SAD 1D Imagines
. Niall POV
I was sitting on the couch reading Twitter.
@IhateNiallHoran I hope you die @Nialloffical
@NiallshouldDIE Nobody would miss you @Nialloffical
@Burn_in_hellNiallHoran I hope that you fall off of a cliff
After those hurtful tweets my Girlfriend Y/N went up behind me
She said "Hey what's- Are you reading those mean tweets.
I nod of guilt...
"Hand me your phone". She demanded
I do as I'm told and she looks.
I read those tweets they were terrible
Then he got moreā¦
@E3GIRL I hate u Niall I hope you die
@Ihate_Niall I hate Niall I feel bad your his girlfriend Y/N
After the last one I started bursting in tears Niall came up behind me and kissed my head and Said " just go home get some rest I'll be okay".
II nod and grab my purse and left.
. Niall POV
After Y/N leaves I go up to my room and lay on my bed and recevied another tweet
@Justin_B_girls I bet that if you die today no one would miss you
After that I thought I can't take the pain
I run into the kitchen and grab a knife and I slit my wrists 4 times really deep. There was a lot of blood. Then before I knew it I was out
I host to my house and I forgot my jacket and my phone was in it.
So I leave to drive...
I get to Nialls house and I walk upstairs to his room and grab my phone. I see Nialls on the bed on a tweet.
@Justin_B_girls I bet if you due today no one would miss you.
I then call out "Niall where are you".
there was no answer I then start getting scared
"Babe please talk to me" I say.
Still no answer...
I walk downstairs to the kitchen to see f he is eating and I walk in there to see a bloody Niall up against the fridge. I look at his wrists and start to fall down and cry.
I pull my phone out of my bra and dial 911
"Hello and what is your emergency".
"My boyfriend has committed suicide".
"Who is you boyfriend".
"Niall James Horan ".
"He's your boyfriend"?
"Yes" I say.
"So your Y/F/N"
"Yes help me"!
"Okay there will be police there as soon as possible".
~I hang up~
After I hung up I texted the boys what happened
They said they will be here soon...
The police arrive...
And asked "You his girlfriend".
I nod.
The look at his wrists and said "This is a suicide".
"I know"I say.
Then the boys arrive and Liam and Harry start balling there eyes.
Louis starts praying for him to live...
Then his holding in his tears and asks "Is he dead"?
The police officers nod...
Then the ambulance arrived and picked Nialls body up.
~ After The funeral~
Me and the boys go to the X-Factor because Simion is throwing a memory party there
We get there and we sit down in chairs with a ton of directioner I sat in the middle as the sang
Save You Tonight
Little Things
And Diana
For Nialls death
And I was lonely for the rest of my life my only love was Niall.
And all the boys tried to get me date but...
U didn't budge.
My one and only love was...
Niall James Horan
Aww, :'( our friendship will be forever