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The Creep Around the Block

Going out to get food.


I cannot believe that i finally found my sister!! Ten years... too long. How did i not realize this, we look almost identical. ish. I couldn't of ever figured this out if she didnt have that necklace. The necklace! She gave it to me before i left. I always had it on, always. In the shower, when i was asleep, always. I took it of for one second and forgot to put it back on. Then i left.

"Niall?" i heard her irish accent speak.


"I gotta tell you something.."

She took me to the couch, then i realized no one was even in here anymore. They left.

"OK, after you left, i got bullied at school. I cut myself. I had no one. No friends, and i couldnt tell mum anything." She said

"Samantha Mae Brettskert! Show me!" She pulled up her sleeve and i saw faint scars. She must've cut deep.

"Aw, Sammy, please, never ever ever do it again. Promise me"

"I promise," She had tear stains on her face.

I kissed her cheek, " I love you, sissy" I said using her childhood nickname.


The girls and i were shopping at our favorite boutique, BABY SOFT. I was looking for a new dress, and Julia and Kaitlynn were too. The whole group was going out to eat tonight.

"What about this one?" Julia held up a dress.

"For you? Cute but too long. Go shorter, cuz your legs are short," I said. I can give really good fashion advice.

"Okay, This one," Kaitlynn held up a cute dress, "Is the one!"

"NO!" Both Julia and I said at the same time. "Too feathery. You are not a bird." I said.

"How about this one?" Julia held up a black and pink dress. "Perfect!" I exlcaim.

"What do you think of this dress?" Kaitlynn holds up a blue dress.

"Yes! So cute. Now its my turn!" I start searching until i find the perfect dress. " This is the perfect dress!" I hold it up. The best dress I have ever seen. "Okay, lets go!" We were going go out in an hour and we still need to do makeup and hair.

We check out and go home.

We get ready and the boys show up. Niall, Zayn, Liam, Harry, and Louis looked fabuLOUIS. See what i did there. Julia and Kaitlynn walked to their dates and I myself walked to Liam.

"So you to are loners?" Kaykay asked Zayn and Harry.

"No, i met this really cool girl. She's down stairs." Zayn said.

"Im alone, though," Harry stated..

"K well, we are gonna take my van so we can fit in together." I said. We walk down stairs and i see a really pretty girl standing in the lobby.

Zayn and her would be cute together, and she looks like a really nice friend. I should chat with her later.

"Hi, I'm Perrie Edwards!" She said cheerily.

"I'm Samantha Brettskert, but you can call me Sam or Sammy," I introduce myself.

Everyone else met, and we headed to the restaurant.


So what do ya think? Perrie found her way into my story! After thinking about it, Perrie deserved to be in at least one chapter so here she is.


Poor Harry is all alone...

Remember in the first chapter when niall said about food? Found the perfect gif.

K weellll bye



ReignOn ReignOn

Doesn't she already have two children?

ReignOn ReignOn

He just hugged you. You better take what you can get.

ReignOn ReignOn

I might eventually make a sequel. I'm not sure.

SadieMalik SadieMalik

Noooooooooooooooooo!!! You left so many questions unanswered was the baby a boy or girl? What's it's name? What is Julia having? Is it really Louis baby? Tellllllllllllllllll Meeeeeeeeeeee Or make a sequel with Tanner and Danielle, that would be tots adorbs.

Jazsmin:D Jazsmin:D