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Chapter Two

Cassidy's POV

A crash wakes me up at an ungodly hour of the morning. I try to thrash my way out of the pale blankets tightly wrapped around me. Being a light sleeper definitely has its disadvantages. Finally rubbing enough sleep out of my eyes I peer at the clock on my nightstand. It reads 5:30am. I groan. Who is up this early in the morning? My door opens slightly and Leena pokes her head in.
“Sorry I tripped into the medicine cabinet in the bathroom. You can go back to sleep.” Leena explains knowing that I was awake.

“Wow graceful much Leena, well goodnight.”
I yawn and turn my back to the door. I hear the soft click of the door as Leena closes it. I stare at the window the thin curtains rippling slightly in the breeze. The sky has already started turning a light pink color. The lights of the city twinkle at me. I stare distantly while thinking about the events that are about to conspire. I hear the water rushing as Leena takes her early morning shower. Leena the band’s irish sweetheart with her sweet disposition and good advice but a temper to go with her heritage.

I closed my eye to try and go to sleep when I heard bickering coming from the bathroom. Evangeline must have woken up Daphne as well. Daphne always meant well but she definitely marched to her own beat. I stuck another pillow over my head to drown out their arguing. After not being able to fall back asleep I slip out of bed. Lifting the mattress a little I reach under for the little notebook resting there. I look around quickly before slipping out onto the ledge outside the window.

The girls would kill me if they found me out here. Well, Daphne and Leena would probably come out here with me. Skylar, being the responsible one would yell at me for doing something as stupid as climbing out on a ledge twenty stories up and Madison would probably just ask if it was comfortable. I hear Skylar inside reasoning out Leena and Daphne’s argument that probably woke up everybody on our floor. I roll my eyes and open the book in my hand.

Dear Journal,
Well, it certainly has been a whirlwind recently. We finished our first tour, won an award and got assigned to a second tour. It’s a real tour this time, not a opening act. They booked us a triple headliner which will definitely be interesting especially since we are going with two boy bands. The girl craze has already hit the other girls with Leena getting up way too early in the morning. Sometimes I still marvel at how all of us managed to get so close. Daphne’s a rebel, Leena is a total diva, Skylar is well a lot more responsible than the rest of us and Madison keeps us grounded. Sometimes I wonder how me, Cassidy the one who writes stupid stories and doesn’t talk to people, ended up here. Oh well. I am still not sure on this whole tour thing. It would have been nice to have a little free time. Maybe we will have some before the tour officially starts. But honestly the idea of being cooped up with ten strangers for ten months or so. Well I guess they won't be strangers by then but still after…..well I guess the past is in the past. Oh gosh, Skylar is pounding on the door. If she sees me out here she will kill me. Well, bye.

“Cassidy Annabelle Marie Wayland if you don't start getting ready soon we are going to be late.” Skylar yells from the other side of the door.
Grabbing my journal I slip inside quickly. I pry up the mattress and throw my journal inside. I have to find a better hiding place for that. If the other girls found it. I shake my head to clear my thoughts. Slightly out of breath I answer the door.
“Finally I was beginning to think I was going to have to come in and wake you up. You definitely sleep like a log, don't you.” Skylar reprimands.

I see Leena behind her looking perfect. She sends me a wink. Leena found out about a year ago by accident that I wasn't as sound of a sleeper as the others thought I was.
“Good morning.” I answer still trying to catch my breath.
“What have you been doing in there?” Skylar asks.
I shrug my shoulders, “Sleeping.”

“Well get ready.”
“Yes mother.” I tease.
Closing my door gently I walk to my suitcase and grab a tank top and sweatpants. Throwing them on I brush my hair, pull it up into a ponytail and walk out.
“Okay I’m ready lets go.”
The others look up at me and I see a mixture of shock and disbelief on their faces.
“You can not wear that to meet the boys.” Madison states.
“Why not?” I ask, “It’s comfortable.”
“You’re supposed to try and look hot.” Leena says like I’m stupid.
“You’re just jealous that I’m naturally this tan.” I joke.
Leena pouts and then gets a mischievous look her face.

“Girls I think she needs the treatment.” Leena says.
I back away with my hands raised.
“Oh no, not that.”
When we were young we did what all little girls did and dressed each other up, hair, makeup and clothes. We called it the treatment. Now when we think that one of us needs to shape up for the day the others give her the treatment.

“Yeah it’ll be fun we haven’t done this in a while.” Daphne states. “And we really have like an hour cause Skylar thought you would take longer.”
“Ooooh a treatment yay!” Madison exclaims, “Cassy go shower.”
“Fine.” I say begrudgingly, heading to the bathroom.
After I shower, the girls crowd around me.
“I think I have something she can wear.” Daphne states.

“No Daphne I think there's enough clothes in my suitcase to choose from.”
“Quite frankly your clothes suck, Cass. We need to take you shopping.” Leena says going through my suitcase.
Madison had grabbed my hands to start the nail polish. Madison could do things with nail polish take quite frankly I have no idea how she did.
“I think we all have clothes that will fit her.” Skylar says.
Leena runs off to find something. God help me. Daphne curls my hair while Skylar does my makeup.
“I think were done.” Skylar states.
I slip on the clothes Leena gives me and look in the mirror.

“A little too much just to meet some guys don't you think.”
“Not just any guys one direction and 5 seconds of summer.” Madison states in a 'no duh' voice.
“Oh well I know you guys wont let me change so lets go.” I concede.
Leena squeals then practically skips out the door.
We bundle into the car with Jared, our body-guard.
“Looking good ladies. Even you Cass. I would have thought you would dress normally just to spite the other girls.”
“Ahhh I tried but they didn’t let me.”
Jared nods his head.

The other girls chat excitedly as we make our way to the office building. I stare out the window at the water droplets on it. It must have rained last night. Finally the car pulls up in front of the building. We all get out and they usher us up to the the office. The others are already sitting there.
“Well girls good to see you sit down.” I look around trying to find a place to sit between two of the girls. They seem to have spread out all over the room. “Any day now, Miss Wayland.” Embarrassed, I plop down into the open seat.
“Hi I’m Zayn.”

I turn quickly flash a smile and a wave and turn back to the front not really ever looking at the boy next to me.
“So I bet you all are excited to get to know all the tour details. The tour starts in two weeks. It will run for ten months and is a world tour. It will start in the US followed by the UK, Europe, Asia and Australia. In the meantime all of us at management have decided that in the meantime our acts should get to know each other. You will all be staying together at a house that we have rented. You will be split into groups one member from each band. They will be your partners in a kind of buddy system. The buddy system is for two things. First of all is safety if you leave the mansion bring at least one of your buddies. You will have to know where both of your buddies are at, at all times. Secondly we are running a friendly competition to help you guys get to know each other. Over the next two weeks and much of the tour until we deem it unnecessary you will be put through a series of exercises. Be comfortable around your buddies they will soon be your best friends. Each team will have a suite to stay in at the house. The body guards will be monitoring you all per usual. Now for the teams. When I call your name get in your groups.”

By the time he finishes speaking I am having a minor panic attack. Groups…..teams…..strangers. The other girls seem excited and antsy to know their teammates. I didn't sign up for this I think to myself. I thought I would hang out with the girls ignore the others and get through this tour in one piece.

“Skylar, Harry, Luke. Evangeline, Louis, Calum. Daphne, Liam, Dustin. Madison, Niall, Ashton.” He reads off the groups. “Cassidy, Zayn, Michael.” He finishes.
“Hey are you Cassidy?” I hear from the boy next to me.
Turning, I nod my head. I finally get a good look at him. He is beautiful. I don’t know how else to describe him. Perfectly styled hair, long eyelashes, tan skin. He looks like a model. A leather jacket and skinny jeans label him as someone who is usually Daphne’s type.

Looking over, I see her standing with a guy that looks like David Beckham and another guy that looks kinda preppy. Daphne for once looks out of place. Seeing me looking, she shoots me a look that says save me. I half smile and crinkle my nose.
“I think I’m with you guys.” I hear from behind me.
Turning around, I see Zayn greet a guy with purple hair and a lip piercing.
How did I get stuck with the punk guys?
“I’m Michael by the way.” He says greeting me.
I smile at him shyly.

“Ah we got us a no talker Zayn, lets see how long that lasts.” Michael says.
I think he’s joking.
“Now that you’ve all greeted each other, I expect you to get each other’s contact info. Your first exercise in getting to know each other is just that get to know each other. Forms have been left at your suites. Get together fill them out and next time we meet I expect you to be able to introduce your partners. You guys are dismissed.”
I follow the others out to the vans outside. Well this is certainly going to be interesting.



Hey Bella do you need a co-author? Because I have seriously no stories on this account besides Summer Love. And you have 4 co- authors. Right? If you need another one let me know. Cause I'll pitch in. You already know how I write. If I don't update its school. Okay? Okay! :)

HoransHeart HoransHeart

Thanks! :)

amazing books

That's good :)