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Through The Dark

I Can't Right Now

"It's a girl! Congratulations!" The doctor told me, handing me some wipes to wipe off the gel. I smiled and wiped it off, and pulled my sweater down. Both of the guys offered me their hand. I grabbed the tattoo-less one, ignoring Harry's reaction as Niall helped me off the examination table. I grabbed my purse and headed to the door. "Cassia." He called out. I scowled and turned around. "What the hell do you want Haz- Harry?" I said, hoping he didn't notice my slip. "You called me Haz..." He whispered. "Yeah. It was a mistake" I retorted.
"Cassia. I'm sorry okay? I screwed up. And I want to help you raise our ba-" He began, but I cut him off. "Listen. I know you're a party boy. I get it. But you.. You aren't ready. And.. It wasn't just the E! News report, it was your texts too. Don't. Don't look confused. Yes I did read your texts to Kendall. You clearly are'nt.. How do I say this. Ready? Yeah Ready. So I suggest you just forget about me. And the baby. I don't need your help. It's done. it's over. Move on, keep touring.. I don't know. Okay?" I said. My voice cracked half way and I realized I was crying. stupid hormones.
"How do you expect me to move on, Cass?" He shouted. "I.. I really care for you."
"You see Harry? You care. C-A-R-E. You don't love us. " I said back, storming through the clinic and out the door, facing the paparazzi.
"Are you pregnant?"
"Is it over? Why the tears?"
"Is the baby dead? Is Hassia Done?"
"It's a girl?"
"Is it Harry's?" They all yelled. I placed my sunglasses on and said , "Yes. I am pregnant. It is a girl. And it is Harry's . And erm. Hassia is over. No further comments." I said, and went into the Camaro. Niall climbed in and roared off.
I tuned to look out the window.
"Do you want to talk about it?" His accent popped out as he asked. I shook my head letting the tears fall. He pulled up into the driveway and shut the engine. "You left him in tears you know." He whispered. "I know. I had to. " I sobbed. "Food?" He asked, changing the subject. I nodded yes, and he got out and came over to my side, opening the door. I held out my arms and pouted. He sighed and picked me up, and carried me into his house, setting me down on the counter. My phone immediately started buzzing. "The fans." I said, scrolling through the various tweets, comments, and tags on Instagram. Few were hate, most were things like:
Hassia forever! <3 & #hassia as well as #miniharry.
I guess most Insta-famous and Twitter verified people hardly paid notice to these things, but IV felt it was my duty to. Niall slide a plate of Mac and Cheese. "Your fav." He winked. I thanked him and finished my plate in 5 minutes. I ignored the ringtone I had specifically set for Harry as I finished my water. Niall, was trying to beat me in Flappy Birds, and groaned every time he crashed into the pipes. A new ringtone sounded. Perrie. "Just answer the phone, for fuck's sake!" He said. I laughed and answered.
"Cassia freaking Nolan. Are you freaking okay?" Perrie's asked.
"Yes, Perrie freaking Edwards. I freaking guess I'm doing freaking okay. No. I'm not okay Per." I said. She laughed then realized my final words.
"Oh. Well Elounor and Dani and I want you to come over. Like now." She said.
"Now as in 15 minutes? Just kidding. That would be amazing. See you later, Perrigator."
"in a while. Um. Cassadile." She said before hanging up.
"Niall? I'm gonna go to Perrie's." I said, and kissed him on the cheek before grabbing my keys.
{Niall p.o.v.}
My cheek tingled as she left my house. Placing my palm on it, I smiled. This girl will be the death of me. I scolded myself , remembering Harry obviously loved her. Grabbing my keys, Ivheaded to Liam's place.!


Niall & Zayn Gif. :) Filler chapter. :D Sorry for the mistakes. I sort of spilled pink lemonade on my old Dell. Doing this on my iphone until my brand new Mac comes in! :) chapter tomorrow! xx

I hope the gif comes out. If not, here is the link. oh wait. It's up there. Stupid iphone posting. .-. Oh well. Byeee!


THANK YOU! I will be back <3

I absolutely love this story I wish you could keep it going. I can't wait to see where it goes and what happens...

@Harry be like
Well if you feel like it has a crappy ending, then get off this comments page and don't post a damn comment if your just just going to be frikin rude!!! And please don't insult me on my point of view!!! We all have our own point of views and if yours is rude towards the author, don't post a damn comment!!!


I READ THE BOOK AND SEEN THE MOVIE!!!!!!!! THE BEST BOOK AMD MOVIE EVER!!!!!!!(Next to 1D: This Is Us of course.)

Thank you for the support! <3 Don't worry I won't forget to finish it. :)