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One Choice


I tended to be the first to the party because if I got there too late, all of the good food would be gone. I wasn't too big on the party scene, but after parties always had the best food. The rest of the guys were changing clothes, but I didn't feel the need to. That and I was starving.

The line for the food was surprisingly short and I loaded my plate. Despite my love of food, I never managed to eat before a concert because of nerves. Surprisingly, I still hadn't blown any chunks backstage like Harry had a couple times, but I didn't want to risk it.

After my plate was filled with a little bit of everything, I wandered over to an isolated corner of the room. I normally was rather social, but tonight I was feeling tired and hungry. I didn't feel like celebrating the end of the tour, although it was something to be happy about. I was fortunate enough to have been matched with four of the most incredible guys during the X Factor; we all got along and spending basically all our time together was never an issue… however, the same couldn't be said about the group we had been touring with for the past months. It wasn't anything personal against Big Time Rush, just something about the two of our bands was not compatible.

I stuffed my face and glanced about the room. The roll I had been holding fell out of my hands once my eyes fell on her. She was standing next to a blonde girl and the two were talking. She was definitely dressed for the occasion, but somehow she looked out of place. Her smile, as beautiful as it was, didn't seem very certain. I watched as she ran a hand down her flat stomach, anxiously smoothing out her perfectly pressed dress. What did she have to be self-conscious about? Without a doubt, she was the most breathtaking girl in the room. Her friend was cute, yeah, and there were other attractive girls, but she was something different.

It didn't make any sense to me, but I had to figure out her name. I had to know who she was. I kept staring, too scared to make a move. From my safe little corner, I constructed elaborate plans on how to get her to notice me. I watched as a red head started talking to the brunette and her friend, and I wondered what they were saying.

Without a single warning, the girl turned around and looked directly at me. My mouth was full of food and I probably had the dumbest look on my face. To spare myself of further humiliation, I dropped my stare and looked awkwardly at the cluttered floor.

She looked at me, and just like that she stole my heart.


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