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What happens when One Direction goes to your house??


*Caylees pov*

i woke up with a huge headache. "Niall what happened last night." I say. "Well we went to a club and you got drunk as hell. I knocked a guy out to protect you. and then we came home." He responds. "That explains my major headache." I say. "Here" he says handing me two asprins. I look at my clock and it says it was 2pm. "What day is it?" I ask. "Tuesday" he says. "Shit" I say while jumping up and running to my closet. "what's wrong?" Niall asks. "I have cheerleading practice in a half an hour." I yell while putting on my cheer shirt and spankies. I brush my teeth put my hair up and ask Niall if he wants to go. "Yes I would love to." He says. "Ok then let's go we need to leave right now." I say and we run out the door. "Those shorts look good on you Caylee." Niall says with a smirk. "Thanks Niall." I say while lulling out of the driveway. My phone vibrates it's a text from Harry.

Harry: where did you guys go
me: e are going to my cheer practice.
Harry: you should have invited me.
he replys with a smirking face.
me: excuse you but you have a girlfriend.
harry: you shoul have invited both of us
me: stop being a perv

we get there and I run in and find my coach.

"Hi coach James" I say out of breath. "Hi Caylee. Why are you out of breath?" He says. "Because I just woke up a half an hour ago." I say. "Ok and who's this." He ask pointing to Niall. "That's my boyfriend Niall." I say. "Niace to meet you Niall I'm James Caylees cheer coach." He says while shaking Nialls hand. "Ok should we get started." He asks. "Ya sure." I say while giving Niall a hug and a kiss.

to be continued


Sorry it's kinda short I am busy and I am on summer break so I can update!!! I will try to update as much as I can.



@Niallers Nandos
I am updating right now and thank you

Totally1dfan Totally1dfan

I love the story.... and you used Nash Grier as Josh, I love it..... :) please update

Niallers Nandos Niallers Nandos

Thank u that means a lot

Totally1dfan Totally1dfan

love it!