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Those 5 boys

Chapter 2

But one day when my usual routine broke on a Saturday morning I didn't go up the woods because I had a party the night before and didn't wake up until late so I decided to go up the woods just about half an hour before the sun set so I could watch it go down. It was beautiful I loved it the amazing light as it shimmered down to the other side of the world. I was walking back just when it turned dark I always remembered the routine even in the dark I was walking down the woods I was still deep in the woods and the sound of crackling sticks as I went down I started to walk faster I felt there was something wrong my eyes turned yellow that's new wait no its not I remember when I'm worried it changes ha-ha but no the sticks kept crackling every direction I looked in my eyes glowed that section up and there was nothing there so I moved faster until I started to run I felt like there were red eyes burning into the back of my skull and when I felt that my eyes always turned red because I didn't like people staring at me so I turned around to see nothing so I ran because I was quite fast and fir I could run for a long time I managed to get out again and turn my eyes back to Hazel after that I ran Home and by then it was 7: 00 pm so I better get home now.
I walked through the door "Hey Mom I'm back" I shouted through the door as I walked upstairs
"Elise come here please" so I did I went to the kitchen
"Yes mom"
"You've been up the woods again haven't you Elise of course you have your always up there I don't want you going up there at night or at all anymore dear because it's all over the news people from this area keep getting taken and turning up dead in a gutter and I don't want you to be on your own because you're always on your own when you go up there"
"Mom the woods is the safest place like ever its where I feel free and safe where no one can find me I'm sorry mom but I can't do that I can't stop going up there"
"Alright if that's how you feel I 'll let you go up there just be safe for me" My mother said with disappointment that I said no but happiness is that's how I feel about being outside.
But I can still see the worry in her eyes like mine they change colour and we allow them to in our home together but her colours are different to mine she says our eyes are like this because a long time ago a witch cast a spell on the mother so her eyes would change colour of her mood making her an outcast but over a generation of time we learned how to control it like I can control it more than my mother when she's really angry she can't stop her eyes from changing colour but if I'm really angry I can stop keeping them hazel like a normal human being.
It was term time (spring break or whatever you Americans call it I'm British so like you know have different words to you :)
and on the first night of half term we had parties and I got hung-over so I didn't go for my morning walk but the disappearances stopped so my mother wasn't so worried about me going up the woods again.


Hmm kids going missing what could happen next


Cool start to your story! Can you please check out my story "Crumbled"