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What happend?

Jessica's pov

I stepped on the stage in ClearWater Beach. We was about to sing our newest song, "It's My B-day". I love this song. I stood in my spot which was in the left side of the beach. I high fived so e fans when the song started I brought a fant to the state and started dancing with her. She had to be about 13. I could tell she was freaking out I had to laugh. At first she didn't want to dance but next thing you know, she was a great dancer. I brought get back to the crowd then my part came on:

Happy as can be
Falling into you, falling into me (so yummy)
How do you do, come and meet the queen, cake and cream
Blow your dreams, blow your dreams, blow your dreams away with me
Blow your dreams, blow your dreams, blow your dreams away with me
So yummy!

I walked to the middle and broke down some dances I've been working on. I tripped and made it look like I fell to to do one of these crazy things I could do with my arm and threw some sand to the air as a big finish. The song ended and we walked off the stage when I heard Sarah screaming. All of the other girls beat me there so I had to run. Sarah was on the sand holding on to her foot. We took her offstage and on a chair. The crowd was yelling do thing I couldn't hear over The girls talking all at once.

I touched her injured foot. " Ow!! " she yelled. " Why would you touch my foot!?" She glared at me.

" Sorry! " I said.

"How did this happen"? Alice asked.

"Ok, I thought I saw my mom and dad and 5 faces with them. Maybe I was just imaging things" She shook her head. The girls and I walked on stage to the concerned fans.

" Guys! It's okay!" Said Alice.

" She only has a sprained foot." Said Arriana. She looked I the crowd. I did too.

But then I saw Sarah's parents. And standing next yo them was a group of handsome boys. Wait- so that?- Oh my gosh. I think that's One Direction. Why would they be here? We sell went offstage and went home. But it stayed on my mind.
One Direction. The One Direction. In our concert.


  • Hey I'm Melanie the coauthor.
  • Call me Melz.
  • Vote.
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  • Be a Directioner.
  • Unless you're a unicorn.
  • Always be a unicorn.


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