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Counting On The Days


The door opened and in came our kidnappers. Wait, isn't that one direction? Why are they here? Are they saving us? I stood up " Sit down nobody said you can get up" Niall snapped at me. Well then somebody's on their man period. I sat back down scared what was going to happen next. Niall came towards me so did Liam . While the others stayed where they were. "Don't you dare do anything to her!" Priscilla yelled at niall and Liam. "Shut up nobody told you to ta-"Harry got cut off by Priscilla saying, "I'm not shutting up you moron." That made harry really mad. He grabbed her and left the room. "No bring her back please! Priscilla come back!" I screamed getting up to run after her and harry but I got pushed against the wall by Niall. I hit my head. I reached up to feel where I hit my head when I looked at my hand which had blood on it, then it went black.

" ugh my damn head " I said while opening my eyes I was in a bed I jumped up at of the bed and tried to open the door but it was locked I started to cry then the door opened showing Niall I stayed close to the wall he walked towards me I put my arms up covering my face " please don't hurt me " I said " let's go " niall said I got up and walked next to him . He brought me to the living room where I saw Priscilla I ran to her and hugged her we both started to cry " Iris are you okay how's your head " she asked " iits fine are you okay what did he do to you " I asked " when he gripped my arm he left a bruise then threw me in another room " she said somebody cleared their throat we both stopped and looked at them " Iris come here now " Niall said I walked towards him " sit here " he pointed next to him I walked slowly there and sat " Priscilla sit right here lets go " harry said she went and sat next to him " why did you take us " I said quitely " what did you say " louis said " I said WHY DID YOU TAKE US " I screamed louis got up and slapped me " don't you dare raise your voice at me " he screamed I can see Priscilla about to get up but harry looked at her and said don't his really pissed . He was telling her like a warning but I get slapped and nothing happens " Dude What the fuck ? Why did you slap her that hard " Niall said getting up " the bitch deserved it she raised her voice at me " louis said . Already my eye turned into a black eye " Louis Niall enough Niall bring her in the kitchen and get her ice try to get the swelling down " Liam said Niall nodded and looked at me I knew that ment come on. We walked into the kitchen I sat on the counter while Niall got a ice pack he came towards me I flinched " it's okay I'm just going to put this on your eye " he said calmly he put the ice on " wow he really got you good " he said " y-yeah It stings " I said " well don't worry I'm sure Zayn and Liam are yelling at him for doing that " he said smiling at me he hugged me I hugged back and started to cry he rubbed my back " it's okay I won't let him hurt you " he looked at me " okay I promise he touches you and he'll be dead " he said I smiled " thanks Niall" we walked back and sat on the couch he wrapped his arm around me and smiled


Hey sorry guys it would let me send it through hope you like the chapter bye ~ Trin


  • @Zayngurl
  • ill update tonight

Nialls girl 0913 Nialls girl 0913

Ermagerd please update!!!

Zayngurl Zayngurl