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The paper

“Cassandra Price the mystery girl who was seen all over Harry Styles is not a mystery anymore. She is a senior from Watford high, a loner in most part. She lives with her Granny, not far from school. The reason for her not living with her parents is yet to be known.
‘She doesn’t talk to anyone in school, she thinks she’s too good for us, and when she does speak it’s only about her and Harry,' Says a source. ‘She isn’t into racing at all, she Is in it for the money,’ Says one of her classmates telling us he overheard her speak these words to her real boyfriend which she spends her time with when she isn’t making Styles pay for her shopping.”

I hold my head between both my hands as Luke reads the article out loud to the class.

“I wonder who that bullshit source was,” Liam snatches the paper out of his hands.

“Wait Payne- are you the so called boyfriend mentioned? What does Sophie think about you dating Cassie too?” Ashton calls, and some of the classmates laugh.

“You tell us! Since you’re the so called source after all,” Calum snaps.

“So is it true? Are you really in it for only his money?” Some girl stops next to my desk to ask.

“You know.. the money and the hot fast rides on the motorway,” I roll my eyes at her stupidity.
I can’t believe someone went to the papers and fed them this rubbish.

“Really?!” The girl exclaims.

“You idiot, can’t you see she is messing with you? Maybe she is stuck up like they wrote,” Dafni speaks up, laying down her blush and mirror.

“Shut up Dafni!” Calum and Liam say at the same time.

“Why are you standing up for her? It’s not like she ever talks to you Calum, that is what a stuck up brat does,” Dafni shoots back at him.

“Or maybe you’re the stuck up brat!” I finally get to my feet and turn to look at her.
“All of you are full of SHIT! I go to this same fucking school as you for years! Since forever! And none of you even knew who I was or what my name is! None of you ever spoke to me or acknowledged me! I am the loner remember?! But suddenly Harry Styles the racer shows up at school and then all of you learn my name and think they know me?! You are full of fake shit! I didn’t even know who he was when I met him- let alone a famous racer! So who is the gold digging- fame chaser?! All of you who knew who he was and decided to try and become friends with me and decide to invite me to their blown out of proportion parties- but only if I bring Harry Styles? You all are fake shits and you make me sick!” I scream at them. They are all silent, staring at me shocked. Even Liam, never seeing me lose it like this before.

“Ms. Price! Would you please lower your voice and sit down? Class has started,” Mrs. Miller asks of me. I inhale sharply and turn to sit in my seat.

The lump in my throat has disappeared now after shouting my thoughts at the class, and truth be told it felt amazing.
My phone beeps and I check it quietly under the table.

From Harry: Whatever you do PLEASE don’t read the paper.

I sigh and text him back- I didn’t need to since someone took it upon himself to read it to me himself.

From Harry: It’s all bullshit babe, I’m sorry x.

I feel like crying, and smiling at the same time. When Harry wants to, he can be the sweetest person ever.

To Harry: You should be proud of me, I did a Harry.

From Harry: What the fuck does that mean?!

To Harry: It means I yelled the shit out of my class just like you taught me J

From Harry: What the hell? Why?

To Harry: I’ll tell you later x.

I put my phone away and try to listen to the teacher. When I look down at my desk there is a folded note on it that wasn’t there before.
I pick it up and open it.

Well done girl C.

I turn to glance at Calum and he winks at me. I send him a smile. I have no clue what would make him take my side and stick up for me, but it feels good to have one more person on my side and I am thankful for that.
When class is out I walk up to him to thank him.

“It is no problem,” He waves it off.

“No really, other than Liam no one here cares about the truth and it’s really refreshing to have another person on my side,” I explain.

“Cassie are you coming?” Liam calls me.

“Yeah- Hey want to sit with us?” I offer Calum to join us and he does.

“Hey man, it was cool what you did in class today,” Liam bumps fists with Calum, and we walk to the cafeteria. When we enter it goes quiet and everyone is staring at us.

I stop in my place, glancing at the faces looking at me, not sure what to do.

“Don’t sweat it, they are gazing at me, they aren’t used to me gracing them with my presents,” Calum whispers in my ear, and pulls me slightly after him.
We sit down at a table which already occupied a girl.

“Hi Danielle,” Calum greets her, and she raises her eyes from her book.

“Calum! Since when do you enter this hall?” She raises her brows, though a smile is painted on her lips.

“Told you they were staring at me,” Calum smirks at me.

“This is Danielle, Danielle these are Liam and-“

“Cassie, Read about you today, sorry.. Some people can really be sods sometimes,” She gives me a sympathetic shrug.

“Yeah.. What are you reading?” I ask pointing at her book, as I take a seat across of her.

“Beautiful disaster, it’s the third time I am reading it- it’s amazing,” She gushes making me grin.

“Is it that good? Maybe I’ll read it too then?” Liam says.

“So how do you two know each other?” Danielle asks.

“We have History together,” I tell her.

“That doesn’t mean anything, I take science with you Liam and we don’t know each other,” She states.

“That is true, we share a class?” He frowns.

“Calum stood up for me a few times,” I explain, before this turns in to one of those conversations about are school being a snob planet where no one knows the person to their right or left.

“Why? Because of the whole Styles incident?” She inquires.

“That is one way of putting it,” I let out a short laugh.

“Yeah he’s been really cool about it,” Liam speaks.

“Of course, put aside the fact he is a sucker for the underdog, Liam knows a thing or two about being close to someone famous,” Danielle says.

“What do you mean?” I question, leaning in, her comment spicing up my interest.

“My dad used to be a champion swimmer,” Calum explains.

“Used to?” I ask.

“He died in a car accident when I was younger, so for a while people used to refer to me as the late swimmer’s son,” He shrugs.

“I’m so sorry,” I feel bad, I know how it feels to lose parents, and I know how it feels to have your name in papers only because you know someone famous.

“It’s alright, don’t worry about it.”
Sitting with Calum and Danielle was quite refreshing, and Danielle was nice enough, I little too out spoken with people she only just met, but I like her.

I walk home with Liam making sure to let Harry know about my plan. I decided it was best for him to stay away from school and let my classmates cool down a little.
Liam walks me to the door, probably thinking if he won’t and Harry would find out, he’ll be knocking down his door.

“Are you working tonight?” Liam questions, as we reach the steps.

“Later, from six, I think Demi will be picking me up though, Harry said he might be busy with something,” I pull a face.

“Cool, well, I guess I’ll see you tomorrow then,” Liam smiles.

“Will do,” I wave before turning to the door.

“Nan?” I call out as I walk into the house.
I pace into the kitchen to find her sitting at the counter. It seems she is waiting for me. Then, I notice the paper in front of her.

She IS waiting for me.

“Oh no,” I sigh, taking a seat in front of her.

“What is this Cassie?” She demands, pointing at the photo of Harry and me.

“It is nothing really,” I try to wave it off.

“Bollocks Cassie! You explain this to me right now! What is this about Harry being a racer? Where was this photo taken and why is it in the paper?” She asks firmly. At least she isn’t angry, not yet anyway.

“Well, Harry is a professional racer Nan,” I start from the easiest part.

“And the photo was taken at the race yesterday morning, I went to it before I left to London with Eleanor and Perrie,” There is no point in lying to her, especially when it might be in tomorrow’s paper for her to read.

“What is this? Why did they write this about you?” Nan is all confused and I kind of feel bad. I should have explained to her who Harry is from the start.

“Nan, When I first met Harry, I didn’t know who he was, I thought he was just another random boy who fancied me, but one day when he came to pick me up from school all the guys there went mad with delight, and I didn’t understand why until the next day, when they all asked me if I was dating him. Then Liam explained who he was.”

“So you’re not with him for his money?” She asks me.

“Blimey Nan! Do you really think that little of me?” I pull a face not sure if she is making fun of me or not.

“Why hasn’t Harry told you about himself being a racer?” Nan asks next.

“Why would he? You should have seen the way they were all over him.. If I was him I wouldn’t have told me either.. I should like him for him, not for him being a racer,” I explain, understanding Harry better myself now too.

“Why would they write this about you though?” Nan is still not sure of what is going on, but I am happy she isn’t making a big deal about Harry being a race, at least that is not damaged by my schoolmates.

“Because, kids can be cruel Nan.. That is why, these aren’t my friends, and they don’t know me so they say whatever they can to buy themselves a few moments of fame.”

“I don’t even know what to say to that, this is unbelievable,” Nan remarks, and I can’t help but get up and walk around to her, wrapping my arms around her shoulders and kissing her cheek.

“Nan, it’s alright, I ignore it, and so should you, as long as we know the truth, what do you care what the paper says?” I question her.

“I reckon you’re right.. It was just a shock to see you in the paper like this… Did he win?” She looks up at me.

“He sure did win,” I laugh, and offer her another hug.

Even though Nan listened to what I said and let it go quite easily, I wasn’t quick to listen to my own words. I was worried about tomorrow’s paper, but then again there wasn’t much to do about it, but suck it up.


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Hope you liked this chapter x


@Allie Miller
Wow! Thank you for reading poppet! you're the best!
Hope you're enjoying it xx

raylee raylee

I finished it and starting sequel yay

Allie Miller Allie Miller

@Allie Miller
Glad you're enjoying it xx there is a sequl out too when you're ready =))

raylee raylee

Oh Em Gee!!! Absolutely love this

Allie Miller Allie Miller

I'm only on chapter 2 and already loving it!!!!

Allie Miller Allie Miller