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Maid For Styles

Chapter 5

Once we step outside, I'm almost instantly being blinded, by the illuminating sunlight. I cover my eyes, and I stay like that for a while. First, I'm crying my eyes out, and then this stupid sunlight exists, like what the hell. Once I'm finish, I walk to Perrie's car, and sit in the back. I'm still crying. And so are the girls. The Fault in Our Stars is probably the Titanic of the generation.

I still can't get over it. Despite, I read the book. Ansel Elgort is a beautiful creature, and his lips are absolute perfection. We don't talk in the car, just hear very few sniffles. "Well, that was horrible." I say wiping my face. Smearing my mascara. Great.

"You guys are the worst!" El says, while crying. Perrie, isn't crying, but only because she doesn't want to get in a crash. "Why can't Zayn be my Augustus Waters?" She starts crying, but she can still see visibly.

"I don't even have a boyfriend!" I start crying, really bad. Thanks, The Fault in Our Stars. Who knew, you could give us this affect? We pull up, at Harry's house, and I unlock the door. We walk in, and see five boys on the couch, laughing until they see us.

"Holy shit, what happened to you guys?" Harry asks, getting up with his fist clenched. What the hell?!

I start bawling, "Ask Perrie!" I say wiping my tears. Eleanor, and Perrie start crying really bad too. "We saw a really sad movie." She says, still crying.

"What movie did you guys see?" Louis asks.

"The Fault in Our fucking Stars, Louis." Eleanor says, breathing n and out. Harry stares at me, and he relaxes at bit. He stares into my eyes, and takes my hand. We are now walking to his room, and I start to calm down a bit.

"Hi." I say awkwardly, looking around. He slightly chuckles, "Hi." He says. Now it's a bit awkward. He continues to stare at me. "Why are you staring at me like that?" I ask.

"Because you're beautiful." Oh no. I start crying again, and he holds me. "Oh, was-" He says, but I cut him off, "Harry, just be quiet." I say holding onto him.

"O-okay." We stay like this, for a bit then I let go of him. "I'm still mad at you." I say, looking away.


"Stop, calling me that." I say annoyed. "I freaking hate it when you call me Rosalie, Harry."I lie. I honestly love it when he calls me Rosalie. "And no, you're not sorry, for telling people we hooked up. You just used me." I say looking away.

"Rosie, I wouldn't use you. I fucked up, and I didn't mean to tell people we kissed." He says looking at my lips, then he looks away. "It was just a silly kiss." He slightly laughs.


"Yeah, it's not like, the kiss meant anything." I fake a laugh, and he laughs again. He smiles, "Friends?" Are you fucking serious motherfucker. "Of course!" I giggle, and he laughs. We get up, and I walk to my room.

I grab my journal, and I open it to a new sheet of paper.

December 8

I'm a bit sad. A little too sad. Today I saw The Fault in Our Stars, with Eleanor and a new friend named Perrie. Okay, Perrie makes me pretty insecure. Perrie is gorgeous, and I look like a seal. Oh, and remember when I said how Harry kissed me? I guess our 'kiss' meant absolutely nothing to him. Not very surprised, because I'm ugly, and he's beautiful. Harry is probably the most beautiful person I've laid eyes on. Except Ansel Elgort, of course, but Harry is so adorable. I hate when people call me Rosalie. It's a stupid name. But for some odd reason, I love it when Harry calls me Rosalie. It rolls of his tongue perfectly, and every time he says my name he gives a cocky smirk. Not to mention, I crave for his touch. Just his whole presence makes me happy, and happy is something I haven't felt in a while.

I feel like I can tell Harry almost anything, and I wouldn't even care, because it's Harry. Yes, he is popular, and yes he is way out of my league. But if I could just for once have things my way, maybe I wouldn't be so depressed. I honestly, think the only reason, I'm depressed is because, I never get things my way. I don't mean it like how it sounds. It's just, I've always wanted this happy family, who supports me and I can't even get that. I don't think my parents like me. Considering the fact, they made me a maid here.

I don't know what hurts more; my hand or my heart.


I put up, my journal and walk to the living room. I see everybody sitting laughing and talking. I sit next to Niall, and he instantly puts his arm around me. I smile, and look at Harry. He looks upset, then looks away.

"Do you hate Pepsi?" Louis asks me.

"Yeah, how did you know?" I ask.

"Don't know. Just got a feeling you hate it." He laughs, "Do you hate Harry?" He asks,

"Of course, not." I half lie. I don't hate Harry, I'm just upset with him. "We're friends." I smile, and Harry smiles back.

"Yeah, we're best friends." He smirks, and I roll my eyes giving a fake smile.

"Actually we're best friends, so bye." Eleanor says, snuggling next to Louis. Why can't that be me and Harry?

"Eat my shorts." He gives a wink to me.

Not sure if we're flirting, or actual best friends.


hey im sorry its short im just really tried k bye ily

comment please.


please update love this book xxxxx :):):):):):):):)

Please update it's way better that before!!!

im trying to hold on here i keep rereading this story cuz its like umm Awesomeness married a unicorn and had a baby named Maid for Harry :) .... just showing my love for this story . Update soon