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Luna and the Passionettes

Chapter 16

I was in the Kitchen talking on the phone with Harry, he's inviting me to one of the parties he and the boys are having and I was telling him about the girl's need of relaxing. Harry says," You sure are protective of your girls." I smile and reply," Always..there family to me ." Suddently, Luke rushs in the room dragging Kat with him, she's wearing a sleazy outfit and my eyes widened. I say," Speaking of um protecting my family, I'm still working apparently...gotta go Harry call you later bye." I hang up the phone and I slam it on the table, I eye Kat and I asked.." Where in the hell do you think you're going?!" Kat groans and replys," out." I said, " Not in that outfit you're not." Luke says," That's exactly what I said." I reply," Look, I can't do this right now and what you need to do is go in that room of your's and put on a better clothing or put on some jeans to fix-" I eye her again and gesture with my hands ," this". Kat rolls her eyes and said,"I don't want to take it off." I took Kat by the hand and pull her to her room, I raid her closet and pull out some blue skinny jeans and shove it in her hands...next I pull her in the bathroom and lock the door. I shout, " CHANGE!!! " I hear her groan and mumble but I know she was changing...Luke is behind me and he looks at me and says," Soooo..." I walk away and replied " to old for you" . He chuckled and waited by the door for Kat, and I rushed in my room to get dressed to meet Harry. Though without changing.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Skipping the Car Drive to Harry's House-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I knock on the door and Harry opens it and I give him a peck on the cheek. " Did you invite anyone? " I asked Harry. " He replied," No one other than my mates." I smile and reply," You know what, I think we should offically invite my girls to join us...are you okay with that?" Harry said" Yeah, of course love we'd love to meet the girls she rumored to be the female version of the 1D" I raised an eyebrow in amusemunt and replied" afraid of the contest against us?" Harry smirks showing his dimples and replys" Not at all love." Harry takes me by the waist and kisses me on the neck and I giggle and that's usually not my style no pun intended but I guess it is now with Harry. I kiss Harry, his lips matched perfectly and their wasn't anything gross about it. It was as romantic as could be, we break the kiss and Harry said," I think we should also make a date offical....don't you think." I smiled and say" Of course Harry...anything to get to know you." Just when Harry was gonna reply someone knocked on the door. I yelled.." Whoooo? " I heard the familar voice call out "Louis,Niall, and Zayn ". I open the door and the boys flood in and I announce, " I'll call the girls. I walk off to Harry's bedroom.


New update viewers and subscribers enjoy.~Miss Direction



Well, I did my chapter.

Miss Direction Miss Direction



Miss Direction Miss Direction

oh i added more to mine so you might want to read it

Kitty_Kat Kitty_Kat

kk well when ever your ready

Kitty_Kat Kitty_Kat


Think its mine.

Miss Direction Miss Direction