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Chapter 33

******Chelsea's P.O.V.******
I sat at my desk counting Mr. Cowell's mail for the day. I realized a few months ago that I couldn't pay for everything with my dance academy job, so I started applying to be assistants places, and I actually got the job to be Simon Cowell's assistant! I've been working here for a little over a week, and it's been pretty decent so far, and it definitely pays well. But one of my favorite things about this job is that a lot of celebrities come here, so I get to meet all of them that come in.

The one thing I don't like about this job is that I'm ALWAYS doing paperwork and filing crap. Like right now, I swear, I have never been so bored with something in my entire life. I think that-

"Excuse me, but we're here to see Mr. Cowell." A think British accent said drowning me out of my thoughts.

"Oh yes, let me just let him know you're here, your names ple-" I cut myself off as I saw who was standing in front of me. Zayn. Louis. Liam. Niall. "Oh my God." I said getting up front my desk and going over to hug each of them. "I missed you guys so much." I said as I hugged Niall last.

"I bet I missed you more." Niall said into my ear as he hugged me. I smiled into his neck then pulled away but he still kept his arm around my waist.

"So what are guys even doing here?" I asked.

"Well, Simon is our manager, and we needed to discuss some stuff for our next tour." Liam said like it was nothing.

"Is, um, Harry-"

"Is Harry what?" A British accent I knew all-too-well said coming into the lobby. "Do my eyes deceive me, or is this some kind of joke or something?" He said amused. That's when something broke lose in me, something clicked. I felt all the anger I'd been holding back this past year boil up to the surface, and I couldn't put it back down.

"Get out." I said coldly still not moving away from Niall.

"Um, excuse me, but I have an appointment."

"Well now you don't so get out."

"Wow, someone got moody in the past year." Harry scuffed. That's when it really set me off. I let go of Niall and started slowly walking over to him as I spoke.

"Moody? You're calling me moody? I'm not moody. I'm down right damn mad. You lied to me for 3 months, 3 fucking months. 3 fucking months where I didn't know what the hell was going on, and I didn't even know if you were cheating on me, or just being distant. I'm telling you this now Harold, breaking up with you was the smartest thing I've ever done." I said into his face, then walking back to sit at my desk.

"Mr. Cowell, One Direction is here to see you sir."

"Thank you Miss Mills, send them right in immediately." Simon replied

"Yes sir." I answered.

"You can go in." I said as I slumped back into my chair not making eye contact with anyone of them. I thought they'd all gone in, but then I felt a presence next to me.

"Smile, you're beautiful." Niall said as he kissed my cheek then left. After he left all I could do was smile like an idiot, and I didn't even try to hold it back. Four of my favorite people were back in my life, but also one person that I despise........

With a passion.


Another chapter for all of you fabulous people!

I'm sorry, but this is probably my FAVORITE chapter in this whole series. Don't ask me why, I was just so happy to write it. I was going to write SOOOO much more, but then I decided not to because A. I needed to finish my home work, and B. Idrk what to do after what I have planned, so I need some time to think about what to put after it :)



Put a smile on your face,
and have an adorable day (or night) lovlies!
X, Chels


This is an awesome story. I love it!

iloveNiall iloveNiall


OMG!!! great update and I do remember that, I still love, I mean who does’t!!!!

Wow!! plz do more I can't wait any longer PLZZZZZZZZ!!!!!!!!!!!

Awww that's so sad