOVE you. I really, really, really love you! That's why you can't leave me! you have to stay! For me!" My hands pressed tightly onto her pouring wound.

All she did was smile at me, and her hand grazed my cheek. I could feel a trail of blood spread a crossed my cheek but I didn't care. "I know." She murmured.

I couldn't help myself as my face quickly leaned into her and my lips softly blanketed hers. She was cold, so utterly cold and more tears fell from my eyes as she gently kissed back. Her chest moved up and down rapidly under my touch... "I love you to Harry." Then she fell still. Her breath no longer feathered my cheeks, her crystal eyes no longer glowed, her skin was no longer warm, and her hand... Was still lying limply in mine.


Shit, late for fucking work again! This job is going to be the death of me. I swear to god. Its always wake up, take a shower, try not to fall asleep, get out, try not to fall asleep, get dressed, TRY NOT TO FALL ASLEEP! It was such a hassle in the morning because my brain doesn't fully wake up until 9:30, so when I have to wake up at 6... You bet your ass there is gonna be some problems. My eyes narrowed down at my watch as I fast walked down the sidewalk. I have ten minutes until I need to be there... And its a thirty minute walk. Well fuck. I wont be surprised if Paul fucking fires my ass this time. My best friend got me this job... The least I can do is fucking show up on time. But noooo, life has to be a lil bitch and fuck me over. I get laid everynight... Cuz life has fucked me plenty times over. Jesus. Plus traffic looked terrible, so no way in hell was i gonna be able to fucking hitch a ride with a Taxi. Son of a- UGH! I waited patiently at the cross walk with about fifty other people... My eyes down on my phone trying to explain to my boss that i'll be late again. My eyes looked up just in time to see the light turn green for the walkers and my legs started to move. Suddenly, a loud scream over took my senses and someone screamed "LOOK OUT!" My eyes darted towered the cars stopped beside me, except one was 't stopping it. It was coming full speed my way. I didn't have enough time to do anything but just stare at the silver blur flying towards me. Quickly my body folded in the fetal position as pain exploded through my entire body. I tried to scream but nothing came out and almost as quickly as it came... Everything went black. Except a tiny glowing ball floating towards me.

What's happening?


I cried when Jade died... Holy shit that was depressing. Sorry this is another one of my stories. I had an idea and i wanted to write it down so I wouldn't forget it xD I love this so much. Hope you do to.


I like this, it's different to anything else that I have read! Hope to read more :)

xRockMex xRockMex

Please update!!

Please update!!