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Nine Days

Chapter 10

I wake up. How did I get back in the hospital, I thought I left. Harry is screaming, but I can’t understand a word he is saying. My eyes are closing again, NOOO, I wanna stay awake, why can’t I? Was everything just another dream?

Harry’s POV

“Sarah your awake!, I can’t believe this! Sarah don’t close your eyes,…baby. Please just stay awake!”

Not again…She’s been in and out of her stupid coma for the past few months and I can’t take it anymore! I need her with me, although I would never admit that to the lads.
A couple of months ago, to be exact, nine days after the accident, while Sarah was in her coma… I did something unspeakable… On that day I couldn’t take it anymore, my heart was breaking every time I looked at her beautiful face, so I decided it’s best if I go get drink.


I made sure that I wasn’t far from the hospital in case someone calls to let me know that she was waking up. I walked up to this nice looking bar and ordered a beer. Once I’ve sat down with my beer, I saw the last person I would ever suspect, walking up to me. Mary.

Me and Mary had a fling a few years back, and by fling I mean that ‘I was the first boy she ever made love to’, or at least that’s how she put it. I was actually just using her because I was feeling a bit bored. The day she found out that I wasn’t in love with her, she went crazy, and I’m talking ripping hair out, shredding books kinda crazy. Later that week I found out she was taken into psychiatric care. She really was crazy! I moved on to the next girl, never thinking I would see her again.

She sits down at my table on the chair across from me, not saying a word. I break the silence after a couple of minutes by saying “Nice weather we’re having”

“I’m sorry to ask this but do you remember me?” Mary says not even answering my lame attempt to make conversation.

“I do actually” I say awkwardly

“Listen I’m really sorry about what happened in high school” She reaches for my hand. ”I’m all better now, the doctors really did wonders and I’m a better person today and that’s all because of you”

“Of me?”

“Yeah totally, if I didn’t get my break down I would have never had gotten any help. Can we perhaps be friends” She says with her hand still on mine. Pull your hand away you dumbass, I think to myself. Maybe I should make an excuse to go to the bathroom…stop overthinking everything.

“Yeah that would be great, but I seriously need to pee right now” She just laughs as I walk away. What should I do, I haven’t had sex in over two weeks, but I don’t really like Mary, I never have. The thought of us together in bed again, repulses me. It’s much better if we, like she said be friends. I get the feeling she wants to be more, again. I can’t go through another ‘crazy’ episode.

When I come back, she’s on her phone. I clear my throat and she looks up and smiles.

“You took very long, I thought guys don’t take long in bathrooms” She says trying to be funny.

“Well you thought wrong” I say and take a sip from my beer, instantly I feel a little lightheaded. The room is spinning and everything is turning black.
I wake up in a strange place. I look around me to see where I am. I’m in a bed, naked. I turn to my left and there she lays, the crazy girl herself. I feel disgusted with myself. I can’t believe I slept with Mary; I didn’t even have that much to drink. I stand up and get my clothes. I need to get out of this place. I find my way back to the hospital and realize I forgot my phone at crazy’s. While I’m walking back with my head down, I try to remember what happened last night. I’m kicked out of my thoughts when I bump into Mary. She has my phone in her hand. I try to grab it from her put she pulls away before I have it in my hand.

“Not before you kiss me”

“You have got to be kidding me, look I’m sorry, but last night was a horrible horrible mistake that I’m already regretting.” I say a little angry at myself

“I beg to differ; last night was the best night of my life. You did everything so fast; you even forgot to put on a condom.” Mary laughs.

“How the fuck can you be laughing? And besides I never forget…” I grab my phone out of her hand and say “I have to go now” I fake smile, I need to get out of here away from her. I run back to the hospital, I look back to see if she’s following me, nothing. Relief rushes over me.


I’m sitting in this hospital chair for God knows how long, thinking about what I’ve done wrong.

Sarah’s POV

“Harry?” I say, but my voice is coming out ragged.

“Oh My God, your awake again…please stay awake this time”

“I had the best dream. It was about us. You were taking me home after I woke up from a coma and then we had sex and then your friends arrived and then…here I am”

“Sounds like a good dream if we were having sex” He always thinks about one thing, sex. So typical. “By the way love, you really were in a coma. For six months. This is the first time you have woken up and stayed awake”

“Oh so I really was in a coma?” I say confused

“Yeah…about that dream, was the sex good?” he says with a grin on his face.

“You’ll never change”

“Yeah, but you wouldn’t want me to either”

“Very true mister Styles, very true indeed.” I try to say in my best British accent.



this story though <3<3<3

Telichia xxx Telichia xxx

I'm struggling a little to write it but I'll try my best ! ;)

SueLoves1D SueLoves1D

update please!!

Twilighter Twilighter

Will do !*

SueLoves1D SueLoves1D

Plz update soon ;)