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One Thing

Hated it, Stupid loser, Charlottes

Niall’s view:
“I hated it.” Harry said honestly. “It was a terrible song choice and you could have arranged it so much better.” I sadly agreed but I'm not about to crush someone down like that.
“Some harsh comments from Styles. What did you think Zayn??” Blake asked around.
“It wasn’t as bad as Harry made it out to be. It was very pitchy as where a different arrangement or key might have helped.” Zayn was much easier than Harry.
“So who wants Kaylee on their team??” He asked.
“Going to have to pass on this one.” Harry said.
“I think I could help her. With the right song choice and quite a bit of coaching you could be actually really good.” Liam smiled and agreed to want her.
“I'll give this one to Liam.” Zayn passed it on.
“Same here.” Louis smiled at me.
“I guess Liam has Kaylee on his team, congratulations Kaylee.” I smiled at her. She freaked out and was off the stage after ‘thank you’s’ and tears.
“One Thing is sponsored by –” Blake cut out.
“Thirty minute break everyone.” Ned said so it was clear. Everyone dispersed but with their guards in tow, including me. I went to the bathroom and went into a stall. I heard the door open and knew who it was clearly by the voice.
“I'm doing the show now but after I would love to.” Pause. “Yeah, I'll be there.” Muffled talking on the other line. “Yeah, yeah, I got it. Charlotte’s after the show. I don’t know what to tell the guys though. They might think it's what it's not.” Harry loved a secret, that’s why his hair is so fluffy, it's full of secrets. No, it's fluffy because of his curls, but saying the secrets makes him seem a lot more at fault for everything. “I love you.” That statement ripped me up. It took me right out of my thoughts and dropped me in reality. Clearly he is talking to the girl I lo- like. I like her. He knows I like her. The door shut and I came out of the stall. I took a minute to look in the mirror. No wonder she doesn’t like me. I have stupid hair and I'm not tan. My eyes are nice but they aren’t intense and demand attention like Harry’s. He was also really fit. He had a nice body, I'm comfortable enough with mine but it's still not ‘in shape.’ I wear stupid sweats and sweatshirts all the time with Jordan’s. I play guitar. That’s a good quality about me. She dances so that has no relation to her. I sing, but not as well as Harry.
“I'm a stupid loser. You are never going to compete with Harry.” I whispered to the reflection staring at me with a broken expression.
“You're right.” I swiveled to see Zayn walking in.
“You heard that??” I looked down feeling even more stupid.
“Niall you can't compete with him because you aren’t him. You are Niall. No one else can be Niall. Just be you. She’ll come around.” He patted my back and looked at me through the mirror. We looked like one of those cheesy movies.
“This isn’t about her.” I lied.
“Right…” He patted my back.
“It's not.” I looked at him hoping he would believe me.
“Niall, she has been clearly the only thing on your mind. You always talk about her and the research history on our computer says differently. You're not fooling anyone.” He smiled and opened the door. “We need you back on the chair.” He shook his head and left. After one more glance at my pathetic self I followed his actions out the door. He was gone and Gordy was following me to make sure I was ‘safe’. I made it on my chair and put on the best fake smile I could.
“We have three more contestants and then it's the after party talk.” Blake informed us all. I had to give a pep talk and that wasn’t going to go well considering I'm not in a peppy mood.
“Hi, I'm Samantha.” A red head came walking out with a guitar. I already felt a connection to her because she played.
“What are you going to sing for us??” Louis questioned.
“I was thinking about doing an original song.” She blushed visibly under the light. She writes that’s a bonus.
“What's the name??” Zayn seemed intrigued.
“It's ironically called ‘One Direction’. It's not about you though.” Everyone laughed because that was cute. She began to play and as a guitar player I could catch her mess ups, no matter how small they were. She was able to recover well and her voice was really appealing. The song wasn’t bad but could use work. Zayn seemed to be in heaven.
“Louis I want her.” Zayn whispered to him even though I'm sure everyone heard. Some fans that were closer to us on the chairs heard and screamed. I nodded telling him I understood and then he mingled with the others to make sure he got her. After she was gone I was just waiting. It's not that I didn’t like being on here and picking out fresh talent but I had another plan that I was excited to put into effect. Harry mentioned Charlotte’s during that phone call. Charlotte’s is a fondue place. It's super small and a perfect secret location because the outside is run down pretty shabby. He's going there after the show so all I have to do is keep tabs on him and see who he is meeting. I don’t doubt at all that it's Izallouis but on the odds it's not I just want to be sure. I mean even if I knew for a fact it wasn’t her right here right now, I'm curious who got Harry Styles to say he loves them. He never gets tied down easy.
“Niall what did you think??”
“It was great.” I had no idea.
“Would you want this contestant on your team??” Blake asked.
“Yes.” With a quick glance I saw a guy and I figured it would be cool to have a guy, so why not??
“Ok, Daren you get to choose who you want to be your coach.” Blake informed him. Everyone screamed Louis. I guess Louis was the other person who wanted him.
“I choose…” He was stringing out the crowed.
“You have to pick here soon.” Blake chuckled. Daren seemed to be lost for words as he raised the mic to his lips. I was hoping he would pick Louis because that’s what everyone else wanted, and I didn’t really hear him because my thoughts out spoke him.
“Louis!” He said and Louis did a victory yell. It was funny to see him so happy. I mean out of the auditions so far there has been way more girls than boys but we are more famous from the female perspective.
“Louis nabs Daren!” Blake said for everyone, though we already knew. His job must suck. He states the obvious and has to talk in an annoying voice all day. I love doing that voice only for a few seconds so hours just seems to drag. After the last two contestants, one going with Harry and the other going home, we all cheered the night was over. It wasn’t because all of us hated this it was more of a victory cheer for those who made it. They were put in the group rooms and we were stripped of makeup and microphones so we could give them time to meet the rest of their teammates.
“Good job on Daren.” Harry said and patted his back. I felt like hurling something at him so I walked away. Gordy followed silently.
“You can stop. I'll be fine.” I said harsh to him.
“Well, it's my orders.” He looked conflicted.
“It's the end of the night. Go home; see your family, something other than following me around.” I gritted my teeth to keep from yelling.
“Is something wrong??” He asked off balance.
“No.” I said stopping and turning to him. He was older than me but still looked nervous to address me.
“You sure??” He pressed.
“Just want to be alone.” I walked away and through the door to my group.
“Oh my god! It's Niall!” Someone said loud and everyone started cheer. I waved and put on a fake smile.
“I have to make this quick because I have somewhere to be but I just wanted to wish everyone luck. Next round we will be cutting the entire group size by half, meaning half of you will already be gone. Then we can work one on one. I hope you all enjoy yourselves!” I smiled a ham one and then walked off. I tried to shake hands and pretend to care when the only thing on my mind was figuring out who Harry said I love you to. Knowing him it was Izallouis and if it was I wouldn’t hesitate to march in there and tell her what I have been thinking. God, Zayn's right, I do think about her a lot.
“Where are you going??” Liam caught me walking to the exit.
“I… erm… I needed to get something from the store.” I may be lying a lot these past few days but I never said I was good at it.
“What's that??” He folded his arms.
“Food.” I shrugged.
“Be at the house in two hours.” He didn’t seem ok with letting me go but he did let me go meaning there was some ground he was ok with it. I'm winning him over again. He can't hate me for forever. I walked out and ran through the photographers fast, started the car and drove around the block to Charlotte’s. I parked slightly by the front door and crouched down. Now I wait.



PLEASE READ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hi! im actually izallouisrae! This is my story I promise! I have wrote this story and more chapters!!! I used my gmail account and this website now does not support it!! LIKE WTF?? so im reposting on this one and updating on here! im so sorry for every delay! but this is real this time! im online and this story has some finishing to happen! First I have to repost all 61 chapters on this account put that's just copy and paste! (; I love you all! hang in for this ride! (:


I cant forget you!

Knock knock, remember me? Hehe x


I love you babe!!!! I have been writing as much as i can like crazy!!!!!! might post a few chapters today or tomorrow!!! Working hard!!! (:

#onethingisback !!!!

Shishilovesliam Shishilovesliam