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Pain & Payne

Chapter 13

Katie's POV

Today was the 24th of December.

Barely though.

It was four in the morning and I heard a weird noise coming from the lounge room. It was times like this I wished Liam still locked my bedroom door, I mean it could be a murderer or rapist on the other side of that door and the closest thing to me was a lip gloss on the bedside table.

Somehow I don't think that would make a very good weapon.

Suddenly the door handle started slowly turning an I couldn't take it any more.

I pulled my covers over my head and tried to make myself as invisible as possible.

The floor boards quietly creaked with each step the person took and my heart rate speed up with each step also.

Whoever it was sat on the edge of my small bed and I tried hard not to make a noise.

"Katie..." A familiar voice cooed before slowly pulling the covers away from my head.

"Oh my goodness! Michael you scared me!" I whispered and laughed quietly as I saw the goofy grin on his face.

"I know, that was the point." He stated before flopping onto the bed with me.

"What are you doing in here? It's Louis' birthday today and I promised Liam I would focus on Louis today."

It was pretty clear to everyone that I spent more time with Michael than I did with Louis but he was a whole lot nicer and didn't treat me like I was five.

I guess Michael was growing on me more than Louis was but there was still a tiny part of me that felt like I had to spend time with Louis or he would get pissed off at me.

And I knew first hand already that when Louis was pissed off, nothing good would come out of it.

"I needed to see you before everyone else woke up." He whispered as he turned onto his side to look at me.

I couldn't help the small smile that spread across my face at his words.

"Well you saw me." I giggled softly and he laughed before placing a kiss on my forehead.

"You're too cute."

The air fell silent and I rested my head on Michael's shoulder.

Michael was different and in a way he was nicer than everyone else in this house.

Don't get me wrong, he still does bad things but he doesn't feel the need to involve me in it like Liam or Louis.

Unlike Louis, Michael doesn't push me to do things I don't want and he never makes me feel scared or guilty for saying no to him.

Overall he was the kind of guy I was friends with back in New Zealand.


But the one thing that's stopped me from making my mind up early is that he never really pays much attention to me when other people are around.

Louis always did.

"Michael, I'm still tired so I need more sleep." I whispered as I pushed myself away from him and snuggled back into my blankets.

Really I just wanted to see what he would say but a little extra sleep would come in handy as well.

"Well I'll stay with you." He suggested.

"Um we have that big breakfast for Louis' birthday maybe we could just sit together then?"

Please say yes.

"Actually I already said I would sit next to Calum, he eats more than just fruit for breakfast." He joked and tickled my side lightly but I couldn't find it in me to laugh.

"I just want to be alone." I stated bluntly and rolled away from him, I heard him sigh before he stood up from my bed and the sound of the door closing was heard seconds later.

Why doesn't he ever want to be with me around the others?

Was something wrong with me?

I'm the only girl in this whole house so I don't see what's wrong with me wanting and liking the attention all the boys give me.

I just wish Michael was a little more affectionate.

He's very easy on the eyes and very kind but maybe he only thinks his feeling for me are lust when really he sees me just like the majority of the boys in this house.

A helpless little girl.

I was sick of everyone seeing me that way and whoever I choose in the end is going to have to help me change that.

After tossing and turning for what felt like forever, the morning knock on my door was heard before Liam told me it was time to wake up.

Sighing and practically falling out of the bed, I rushed to get ready as I tried my hardest not to keep everyone waiting.

"Good morning sunshine." Liam greeted me as I walked into the dinning room finally and I smiled as I took notice of the fact that everyone else was already here.

I tried to look at Michael but he was too busy talking with Calum to notice my eyes were on him.

"Morning my little cutie." Louis spoke happily as he walked over to me from the other side of the dinning room.

"Happy birthday Louis." I smiled sweetly and his smile on his face grew wider.

"You know, you're the first person to say that to me."

I giggled and went to take my seat between him and Liam but he was quick to grab my hand and make me stand up again.

"Don't I get a birthday hug?"

I bit my lip softly as I thought about it.

Maybe this would make Michael jealous?

Finally giving in, I shrugged my shoulders and stood on my tiptoes to wrap my arms around Louis' neck. He nuzzled his face into the crook of my neck and let out a dramatic sigh.

This was the first time we had been this close since a week ago when Liam said I could choose between him and Michael, and frankly I didn't want to pull away.

"And what about a birthday kiss?" Louis whispered quietly in my ear and I felt my breath hitch in my throat.

"T-There's too many people around." I whispered back and hoped that he would buy into my lie.

I didn't have a problem with kissing in front of people so much any more but just around Liam.

"Just one?" He bargained.

"Okay." I sighed and he pulled away slightly to look in my eyes before slowly leaning down.

Our lips were only just touching, I could only just feel the warmth of him on me before Liam interrupted.

"Katie! Sixteen year old girls do not have make out sessions at the breakfast table!" He snapped and angrily pointed at my seat.

"Yes Liam." I sighed and pulled away from Louis' embrace to sit in my seat.

"Liam, why do you keep reminding her that she's only sixteen? Her birthday is in like three days from now." Louis asked as he sat down on the other side of me.

"Because she's still sixteen! She's the baby of the house so would everyone kindly stop trying to corrupt my little sister!"

At that moment everyone in the entire dinning room abruptly stopped talking and stared at our end of the table in shock.

This was so awkward and I could literally feel my cheeks redden.

No one was daring to talk first or even move as making any sort of sound was too risky at a time like this.

"And breakfast is finally served!" A voice chirped as they walked into the dinning room.

I jumped out of fright but no one else seemed to even be affected in the slightest by the new presence.

Finally I grew the courage to turn and look, My eyes landed on a very pretty yet very mean looking girl who was dressed in a plain black dress with an apron over top.

I'm guessing she's the maid.

"Katie this is the new maid, Eleanor."


"What happened to the last one?" I whispered quietly since I was unsure weather it was a wise choice to speak.

"Well apparently she can happily work for criminals but drew the line when there was a child involved."

Guess that makes sense.

"What child?" The trashy looking maid, Eleanor, asked as she piped into the conversation.

Liam glared at her for butting in before flicking his eyes to me then back to Eleanor.

"Oh right." She nodded in understanding. "Katie is just a child."

She smirked at me as she talked making me look down in awkwardness.

It returned to the silence as Eleanor served us all before Liam told her to sit down on the chair right opposite of me.

As soon as she sat down I could feel her stare on me but kept my head down and poked at my un-eaten pancakes with my fork.

"Aren't you going to eat your pancakes Katie? Most children love syrup covered food."

She watched me intensely as I tried to think of a way to explain my dislike for the typical breakfast food without sounding hurtful towards her cooking.

"Katie doesn't like pancakes. You should have bothered to learn that already." Louis suddenly snapped making me jump.

He rested his hand angrily on the table as he glared at the girl who was making it quite obvious that she didn't like me for some reason.

I took a deep breathe and shakily rested my hand on top of his, within seconds I could feel his hand start to relax before he laced his fingers through mine.

"Are you Louis' girlfriend?" She asked in surprise and I quickly pulled my hand away from his before answering.


As soon as the word left my mouth everyone looked at me in surprise, I even saw Michael smirking at my sudden outburst.

I was just trying to prevent an argument with Louis on his birthday, last time I thought I was his girlfriend he proved me very wrong.

"Katie's still making up her decision about that." Louis spoke lowly before grabbing my hand under the table again.

She nodded and thankfully dropped the conversation.

Most of breakfast was held in complete silence and was really dull, I don't understand how this is all that Louis wanted for his birthday.

"Louis?" I whispered and luckily only grabbed his attention and no one else's.

"Yes sweetheart?"

"Why don't you want to do anything else for your birthday?" I asked quietly and he chuckled softly.

"There is one other thing I want for my birthday, do you think you could help me with that?" He asked my gently while he cupped the side of my face with his hand, rubbing his thumb softly over my cheek bone.

"What is it?" I dared to ask and realized that by this point people had started to take an interest in our conversation.

"Spend the day with me? Just the two of us?"

I bit my lip as I looked away for a split second and saw Michael's intense stare.

It was like he was begging me to say no with just his eyes, it helped me make my decision by just seeing his pleading look.

"Sure, Louis."


Don't hate me for the wait!!!
And I'm sorry but I totally had to make Eleanor the maid... it's for the plot line!

I still love you all and happy (late) thanksgiving to all you people out there... not that I celebrate it but trying to be kind to all the different countries. New Zealand don't celebrate it but just thought I would mention it.

I will try my hardest to get the next chapter up in a few days! xoxo


YASSS!!!! After this, I can die happy!

ImKindaNot ImKindaNot

I'll try for as soon as possible!

Kass_april Kass_april

I agree with @Yvette_xx please tell me that there will be an update. . . *I cry every time*

ImKindaNot ImKindaNot

When are you going to update??

Yvette_xx Yvette_xx

An update for you love.
Sorry it took so long! xx

Kass_april Kass_april