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One dream. One hope. One reality

What Happens next?

Yes. I was now dating harry. we were so happy when we were around each other. and by this time chelsea and niall had become very close as well, they were inseperable. they had spent the whole time together. and louis swore he saw chelsea going into nialls room last night. something was deffinatly happening with them.

me and harry were always together now. we were the perfect couple, every day he said he loved me.
tonight we were going out to a club. harry looked amzing. he was wearing a black t-shirt, it showed off his perfectly flexed biceps, it made me leap mentally, and aslo very greatful knowing that he was mine

at the club we definatly partied but for some reason i wasnt with harry much, he was with the boys and me with chelsea, perrie and eleanor. we were practicly sisters now. we just sat at the table all night talking about the boys etc. We all had a drink in our hand all night. we were having so much fun. suddenly i got a text message. it was from harry.

harry: the toilets in 5 minutes. xx

i looked over to him at the bar, he seperated from the boys and made his way to the toilets.
i left it a good 5 minutes before i made a break for them too. as soon as i opened the door, i was greeted by harrys lips. i quickly shut the doorlocking it behind me not breaking the kiss, he push me against the door and pressed his magnificent body against me. we slowly made our way to the sink, he pushed my onto the marble, still not breaking the kiss, he wrapped my legs around his waist. i felt his tongue against my bottom lip asking for entrance, i immediatly allowed this. Our tongues explored every part of each others mouths. he slowly moved down to my jaw and down my neck, applying soft kisses. and suddenly he pressed his lips against my soft spot, a slight moan escaped my lips. his hands were moving up and down my back and thighs. my fingers were locked in his perfect curls.

he started to move up now, his lips meeting mine again. our mouths gently move apert.
"i love you jade, i couldnt be any happier than when i am with you, you are my whole world."
i couldnt help but smile. i was so happy.
"i love you so much harry, this couldnt feel so right." i peared into his eyes. he started to kiss me passionatly yet rather furosiously. everything was falling into place.
*BANG!* "ouch!" it was niall and chelsea trying to get in.
harry seperated from me and unlocked door looking a bit angry, we saw niall with one of his arms around chelsea and one hand on his face where he had walked into the door. he had red lipstick all over his mouth. harry grabbed my hand and stormed past niall and chelsea and straight out of the club and into the car.
we got to our room as fast as we could. i turned to lock the door, and when i tured back, i saw harry getting undressed so quicky i had only undone half of my shirt before he had finished. he was impatient and came over to me and ripped my shirt right off. i slung my skirt off withing about 4 seconds before harry picked me up, kissing me passionatly, making his way to the bed. we were so hot for each other.

he practicly threw me on the bed and was soon hovering over me. he pressed his lips against mine again. his hands were moving all over my body. my hands were holding tightly onto his fabulous curls. i had never felt so alive!
i awoke the next morning to what appeared to be the sight of heaven. it was harry smiling at me diplaying his dimples. he had his curls all messy and was stroking my hair softly.
"good morning beautiful!" i threw myself closer to him, his stong arms wrapped around me, holding me tight. "morning!"
we simply just talked for an hour before we got out of bed. harry was getting dressed as i went to the bathroom and put on my make-up and do my hair. i came out and entered the bedroom to get dressed. i saw harry sitting on the bed, fully dressed holding one of my make-up wipes. "harry?"
he walks over to me a clears my face of make-up. "harry what are you doing!?" he throws the wipe to the floor and puts his hands on my face, his thumbs rubbing my heeks. "you are beautiful without make-up! i hate it when you wear it, promise me you wont wear it!" he looked really sad now but also angry.
"oh harry!" he looked at me confused. "i promise baby, sorry." he smiled and we left the room. i went to chelseas room to ask her to come down for breakfast, but she wasnt there. i look at harry and we're thinking the same thing. we both went and knocked on nialls door. suprise suprise chelsea answers it. i imediantly hear niall shouting in the room. "tell 'em we will be down in 5!" chelsea just smiled inocently and closed the door.


@Harrylover201 ok thanks
harrys bitch harrys bitch
this story is going way to fast but i like it
i will be making more so cone back sooon :)