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Please Stay With Me

Chapter 16

Liam’s P.O.V

I can’t believe she just walked out on me. I spilt my entire heart to Gabriella and all she had to say was that she was sorry. I love this girl more than anything and this whole time I thought she felt the same way. As soon as she left I started to cry. What does Harry have that I don’t? I know I can make here happy. I’d always be there for her and I’d be supportive of whatever she would like to do. I love her and her whole family, we’ve known each other since we were kids. I needed a drink. I’ve gotten drunk every night since that day its the only thing that numbed the pain honestly. That memory kept replaying in my head every waking moment, sometimes even the alcohol didn't help.

I don’t even remember how many drinks I’ve had honestly. No matter how much I had at this point this pain was still present. I’ve never in my life been more hurt and felt more insecure. I mean if she didn't love me why would she make love to me? It’s called making love for a reason, maybe it was just sex to her.

Why would she love you? You’re not even good enough for her. She loves Harry! I heard my sub-conscience tell me.

“That’s not true! She loves me too I know it!”

Of course she does, but she will never love you in the way she loves Harry.

“Thats a lie!”

I groaned into my pillow wishing all these thoughts would just disappear. Hear I was battling with myself conscience. If anyone could see me right now they would think I was absolutely crazy. I continued crying because maybe my conscience was trying to tell me something. Maybe marrying Sophia is the right thing to do, I know I can never make Gabriella happy like Harry. That must be the reason she couldn't tell me what she had to tell me earlier. Speaking of which, I wonder what she did have to say? Probably that she couldn't see me anymore because of Harry. I felt my eyes growing heavy, the alcohol was definitely taking its toll on me right now. I would be so hungover tomorrow. I just wanted to sleep because when I slept I was able to forget all this pain for a little while.

I woke up to someone pounding on my door. I checked my watch and it was seven in the morning. Who the fuck would be here this early? I got out of bed and put on some random sweatpants I had lying around. I didn't care how bad I looked right now. I looked through the peep hole. What the hell as Niall doing here? This earlier also.

“Hey Payno!” It was too fucking earlier to be this happy.


“Mate you look like hell. Did you sleep at all?”

“Gee thanks Niall, but no, not really.” I think he noticed the empty bottle of jack. He picked up the bottle and held it up giving me a saddened look.

“Did you drink all of this last night Liam?”

“Yeah I guess I did.” I looked down on the floor, memories from that day returning. I shook my head to try and get rid of them. “I’m not trying to be rude Niall but is there a reason you're hear? I’m not feeling that great today.”

“Yea, check this out.” He threw a little black box at me. I opened it to see a key inside. I don’t know if I was hungover or just stupid but I was definitely confused about this key.

“What the fuck is this for?”

“It’s a key to my place.”

“And you're giving this to me?”

“No! Its for Rebecca! I’m going to ask her to move in with me.” Wow my little Niall is growing up. I definitely didn't expect this. This is such a bold move especially for Niall, he was more shy when it came to women.

“Really? Well congratulations mate. I’m happy for you. This is a big step, are you ready for it?”

“I’m completely ready, I’ve never been so happy in my life. I love her Liam.”

“When are you going to ask her?”

“Today. I just don’t know how to.”

“Well I say you should go home and make her breakfast in bed and then ask her, thats exactly what I would do for Gab-” I cut myself off before I finally realized what I was going to say. Niall look at me confused.

“You would do that for who?”

“Uh nobody thats just what I would do.” He raised his eyebrow at me.

“Uh huh. Thanks for the idea Liam. I better get going before she wakes up.”

“You’re welcome Niall.” I walked him out and closed the door. Fuck I hope he didn't catch that. I know he wouldn't make something out of nothing and tell Harry, but still its embarrassing. I walked around my house and made myself breakfast. There was no way I could fall asleep, I was awake now. I sat on my couch with my bowl of cereal and my mind immediately thought of Gabriella. I needed to stop this but my brain had a mind of its own and I honestly couldn't help it. They weren't exactly pure thoughts I was thinking either. I would always think of how amazing her body looked naked, or how soft her lips were, and how good she felt around me. Mostly I would think of how beautiful she looked the whole time. It was like she was an angel, sent to me straight from Heaven. I’ve never seen anyone else that was so beautiful.

I still haven’t asked Sophia to marry me yet, I just couldn’t bring myself to do it. I guess because I was still hanging on to the idea that Gabriella would come back to me. It’s been three weeks and that still hasn't happened. I didn't want to get my hopes, but a part of me was still hoping. It felt wrong to get down on one knee and ask someone to spend the rest of their life with me. I felt wrong because Gabriella wasn't going to be the one who was on the other end of my proposal. I mean don’t get me wrong I love Sophia, I’m just not in love with her. I’m in love with Gabby and nothing or nobody could ever change that. I suppose I could learn to be in love with Sophia, but I feel like that is wrong of me. I would feel like I’m using her and thats not okay either. I just couldn't picture marrying anyone else but Gabriella. Why was I such a dumb ass? Why did I have to encourage her relationship with Harry? If I would have kept my fucking mouth shut I wouldn't be in this predicament. I never planned to feel like this, I never planned to fall in love with her. It just happened. My train of thought was interrupted by a text message from Niall.

From: Niall Horan: Hey mate, sorry for a last minute notice but Becca and I want to invite you guys over for dinner tonight. It’s nothing too big and nothing fancy either. Hope you can make it. Bring Sophia if you want. See ya later!”

Sent: I’ll be there. But I have to pick up Sophia first. Might be like thirty minutes late.

From:Niall Horan: Its cool. See ya there. Oh Gabby will be here. ;)

Sent: Niall, thats not funny. Nothing is going on between Gabby and me.

From: Niall Horan: Never said there was mate. Just thought you’d like to know.

Sent: Fuck you Horan!

From: Niall Horan: ;)

I guess I’d better get ready now because I still had to get Sophia and I know I would be waiting for her. She always took fucking forever and it got annoying to be honest. But at least Gabby would be there. I don’t care if Harry was with her as long as I got to see her I was happy. I just missed seeing her, it wasn't even about the sex with Gabby. I mean don't get me wrong the sex was amazing, but it was more than just a physical connection with her. We had such good chemistry and we just clicked. I just wished she could see it that way.

I picked up Sophia and she was in her typical bitchy mood as usual. Why the fuck was she so mad at the time? I didn't bother asking her about it because I knew it would just start a fight. We pulled up to Niall’s house, late of course and I saw Gabriella’s car packed outside.

“Okay Sophia, Gabby is here and can you please get along with her?”

“Well make sure she contains herself and doesn't start throwing punches again!”

“How times to do I have to say it? She punched you over something you started.”

“Are you seriously defending her right now?” We hadn't even made it inside yet and we were already fighting.

“Okay lets just stop I don’t want to argue with you right now.” I had knocked on the door and was waiting for an answer.

“Well maybe you need to reevaluate who’s really important to you Liam?” Thankfully Niall opened the door before this argument escalated. Sophia walked in and she didn't even bother to say hi. I felt embarrassed for her behavior to be honest everyone knows how rude my girlfriend is already and she isn't helping her case.

“Glad you could make it Payno.”

“Ah no problem.” I was happy to see the guys again, I missed them all. I didn't see Harry but I figured he was with Gabby. It wasn't until I saw her walk in the living room alone. I felt like everything just stopped and we were the only two people in the room. She looked beautiful, and she was so effortlessly pretty. She didn't even have to try. She looked sad also, was she not happy to see me? We were interrupted by Louis which was typical. He never stops with his teasing.

“Are you two just going to stare at each other all day or are you going to say hello?”

I walked over to hug her and she buried her face in my neck. She fit perfectly with me and I loved that feeling. She smelled so good also, she always smelled like coconuts which I loved. I wanted to keep her in my arms but of course I couldn't which made me sad. We both pulled away at the same and I gave her a quick kiss on the cheek. Rebecca came in the room to tell us all that dinner was ready. It was chicken parmesan and it looked amazing. I was about to start eating, but I looked over at Gabby and saw that all the color from her face was gone and she looked pale.

“Excuse me.” She got up from the table quickly and we all heard her run upstairs. What was wrong with her? Rebecca quickly got up after her and said she was going to check on her.

“Whats wrong with Gabby?” I asked Zayn.

“I don’t know why don't you go check on her?” As I got up from the table I heard Sophia mumble under her breathe.

“What was that Sophia?”

“Nothing Liam. Why don’t you just go check on Gabriella but she’s all you seem to care about lately.”

“Damn it Sophia not now okay?”

“Whatever Liam.” I ignored her response and walked up the stairs. The bathroom door was cracked and I heard Rebecca and Gabby talking. I scooted closer to the door quietly so I could hear what they were saying. I know its wrong to eavesdrop but I was curious and I wanted to know.

“What? The smell? When my mom was pregnant with Scott the smell of chicken made her nauseous also. Wait… you're not? You’re not pregnant are you?” After I heard Rebecca say that I didn't hear much but Gabby’s crying.

“Why didn't you tell me? You’re pregnant! This is so great! You're going to be such a good mother I know it Gabby! What did Harry say when you told him? He’s excited right?!” She’s pregnant and she didn't tell me? No wonder she didn't tell me, she’s having Harry’s baby. I heard her cry again and I honestly wanted to cry myself. Now everything is messed up. I need to leave her alone, she is having my friends baby.

“Babe why are you crying? Harry loves you! I know he’ll be very supportive!”. I was about to walk away but before I could I heard her say:

“Harry’s not the father Rebecca!” What?

“Fuck. Then who is Gabriella?”

“Liam. Liam’s the father.” I felt my stomach drop and I gasped lightly. The room started to spin, I felt dizzy and I felt like I was going to pass out.

“Are you sure? How far along are you?”

“Three months as of yesterday. Harry and I have always been careful, and that night I slept with Liam I don’t think he used any protection. I know this baby is Liam’s, Rebecca. There is no doubt about that.” I immediately started thinking back to that night. I didn't use a condom, I figured she was on the pill so it would be fine. I mean she probably is on the pill but things can go wrong sometimes, and something obviously went wrong. Not that I’m saying my baby is a mistake, I just didn't expect this to happen. Now that I think about it I never used a condom at all with Gabriella, I didn't even use one the other day.

“Come here.” I heard Rebecca say. “We will figure this out together okay? You’re not alone here. Have you told Liam?” Three months. She has been caring my baby for three months and she didn't tell me? I was going to be a father and she kept this from me? I felt myself growing angry but I had to remain calm. I walked into the bathroom and her mouth dropped.

“You’re three months pregnant with my baby and you didn't tell me?”

“Liam let me explain…” I cut her off before she could even finish speaking.

“When did you plan on telling me? When the baby actually got here? Gabriella that baby is mine and you had no right to keep this from me! I’m the damn father for fucks sake!”

“Liam I wanted to tell you! I just couldn't because I didn't want to hurt Harr-” I cut her off again and that made me even angrier. She didn't tell me because of Harry? Why does he always have to ruin everything! Did she not consider my feelings at all? Was she only thinking about Harry? I was the father of this baby and I deserved to fucking know.

“Gabriella this has nothing to do with Harry! This is between me and you! Did you ever think about how it would hurt me? To know that you’ve been carrying my baby and you didn't even tell me! I could have been there for you and you didn't even care enough to tell me about our baby!”
I could have supported her, I missed doctors appointments and everything just because she didn't want to hurt Harry. I know he probably doesn't even know about Gabriella being pregnant but I still wanted to punch him in the face. He didn't even know but he got to be there with her and watch my baby grow and I didn’t. He stole those moments away from me and he didn't even fucking know it. I was yelling loudly now and I felt bad I just couldn't control my anger right now. I saw that she was crying and I immediately felt bad.

“Liam please don’t yell at me. I’m sorry, I’m so sorry.” There it was again. Those same words that have been haunting me for almost a fucking month.

“That seems to be your response to a lot of things now doesn't it? I’m sorry but I need to think. I have to go.” I needed to leave. I had to clear my head. I was too mad to have a conversation with her right now. I heard her call after me but I ignored her and kept walking. I went into the dinning room and grabbed my jacket. Everyone must have been looking at me like I was fucking crazy. But I didn't care.

“Hey mate whats wrong?” I heard Louis say but I ignored him. I didn't want to talk to any of them right now. I saw Sophia and she was giving me a strange look. Shit I forgot about her.

“Can you call one of your friends to come get you. I need to leave now.”

“What the fuck Liam?” She said as I walked out and I slammed the door. As soon I walked out I saw Harry walking to the door. I wanted nothing more but to kick his ass, I couldn't of course because he had no idea of what was going on.

“Hey Liam? Why are you leaving? I just got here and I haven’t seen you. Don’t leave mate.”

“Something came up sorry.” I said as I slammed my door and sped off. I was going to be a father? It was still hard to process to be honest. I didn't expect to be a father this young, but I was going to be supportive. I had to. This must have been what she tried to tell me the other day. But of course I told her about my great idea to marry Sophia. I’m going to call Gabriella tomorrow. I just need to think right now. What am I going to tell my parents? Management? The boys? Harry? Shit! I slammed my hands on the steering wheel. I needed to talk to Gabby first before I did anything. I just needed to clear my thoughts right now. I pulled into the nearest bar. I sat in my car, I couldn't get out. This wasn't a problem I needed to drink away. I was going to be a father, I should be with Gabriella right now supporting her. I didn't even think to consider how she was feeling about all this. If its hard on me I can’t even imagine what she is dealing with. Why do I have to be such a dick all the time! I’m fucking it up before it even begins!

Why was I such a fuck up?


Hope you all enjoyed this chapter! I figured you guys would want to know Liam's view on the situation since most of the book is in Gabriella's perspective.

Does any one feel bad for Liam?! I know I do. Miscommunication can really suck!!

Did anyone else see Liam's instagram post today! He is beautiful okay.

love you all!


It perfectly fine, I understand! Take as much time as you need.

Candy_Monster Candy_Monster

It perfectly fine, I understand! Take as much time as you need.

Candy_Monster Candy_Monster

Beautifully written. I'm a Liam girl but im pulled to the love that She and Harry did experience. Great update!

Dew4ever Dew4ever

Ahh Harry!! He should've had the baby <\3

melanie0905__ melanie0905__

I love this and my name is Gabriella Marie Fuentes CX if only my last name was carter -.- then I would be the character CX jk jk tho but its a really good story cx