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Attached at the hip.

Chapter 29

*Savannah's POV*

I hear Liam sing and tears start flowing down my cheeks again. I listened closely to the words of the song, especially the ones that Liam sang.

"Girl I see it in your eyes you're disappointed, 'cause I'm the foolish one that you anointed with your heart, I tore it apart"
Well naw shit Sherlock. okay I can be pretty sassy when I'm hurt.

"And girl what a mess I made upon your innocence, no woman in the world deserves this."
Of course he brings my innocence into this...Why is that all anyone ever talks about? And of course no woman deserves this..nobody does, not even Liam although I am ready to rip his balls off.

"But here I am asking you for one more chance"
Why must he do this to me? His voice makes me weak and I don't know if another chance is an option...I don't know if I can trust him again.

I keep listening to the song and the next part that sticks out to me "And you're about to break from all you heard"
About to?! It's way past that.

The rest of the song I just break down. I cry and cry until finally I can calm myself down. I need answers. I need him to know how much he hurt me. I need figure out what to do. Without even really thinking it through first I click the call button. It doesn't even ring a full time before he answers "Savannah?" He asks softly, his voice is raspy and broken. He's been crying. "Baby I-" Liam starts but I cut him off "Liam! Save it. I didn't call for you to tell me how sorry you are. I don't care right now. Sorry's don't make things better." I say flatly, but it's obvious through my voice that I've been crying "Then....why did you call...?" he asks me softly "Because. I need answers. Why did you ask me out if you weren't over her?" I ask softly "I am over her...I was just dumb, angry, and lonely...I don't know why I texted her babe, honestly" he says and I tense up when he calls me babe. "Don't call me that" I say flatly, "Was that the plan all along? Ask me out then leave me for her just like you did last time? I swear Liam when will you decide what you want?!" I ask and he immediately answers "I already have, it's you I want Savannah, I don't know what possessed me...you honestly can't believe I'd do that on purpose can you?" He asks sounding hurt and I sigh "Honestly Liam....I don't know what to believe anymore" I say as I try to hold back tears but fail miserably. Oh and another thing, I'm not a very good quiet crier...

"Savannah, please don't cry...Is there anything and I mean ANYTHING I can do to fix this?" he asks "I...I don't know Liam...You can start by not talking to her ever again" I say softly "Already done, I told her I never wanted to talk to or see her again, and I deleted her number from my phone and blocked her on twitter and instagram and everything" He says and I can tell he really is sorry. But that doesn't make it any better. "Does this mean you're willing to give me another shot?" he asks me hopefully. "I...I don't know...you broke my heart Liam. The one person I care about the most hurt me yet again, but this time it was the straw that broke the camels back...I-I n-need s-some s-space" I say as the tears get harder and harder to talk through "Anything..." he whispers "Just call me, text me, whatever you want when you're ready...I'm not going anywhere" he says softly "Goodbye Liam" I whisper and hang up the phone. And yet again I'm curled up in a ball hiding under my covers and sobbing my eyes out.

*Liam's POV*

"Goodbye Liam" she whispers and hangs up. as soon as the call ends I loose it. I punch the wall out of anger and frustration making a hole the size of my fist and then fall on my bed crying my eyes out. This past week has been hell. I haven't slept or ate, I only get out of bed when I absolutely have to. I know I broke her and I hate myself for it.

I'm supposed to be the one to protect her, to keep her from being hurt, and to hurt any guy that dares make her even the slightest bit sad....but now I'm the reason shes broken and I'm the reason she's crying. The boys come rushing in my room. They must have heard me punch the wall, great now they are seeing me cry like a little boy. They don't say anything just leave me be, they know that I need some space right now...Just like Savannah does... I can't believe I actually did that, I can't believe I had sex with Danielle...even thinking about it makes me sick. I wouldn't blame Sav if she never wants to see me again...I just hope she forgives me, I need her, she is my reason for living and I can't live without her...I never got to tell her I love her...

I need a drink. I walk ino the kitchen straight past the boys and grab a bottle of vodka. I don't care if I have one kidney and it's bad for me. I need to numb this pain... "Liam....what are you getting?" Zayn asks suspiciously as he sees me with the bottle, I don't respond "Liam, that better not be vodka, I swear if you drink that I'm going to call your mother! Or I'll call Savannah!" Harry calls out as they all saw me....Of course he threatens to call them...they would both rip my head off...well maybe not Sav, she hates me... I slam the door to my room and lock it. I rip out the cork of the fancy glass bottle. I chug the vodka like I was dehydrated, this shit was nasty, but if it would numb the pain that's all that matters.

*Niall's POV*

Well this isn't good, Liam is a total wreck and I'm assuming Savannah isn't much better, she probably worse....Liam is really worrying us, I've never seen him like that before he was crying his eyes out and he has a bottle of vodka with him...he doesn't drink for a reason...he knows he only has one kidney...he's been in there for a rather long time...

All of the sudden there is a loud thud. We all jump up and run to Liam's room in our suite...the door is locked. We are all yelling for Liam to open the door and nothing. No sound or movement comes from his room, that's when Zayn rams himself into the door untill it breaks. Liam is lying on the floor unconscious. Shit. Shit what do we do? we are all surrounding him "Call 911!!" Zayn yells and I grab my phone and dial the number

"911 what's your emergency?" The lady on the phone asks
"My-My friend h-he's unconscious...he has o-one kidney and he d-drank a whole bottle of vodka" I barely manage to get out "Sir it is going to be okay, where are you right now?" She asks trying to stay calm. I give her the address "Okay sir, an ambulance is on the way okay? It will be there shortly" she says and I'm still panicking along with the others "please tell them to hurry he can't die, he can't" I say and she tries to calm me down "Sir they will be there any second now" she says and sure enough we hear the sirens and I run down to meet them. The paramedics come up to the room and carry Liam away on the gurney, only one of us can go so we send Zayn with him and we all get a cab and follow right behind them.

Harry calls paul and tells him and Louis calls his mom... But I am given the task of calling Savannah... She isn't going to take this well... I call her phone and she rejects my call, but that doesn't surprise me...I think they were on the phone earlier, I heard him talking to someone when I went to the restroom. So I leave her a voicemail and decide to try again in a few minutes.

*Savannah's POV*

It's only been like an hour and a half and my phone is going off again, why can't people just leave me alone?! I groan and when I see it's Niall I want to answer but I just need to be left alone...He left a voice mail...Niall never does that, he always just hangs up and texts me...that must mean somethings wrong....My stomach dropped as I listened to the voice mail "Savannah, it's me, look I know you're upset right now but you need to call me, I know you're awake because you rejected my call....just please call me" He says, he sounds panicked...I'm about to call him back when he starts calling me again "Niall?" I say softly my voice weak and shaky "What's wrong?" I ask softly "Savannah...I know you're mad at him but you need to get here like now." Niall says urgently "Why? What happened?" I ask and I can feel my heart beating faster and I feel like I'm going to puke "It's Liam...look we're pulling into the hospital now.. I gotta go, book a flight to Washington now, I'll call you in a few he says and hangs up. "Ni- Wait!" I say but it's to late, what's wrong with Liam?! What happened?! I don't care how angry and hurt I am right now, he has to be okay. He better be okay, If he isn't okay I'll kill him.

I can hardly breathe as I call Liam's mom, if I know then the boys have already told her...I know she isn't my mom but I need someone right know and I know she does too "Savannah hun, have you heard?" She asks and sniffles, shes crying too "Y-yeah" I say my voice still broken and shaky "I'm getting tickets now I will get you one too if you'd like" she says softly "P-please" I say softly "Okay, well g-get packing our flight leaves in four hours" she says "O-okay, thank you" I say and start crying again "I'll pick you up in an hour Savannah...It's going to be alright okay?" she says but I know she doesn't fully believe it "o-okay" I say softly "I-I'm going to pack let me know when you're here" I say softly and hang up. I grab all the clothes in my closet and just throw them in my bag not knowing what I will need or how long I will be there. I also grab every sweatshirt of Liam's that I own and throw it into the bag. I take a fast shower realizing I stink and then throw his sweatshirt and some leggings on. I am so panicked that I forget about everything that has happened and just focus on getting to Liam.

I text Niall the flight info and tell him we are on our way as we get on the plane. Liam's mom holds my hand and wraps me in a hug and I hug her as well. We are both scared out of our minds right now. And we have what seems like a million hour flight ahead of us where we won't be able to know how Liam is. Great.


AHHHHHH! LIAM NO! What will happen to Liam? Will this bring him and Savannah back together or just tear them apart even more? Sorry it jumps from person to person so much, but I had to show you what everyone was thinking etc. But yeah please comment and let me know what you think will happen! I will post the next chapter ASAP!


I'm new to this and I must say its hard for me to find fan fiction I actually enjoy. I am really enjoying this and quite looking forward to more. I have to admit if the guy I'm dating went to see his ex and then lie to me about it well some serious groveling would be in order plus he'd be on the couch for awhile. Seriously though you're a really great writer update soon please.

AMJ1996 AMJ1996

Hey everyone! So I was about 3/4 of the way done when my phone spazzed and I lost all my work, now I don't remember what I wrote and I'm having some writers block, so if yall have any ideas feel free to message me or comment them, I would really appreciate it!

LiammGirl LiammGirl

Im working on it now! I've been out of town this weekend visiting the university I'll be going to next year, but it will be up as soon as I can, hopefully within the next day or so! @LoveLiam @InfinateLove

LiammGirl LiammGirl

Update again please

LoveLiam LoveLiam

Sooooooo good! Update please!

Infinite Love Infinite Love