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I'll Be Superhuman


Its been about a month since the dance and everyone was buzzing. Because today was the day of the auditions. Harry was up before everyone else and went for a run. When he got back he showered then met everyone in the lunchroom. He sat down in his usual spot which was next to Liliya. "Hey Curly! Where'd you go off to?"
"I went running. You look lovely Lilly…like a flower." He pecked her cheek which made her glow a bit. He had no idea why she did that but he thought it was adorable. Harry still was confused if they were dating or not. But hey beggars can't be choosers right? Although Andrew visited twice the past month since he's out of school. And Liliya told Harry to just give them space…so he doesn't know what this girl wants.

Liliya was trying to push Andy into dating other girls. But not like she knew anyone at her school. So She has been texting Niall to set him up with girls. And they have been talking about more than just Andy's love life…but Liliya had to be careful not to let it slip that she was 'special'. Mostly because she figured Niall was a mutant hater considering who his father was. She and Harry were on great terms but she was still unsure if she should get close considering her powers go out of whack whenever she is near him.

Louis spotted Liliya's glowing hands and just smirked. Minette was trying not to laugh either. Which only caused Liliya to fling syrup at him. Which he dodged easily. That was until Liliya used her telekinesis to stop in and fling it into the back of his head. "Hey! Not cool Lilly!" He stood up and went to his room. Minette got up and followed him. "Oh come on Louis…it was funny." Minette pulled on his arm stopping him. Louis sighed and turned to her. She was smiling and looking cute as usual. He slipped his arm around her waist and guided her to the bathroom. "Well Minnie it's your lucky day. You get you help me clean out the syrup!" Minette just giggled and nodded her head.

Perrie and Zayn were barely apart now. Perrie and the girls however were not allowed to go with. Professor's orders. Rogue was going with though to make sure everyone was safe. Zayn wasn't too pleased that his mom was going along. But not like he could argue with Professor's orders. So he grabs Perrie's hand and drags her away from everyone leaving just Liliya and Harry sitting at the table. "Zayn…where are we going?" Zayn just smiled and kept on pulling her behind him. He finally found an empty hallway. He pushes her up against the wall. His lips meet hers. His hands go to her waist. God he can't get enough of her lately. He was always touching her. She pushed him off and smiled. "You don't want to be late. Come on lets go see if Louis fixed his hair. We will have plenty of time for that."

Liliya and Harry were sitting there wondering where the hell Zayn and Perrie went off to. Harry was looking at Liliya while she was texting away on her phone. "Hey Lilly…do you think that maybe you could focus on me for once?" Her head snapped up and she looked at him. She studied him for a bit then put her phone on the table. It buzzed again but she didn't grab for it. "Lilly this could be the last time we are together for awhile…"
"Don't say that Harry. You'll come back to get your things. I will find a way to see you don't worry." Harry looked at the girl who just drives him crazy sometimes. He leaned in and kissed her. He cupped her face with his hands. She kissed him back. Then she started to glow again so he stopped. "You really should figure out--"
"I can't control it! It just happens." She was blushing and looking away. He pulled her onto his lap and kissed her cheek. She leaned her head back on his shoulder. "I'll miss you Curly."
"Hey now…we'll see each other again. I really wish you guys could come out but--"
"I'm too much of a hazard." That was not what Harry was going to say. It would just be safer for her here.

Minette finally finished getting syrup out of Louis's hair. "There all done!" She watched as Louis redid his hair and then turned to her. He walked over and hugged her. They walked back hand in hand. Only to see Liliya and Harry cuddling and Harry whispering something in her ear. "Hey lovebirds…where are the other two?" Then just on queue Perrie and Zayn come around a corner giggling and smiling.

They were all saying their goodbyes when Rogue comes around with this big black SUV to take the boys to the audition. Liliya hugged all of the boys and Harry kissed her one last time. Louis hugged Minette and kissed her on the cheek. But Minette couldn't bring herself to hug Zayn so they just like awkwardly waved goodbye. Then they all watched as the boys piled into the car and drove off.

Niall and Liam were already at the place with Andrew. Liliya stopped texting Niall back after awhile. She was probably busy at school or something. He was kind of upset when she said that she wasn't going to be able to make it out. But she did tell him to kick ass. He really liked Liliya. But other than that his life has kind of fallen apart. His dad kicked him out saying that he shouldn't be going on a show that mixes humans and 'those vile creatures'. So he just recently moved in with his mom right smack dab in the city. It could be worse at least his mom made better food.

Liam was looking around trying to spot some mutants who seemed nice to befriend. That’s when this big black SUV pulled up. And Rogue from the X-Men flew out along with three guys. They all look around his age. One of them has a blonde streak like Rogue…must be her son. "Niall, Andrew…look!" Everyone seemed to be looking. Niall came up beside Liam. "So what? They are just…wait that girl isn't she on--"
"Yep my friend. Come on lets go make some friends." Liam starts to make his way over but then he hears Niall and his names.

Andrew watched as his friends disappeared into the room. He felt a tap on his shoulder so he turned around and saw Harry, Louis, and Zayn. "Oh hey guys."
"What are you doing here? Lilly isn't--"
"I'm not here for Liliya. I'm here for some friends from school. So you can just shut up Styles." Andrew really didn't like Harry. He didn't like the fact that the last time he visited Liliya, he was all she could talk about. 'Harry did this…Harry and I went blah blah blah.' Harry just nodded at him then Niall and Liam called his name. "Andrew! WE MADE IT! WE FREAKING MADE IT!" Liam and Niall come running over but stop when they see who he is talking to.

"Holy crap! You are the guys that came--" Liam was cut off by them yelling off names. The one with the blonde streak slapped the other two on the backs.
"That’s us guys. Shall we get this over with?" He and the shorter brown-haired boy started to walk off. The taller boy stayed for a moment. He turned to Andrew and folded his arms. "See ya Andrew. Nice to see you have other friends besides Lilly. Who is by the way pretty much MY girlfriend. Oh congrats to you two. Hopefully we will see each other soon." Liam believed every single thing that boy said. Niall and Andrew just stood there dazed.

She had a boyfriend?! Let alone some guy who ran around with one of them! Niall could believe this. He thought that she…she liked him. He had a message from her.

Liliya: OMG congrats Niall! That's awesome!! :)

She is taken…should he even be allowed to talk to her? Something seemed off about that guy though…how did he know Liliya…she went to an all girls boarding school. Niall decided that the guy lied and Liliya was still single. He quickly responded. He heard him and Liam's name called out again. So they went back in. The three guys were still in there. Niall was seriously confused.

Andrew should've known Harry was dating Liliya. He was all she could talk about lately. Now he was sitting by Niall's mom waiting for them to come back out. It seemed like ages when they finally came out. Andrew stood up and Niall along with everyone else. What the hell was Zayn, Harry, and Louis doing with them? "Well what did they want with you again?"
"Andrew…I'd like you to meet the rest of the band."

Harry watched as Andrew's whole face just scrunched up. He couldn't help but chuckle. So these must be the two friends that Andrew has outside of Liliya. That blonde one was busy texting away on his phone. Then he goes over to some woman…must be his mom. Andrew and the other guy were busy talking. Louis was by him while Zayn was calling up the girls. "Well this isn't what we were expecting but these guys seem cool enough. Lets just hope they are cool with the whole mutant thing." Harry couldn't agree more with Louis.


Yay the band is together!!! Whoot Whoot! We have a lot going on...for starters who do you guys like better with Liliya? Harry? Niall? or Andrew?! Ahh so many options. I would really like to know! So please comment your thoughts! :)

~A xxx


can you please check out my story secrets it's like twilight

superwoman184 superwoman184

HALIYA pleeeese

superwoman184 superwoman184

HALIYA please!!!!

superwoman184 superwoman184

Will do and I can't wait for the comments!

So EXCITED to dive in to this!!!! ;)

comments coming soon.

You have to read the music video I wrote for the song " Strong" on my Hey Jude story. It's chap 34