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His Bandmate

Chapter 17

My breathing is heavy and my mind is thick. I still can't believe who it was that sat on the chair next to mine when I got on the plane, it's just crazy. I look over at him on the chair beside me sleeping. His head is leaning on the back of the chair and his mouth is slightly open. I look at his features, which I never get the change to do otherwise. His jaw is strong, his lips are pink and look soft, his hair is laying in a frenzy to the side of his face underneath the beanie. He's wearing the same white t-shirt and black sweater that he wore to dinner, along with a pair of blue jeans.

When I see him stir, I close my eyes in the attempt to seem like I'm sleeping too. I can hear, and envision it in my head, that he's stretching and rubbing his face from sleepiness. We've been on this plane for almost nine hours now and haven't said too many words to each other. When the shock finally settled in a little, I had gotten out an 'umm..eh..what..um..'so yeah, that made sense. He had understood me though and given the answer 'I thought you needed someone, and apparently Harry wouldn't be that one, so...yeah...' he had mumbled and I saw his lips move, but the words didn't register in my head. I was a little irritated with Harry, I had thought he would help me. Lea took the big position right away, making sure that everything got done when I had problem even breathing. What did Harry do? Nothing. Staring at the table. I though he at least would've help with the flight, or driven me home, or anything. Isn't he like my best friend? But I can't think about that right now. Now I have this to deal with. Louis is sitting in the chair next to me on our way to Philadelphia. Louis. What the hell? I don't get why he is here. I don't know what to do about it either. We should probably talk about it, but I can't open my eyes and do it. I pretend to be sleeping and have been for the last eight hours, the first hour I just sat still, staring at the chair in front of me in shock.

My eyes shoot open though when we hit turbulence and I gasp. I really don't like flying and these flights are too long. Eleven hours on a plane? That was torture. I look over at Louis who smiles sheepishly at me, I look down and see that I had grabbed the armrest in panic and his hand was on there. I quickly released my hold and layed my hands in my lap.

“Ladies and gentlemen, we will soon reach our destination, the wind has been on our side and we will land in an hour.” The woman in the speakers tell us. An hour? That's earlier than I thought. Oh no. What should I do? I don't even know how to deal with dad and the sudden death on my wonderful aunt. It's so weird that she's not here anymore. I feel so bad for not visiting more often since I moved. I feel my breathing getting heavier. She was such a good woman, she was like my second mom, or first since I didn't have one. What will my dad do? Now he's all alone. Maybe I should move back for him. I feel my eyes tear up. I haven't really had the time to cry about this, everything got so stressful before I left. I look out the window on the other side of the aisle as I feel a tear run down my cheek. I try not to sob or give any indication to that I'm crying. I should probably go into the bathroom, but my legs feel too weak. All of a sudden I feel Louis take my hand and hold it firmly. I can't look over at him, my tears has started to flow freely down my face and I shake with the tears. His presence makes everything worse and better at the same time. I don't know how to deal with him, but I ignore that fact now.

After crying for half an hour or so, I dry my cheeks and pull my hand back from Louis's. That was a little weird. I take a deep breath as the flight attendant tell us that we're about to land. I know that I will have to be strong for my dad, that's why I let the crying out, he can't see that part of me right now. I need to help him, he can he the one crying, not me. I will have to keep my feelings in check until I'm alone.

We don't say anything as we step of the airplane, Louis pulls his hoodie up and sunglasses on as we walk out to get our bags. First I thought he was an idiot and wondered what he was doing, it wasn't even sunny, then I realized the reason as I heard two girls whispering 'Oh my god! Is that Louis from One Direction?'. I sighed and rolled my eyes. I don't think I will ever get used to the idea of them being famous, I don't really see that side of them. For me they're just normal guys hanging around.

As we get our bags, we walk out to the street where the cabs are waiting. Louis has taken my bag and leads it to a cab driver who opens the trunk. I jump into the backseat and soon Louis do the same. I give my address to the driver and he drives off. I know that back in my head somewhere I'm wondering what I'm doing. I'm wondering if Louis is going to stay with me and my dad? If he's staying at all? How long? Why? But I can't form the questions out loud and don't have the strength to even care. I should, but I don't.

The car drive isn't too long, but long enough for the tension in the car to get awkward. I know that I should say something, but I just don't know what. My brain isn't working as it should right now. The car stop in front of the familiar little house at the end of the street. I look out at the white tile that covers the house, the small porch with the porch swing that I always loved to sit on at night. It's early morning and the sun has just begun to shine between the trees. The air is freezing as I step out of the car, Louis was paying the driver and I looked out over the street that I grew up on.

The driver quickly get our bags out of the car and drives off. I feel Louis hesitate a little beside me, this is so weird. Does he expect to stay here? Do he think I do? Do I? I don't know what to think about it. I look up at him and he smiles sweetly, but uncertain at me. Just that is weird. A sweet smile? I usually get sexual stares or cocky smiles. I can't give a smile back though, the muscles in my face doesn't work.

“Come on, lets go see if your dad is awake.” Louis say softly and pull my bag towards the house. I feel my body shake a little and I don't think it's from the cold. I open the door with the key that I still got and peek my head inside, the familiar smell hit me in the face. Isn't that weird though that everyone has a special smell in their house? Even if they change the products that they use for cleaning? But it's lovely, it reminds me of home and safety.

“Dad?” I ask loud enough for someone awake to hear, but not to wake someone up. I step inside and Louis follow along with our bags.

“Is that you Jules?” My dad ask, coming into the hall from the kitchen. Using the nickname that only he uses. He looks shocked as he sees me.

“Yeah, it's me.” I say and give him a tight hug. He holds the hug longer that he usually would and I feel my eyes prick with tears, but I blink them away. Stay strong.

“I can't believe you're here. Oh, and who is this?” He say, letting me go as he looks over at Louis. I swallow hard. How do I explain this?

“Eh...this is...um...Louis. My...ehh...friend?” I say, not knowing what to call him. He's not really my friend though, is he? I see my dad raise an eyebrow and I know what he's thinking. He thinks that I didn't know if I should call Louis my friend or boyfriend, which is so far from reality we can come. This is all so confusing. I sigh as I hear Louis clear his throat.

“Nice to meet you Mr. Chandler.” Louis reach out his hand and shake it with my dads.

“Pleasure to meet you too Louis. Come on in!” He say and direct us inside. “I guess you can have the spare room Louis, it's up the stares to the right, I'll show you.” My dad say and I feel my cheek blush. It's the first time a guy has ever slept over here and it's not even a boyfriend of mine.

We walk up the stairs and my dad shows Louis the extra bedroom and I walk over to my old bedroom and put my bag down beside the bed. I sit down on the edge of the bed and look over my old things. Most of it's cleared out from here, but I've got some things left. The curtains are the same lavender as when I lived here, so is the bedcover. My dad sticks his head inside the door.

“Hey honey. I didn't know you were bringing someone.” He said, giving me a sweet smile.

“Neither did I. It wasn't planned. I'm sorry.” I feel a little guilty for bringing someone at a time like this. Not that I could have stopped Louis, we were on a moving plane as my head had registered that he was there.

“That's alright. I guess it's good to have people around us. I'm going to go to the store for a second, I haven't shopped in a while. Do you want anything special?” He ask.

“No thanks, but I can do that if you'd like.” I offer, even though I'm beat from the flight and having slept practically nothing.

“No, that's fine. I'll be back soon and we can eat something.” He say and is gone. I take a steady breath before deciding that I need a shower. I always feel so dirty when I fly and maybe I can get some energy from it. I go over to the linen closet and pick out some towels. I walk over to the room where Louis is staying and look inside. He's picking stuff out of his bag with his back towards me.

“Is this alright?” I ask low, it feels strange to have a normal conversation with him, we've never had one. He turn around a little shocked, but smile as he sees me.

“Yeah, it's perfect.” He say and bring some things over to the little closet that positioned to the left of the door. I walk in and lay some towels on the bed.

“I thought you might need these later. I'm gonna go get a shower.” I mumble. I look down at my feet as I talk, feeling so insecure. “The bathroom is down the hall, we all share it.” I say and step back towards the door again. This house isn't big. There's only three bedrooms on the top floor and a bathroom. On the down floor there is a kitchen, a living room, a small toilet and a little study. It's always been just me and my dad, so we've never needed bigger. We have a nice backyard too and since we're at the end of our street, we don't have too many houses around us, only one neighbor, the rest is forest.

“Okey, thank you.” Louis say and I walk out without looking at him. I feel my heart beating so hard in my chest as I reach the door for the bathroom. I step in and close the door, leaning my head against it. It feels like it's chaos in my body. It was easier somehow to ignore that little attraction that I felt for Louis when he was an asshole. Now he's nice? That's not fair. I groan before pulling my clothes of and stepping into the steamy shower, trying to forget everything.

I dry myself and put on a pair of clean jeans and a t-shirt before stepping out of the bathroom. I didn't dry my hair, so it's laying in wet curls down my back. As I'm walking back to my room I hear that my dad is back and throws my old clothes inside my room before going back to go down stairs. I sneak a peak inside Louis's room and see him laying on the bed, his feet against the floor. I can't see his face, I only see the bottom half of his body, but I walk by quietly and walk down the stairs.

I walk into the kitchen and sigh with ease as I feel at home. My dad is putting things in the fridge, a sight that I'm very used to.

“That didn't take long.” I say and walk over to help him.

“Naw, I didn't want to shop too much. I just bought the necessary things and we can go later for more.” He say and put in a carton of milk. I help him unpack the rest of the groceries. Then we sit down at the table with a soda each, I need the sugar.

“So, is that your boyfriend?” My dad ask, nodding towards the stairs.

“No, he's not my boyfriend.” I say, but I still blush, which I hate.

“No? Well, why is he here then?” He ask, sounding as confused as I feel.

“I-I don't know.” I groan. “He just came along, I didn't really have a choice in the matter.” I shrug.

“You want me to kick him out?” My dad ask serious, making me snicker.

“No dad, that's fine. We can make him work since he's already here.” I say and smile. I might need another set of hands if I'm planning a funeral, I don't want my dad to have to do anything. “Talking about that. What happened?” I say and my smile fades away. The pain in my chest returns. My dad sighs heavy.

“She called me a week ago to tell me that she had cancer, but she said that she was fine now and it was all gone. She hadn't wanted to tell me before, because she didn't want to worry me.” He sighs. “Then I got a call yesterday...” His voice gets shaky and I take his hand. “And it was her doctor who said that she had passed away.” A tear fell down my face, without my approval, as I watch my dad dry his eyes with his other hand.

“I'm so sorry dad.” I whisper. I can see how painful this is for him, his only sister. He doesn't even have any parents left. I walk over to wrap my arms around him in comfort.

“I'm so glad you're here.” He mumbles against my shoulder.

“I am too. I will stay and help for as long as you need me to.” I say and pull back to look at him. It's hard seeing your own dad cry, the rock of your life. Something breaks inside you when you do. But now it's my time to be strong for him.

“Thanks sweetie.” He say and kiss my cheek. “How about we start by making some pancakes?” He say, drying the last tears from his eyes before smiling.

“Sure, dad. That sounds great!” I smile back at him before standing up from the floor.

We get out all the ingredients and I start to make the batter. Me and dad has this all worked out, we always made pancakes on sundays. I make the batter and fill the pan with new batter and my dad makes the pancakes and throws them in the air. It is a real event, we listen to music and dance along side working. It's so much fun.

As dad heat up the pan, I turn the radio on and we both start to move to the tunes. I feel myself relax and not think about anything other than the lyrics of the song and stirring the batter. In the middle of a move I feel someones eyes on me and look up to find Louis standing in the doorway. I feel my face heat and turn red. I look down and forgot what I was about to do.

“Hey, where that batter.” My dad ask, still dancing since he hasn't noticed Louis. He looks over at me and then look to the door. “Oh, hey.” He say to Louis and stop dancing, though taking some batter.

“Hi. Didn't mean to interrupted, it just smelled amazing.” Louis say sweet, still standing in the door.

“You're not interrupting. You can help. You can set the table.” My dad say and point his spatula at the cabinet where the plates lay.

“Sure!” Louis say before walking over and picking out three plats and put them at the table, then he looks through the drawers for some silverware. When he opens every cabinet to look for glasses I walk over to him and open the right one. He looks over at me and I feel my cheeks blush as our eyes meet. Why do I have to do that? It's so irritating. He smiles before walking over to put the glasses down on the table. My dad brings the pancakes and I the syrup as we sit down.

At first there's a couple of moments with awkward silence. Then my dad clears his throat and starts asking Louis questions. I sit and look down at my pancakes and eat silently.

“So Louis, what do you do?” He ask and I frown. I really don't know how my dad will react to Louis being famous.

“I am a singer, Sir.” Louis say, very polite. I've never heard him like that. This is a totally different side of him than the one I've started to get used to.

“Oh, that must be hard. Is there really much work as a singer?” My dad ask, sounding thoughtful. That makes me laugh though. I think it's the tiredness poking it's ugly head out, because I can't stop. It's too funny. My dad give me an wondering stare, frowning, like I'm an idiot. Louis smiles at me and chuckles.

“Well, it is a pretty hard business to get into, but I've had some luck and it's going great, Sir.” Louis say as I'm still laughing.

“Dad, he's like one of the biggest stars in the world. He's the todays Beatles.” I say, snickering. My dad eyes open up in shock. Louis give me a hard look, which I don't understand and I look away.

“Really? Well, then I guess it's going good. I guess I have to listen to some of your music later.” He say stern, not wanting to show too much that he's shocked.

“Sure, sounds good, Sir.” Louis say and take a sip of his water.

“Oh, please, call me Kenny.” My dad groan. I know he hates being 'sir' or 'mr'. He has a name and you can use it or don't talk to him at all. I stand up to put the dishes in the dishwasher.

“I think I'm going to lay down for a little while, I'm beat.” I say as they both stand up.

“Yeah, that was a long flight.” Louis agree.

“You two do that, I'm going to make some phone calls.” My dad says and from the tone of his voice, these are the hard calls to make.

“Do you want me to help?” I offer, putting my hand on his shoulder.

“No, it's better if I make them. You go rest some.” He say and kiss my cheek. It's weird how touchy feely we got all of a sudden, but I guess death do that to do. Remind you of what is important. My dad is the most important person in my life. I walk up the stairs with Louis behind me. The tension is back now that we're alone and I hate it. We reach the end of the stairs and Louis is going to the right and me to the left.

“So...you want any company?” Louis say and I look over at him shocked, he has one eyebrow raised and a crooked smile on his face. I smile.

“I thought I've lost you for a second there... no sexual comments or anything for so many hours. Glad to know that you're back.” I say sarcastically before walking into my bedroom as I hear him chuckle.


I know it wasn't that shocking...but a little shocking anyway right? ;)

It became a little longer chapter. Tell me what you think, your comments make my day!

Lot of love! Have a wonderful weekend!


Please update

Rosie Tomlinson Rosie Tomlinson

Where did you go?

Continue Please! This is my life source.... xD

Louis_bae Louis_bae

Please update soon! Looking forward to the next xhapeter

mickeytee18 mickeytee18

please update

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