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Behind Her Smile [Louis]

Chapter 27

Louis’ POV
I silently close the door before tiptoeing to her bed, but I stumbled over a table leg what caused me spilling the damn hot tea all over my pants and grumbling ‘shit’ harder than I should. Definitely not a perk of being Louis Tomlinson.
“Are you alright there, big boy?” I hear her joke, and laugh afterwards. I still don’t get over her laugh, how perfect it sound, every time I hear that angelic sound my heart begins to race as if someone’s holding a gun against my temple. I turn around to see her smirk and stretching her arms while yawning. When she opens her eyes again she looks at me with satisfaction.”I need you here” her lips slowly form a pout. I chuckle and after I placed the nearly empty cups of tea on her nightstand, I tilt the sheet and crawl next to her in the small bed. I feel her sigh against my neck when I wrap my arms around her body and pull her closer.
“How are you feeling today?” I don’t know why I whisper, but I do. She snuggles her head in the crook of my neck and shoulder before answering.
“I feel wonderful, but a little scared” I move my hand from the small of her back to her hair and gently stroke it. There was a silence for a few minutes, the only sound you could hear were our heartbeats and our breathing.
“Why are you scared, baby?” I mutter, closing my eyes as I wait for her answer.
“Never mind” She sighs and buries her head deeper in the crook of my neck.
“Tell me” I command “Jess, tell me.” I hold her closer, terrified that I’ll lose her again.
“Not now, Lou” she almost begged.
“Okay” I sigh as I rest my chin on the top of her head. It’s been silent for over thirty minutes now and I’m not sure if she’s awake. “Jess?” I whisper carefully and as a reflex she tightens her grip around me, what makes me smile spontaneously.
“Hmm?” She hums sleepily.
“I want you to know that I really love you no matter what happened or will happen, kay?” She doesn’t answer for a few minutes, but after a while she nods her head slowly. Okay Louis, promise yourself you’ll tell her you love her every day until she believes you.
“Rick, hurry the fuck up” I groan into the telephone.
“Sorry, Louis. I’m stuck at work.” I groan in frustration. I’m fucking tired of those people here in this hospital treating me like a bloody child.
“Will be there in about a minute” He quickly says before disconnecting the connection.
“Are you ready to go home?” I smile as I see her sitting there, all ready to leave this horrible hospital.
“Never have been more ready in my life.” She chuckles, and I sit down on the spot beside her. She unexpectedly wraps her left arm around my lower back and rest her head on my shoulder.
“I wish you could come with me” I breathe out carefully.
“Me too”
“Are you coming to visit me next week?” I kindly pull away from her so she has to look at my pouty lips. She traces her index finger over my pout and nodded chuckling.
“I’ll see if I’m allowed from my doctor and Rick-“
“What about me?” Rick enters the small, suffocating room and smirks when he sees the two of us sitting on the edge of her –now- neatly made bed.
“Nothing” she sticks her tongue out and giggles.
“Go sign for her discharge!!” I push him out of the door.
“Already didddd” he imitated my frustrations. I just roll my eyes as I take Jess’ hand and lead her out of the room.
“I actually have to go right now or I’ll miss my plane. Could you drop me off?” Rick mutters a ‘Sure’ just before he answers his annoyingly ringing phone.
“Call me when you land okay?” she asks, when we weren’t even in the car.
“Okay” I smile, looking at the way she looks out of the window. I take her hand and place it gently on my lap intertwined with my own fingers. She quickly glances at me and smiles before continuing looking out of the window.
I missed this so much, and I’ll miss this so much when I am back in America. She leans against my shoulder and I turn a little so that she could rest her back against my chest.
“Eleanor is really pretty” she whispers out of the blue. “I’d really like to meet her properly”
“Not half as pretty as you are to me” I chuckle as I see her reddening. My lips brush against her blushing cheeks as I continue chuckling. “When I’m back from tour we can do something fun with her. She’s actually really nice” I felt her petrify in my embrace as my alarm went off inside of my brain. “Not in that way” I quickly say.
“I’m sorry I didn’t say anything back then, I just was a little in trance and I didn’t really know what to say and before I could think clearly you were gone and it was too late and-“ She kept rambling.
“Stop, Jess” She took a deep breath. “Let’s not bring that up, not now”
“You’re right, I’m sorry”
“We’re here.” He turned around and eyes the two of us up and down. “Jess, I expect you to be back in at least 30 minutes.” She nodded and we hopped out of the car.
“Thanks for dropping me off” I smile.
“Don’t worry. Don’t forget your bag!” Oh yea, shit. I grabbed the bag and walked inside with Jess closely behind me.
“I’ll miss you” I breathe out, after kissing her lips softly. I rest my forehead against hers, not waiting for a response.
“I’ll miss you too. Don’t forget to call” She reminds me. I shook my head and kissed her once more before I let her go and watched how she walked out of my view.
“Try not to arrive in the hospital once more” I joked terribly.
“How are you? How’s she?” Harry asked the second he saw me walking in the hotel.
“I’m fine, she’s fine.” I reassured, not really wanting to give any details.
“I’m going out, you coming with me?” He asked, putting on his coat.
“Nah, I’m fine. I’m pretty jetlagged. I’m gonna take a shower, watch some television and sleep. I don’t want to disappoint the fans again.” He just nodded and patted my shoulder, walking out of the hotel.
I took a quick shower and put on the television. I made myself comfortable as I dialed her number.
“Hey baby” I smiled spontaneously, just thinking that I’m talking to her.
“Hi” I hear her smile, but even this little word made her voice crack. It was adorable. “Sorry, still a little tired” I heard her yawn and I smiled, picturing her here, beside me.
“I’m sorry I woke you up” I just realized.
“Don’t worry, hearing you is way better than dreaming.”
“I’m glad” I laughed. It was silent for a few seconds until I heard her sigh loudly. “Sup?”
“Rick is spoiling me on a level you can’t even imagine.” My mouth shot open as I began to laugh. “Hey! Don’t laugh” she protested, trying not to burst into laughter herself.
“Sorry” I chuckled. “I just thought there was something… big”
“What are you doing?” She asked cheerfully. Oh god I wish she was here, so I could bury my face in her neck while watching this movie.
“Just watching some tele, what about you?” I get out of my bed to find something to eat in this room. I open the mini fridge and find some fruit. That’ll do it.
“Rick bought me tons of books, I can’t say I hate it though” her voice was so excited, it was beautiful to listen to.
“I’m going to disconnect, okay?” I say suddenly, not really answering.
“Okay?” she sounded disappointed.
“I’ll call you back on Skype?”
“Oh, I really thought you were-“
“Don’t ever, please” I groaned out in frustration.
“Sorry. Bye” I hear before I hear the tute of my phone.
I log in with Skype and click on her name. I impatiently wait for the loading symbol to change into her face.
“Hi there again” She smirks.
“Can you read for me?” I ask without greeting her back.
“Uh, yea? I guess?” Her facial expression was priceless. I just wanted to hear her voice until I fell asleep. She started reading and I couldn’t be more fascinated by how her lips moved when she pronounced every word so carefully. I wasn’t really listening to the words she was reading. I couldn’t concentrate, I just listened at the sound of her voice reaching my ears, her voice was my favourite sound in the entire world.
I don’t remember falling asleep, but I am aware of the fists pounding on my door.
“Louis, management on the phone, wants to speak to you.”
“Great” I groan as I try to find a shirt before opening the door.
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Abbygardner Ily these books

Heyy_its_louis Heyy_its_louis

Okay :(

Louisgirl101 Louisgirl101

I'm iPhoneless for already 3 days :((( he crashed.. so I don't have insta anymore...

Awwww thanks so much... :)

do you have instagram? If you do follow my fan account boysinbandanas

Louisgirl101 Louisgirl101

really? that's sooooo amazing! you have a beautiful name :)