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The fight

Bella's P.O.V

"The movie was awesome!" I said, I started to giggle at Zayn's horrified expression."Your such a dork!" I said as I punched his arm."But you love it" He said with a smirk, I rolled my eyes.
~Skip the car ride~
When we got back to the house I saw another car was parked in the drive way, Louis, Mona and Liam got stuck in traffic so it couldn't be them."Shit" Harry muttered, I looked at Zayn."What's wrong?" I asked with a questioned look on on face."Bella, listen to me. I want you to go to your room, lock the door and don't come out. No matter what, got it?" Zayn said looking serious, I nodded. When we parked the car and got out, 2 large men got out of the car. They reminded me of the men who kidnapped us that night, my face paled as I realized they were carrying guns. They pulled one out and shot a tree near by, oh shit! Harry and Zayn ran to hide behind the cars, while I stood there frozen in place. They looked and me and smirked, they held to gun up in my direction. Harry and Zayn looked horrified. I looked at the men and said, "What a bunch of cowards, just shot me already!" I yelled. They put their guns down walked towards me,"Your coming with us"said one of the men."Like hell I am!" I said, I kicked one of the guys in the balls and went to go punch the other guys throat. They both went tumbling to the ground, Harry and Zayn stood there in shock, I was about to smile when I heard someone shot a gun. Harry went crashing to the ground, I saw one of the men holding their gun at Zayn. Before I knew what I was doing I kicked him in the head as hard as I could, he passed out cold. While the other one was holding his throat and trying to run away, I picked up the guys gun and aimed for his leg. I shot the gun, the bullet hit him in the right leg. He screamed in pain, I walked over to him and kicked him in the head also. I ran over to Harry, he was still breathing so that's a good sign. I checked to see where the bullet wound was, but there wasn't one."What the hell?" I muttered. Harry's eyes opened, and for the first time in a long time, he smiled at me. I immediately smiled back, there's just something about his smile that makes me feel all warm inside. I realized Zayn was watching us, I got up to go cheek on the 2 huge men passed out on the drive way."Damn Bella, where did you learn to kick ass like that?" Zayn asked. I smirked,"I had to learn a few tricks to keep Mona and myself safe." Harry got up and grabbed the guns,"And how the hell did you know how to use this gun?" he tried shooting, but nothing came out. I walked over to him, "Be careful, you might hurt some-" I was cut off by a car pulling into the driveway. Louis, Liam and Mona jumped out of the car,"Why are there 2 guys laying in our driveway?" Louis asked."Turns out Bella can kick ass" Harry said with a smile. Mona didn't look surprised, she's seen me do this before. After a Harry made a few calls, the 2 men and their car was taken away, I walked into my room exhausted. Man, I needed to get back in shape. I sat on my bed feeling light headed. I went into the restroom and took off all my make up, when I looked in the mirror I didn't look as bad as I did when we first arrived. I had bags under my eyes from the lack off sleep, it turns out I can't get any sleep without Zayn by my side. I sigh and head to the bed, looks like another sleepless night. Someone knocks on my door, its Harry. Crap. He walks in and sits on my bed,"Thanks for today" he said softly."It wasn't a big deal, I've beaten up bigger guys then that" I say with a small smile. He gets up and leaves without saying a word, okay? A few more minutes pass by, Harry comes back in a pj's. He walks around the bed and lays next to me,"Umm, what are you doing?" I asked."Trying to get some sleep, good night." he mutters."Okay? Goodnight Harry." I couldn't sleep while knowing Harry was sleeping right next to me. Without a warning, Harry wraps his strong arms around my waist and pulls me closer to him. I catch my breath as he whispers my name, is he dreaming about me again? And with that though, I close my eyes and fall alseep


Hope you guys like it :DD


Im glad

Niallsgirl1 Niallsgirl1


Ok I'm really excited


Bella is going to write it

Niallsgirl1 Niallsgirl1

where the sequel?

Is the sequel up yet or no