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Through The Dark

Why Would You Do This?

I slowly opened my eyes and blinked to get the sunlight used to my eyes. I sat up and turned to see Harry face down on the bed, still in the clothes I presume he was wearing yesterday. "Harry" I shake him. "Harry" I shake him again. "HARRY!" I shake him one more time. He bolts up, and I see some of his curls plastered into his forehead and cheeks. I chuckle and brush some curls away. "You know, I hope the baby gets your curls. Straight hair isn't that great." I say smiling. I realize by then I have been rubbing my stomach. He chuckles in his beautiful morning voice. "The little lad is gonna have all the ladies with those curls." He says. "A boy? Hmmm. I think I'd like a boy too." I reply. He pulls me closer so i am leaning over him. With one hand, he rakes his fingers through my long hair. I smile. We sort of have a thing for each other's hair. He stops and pulls up by Rolling Stones tee. "Cass! You have a baby bump!" He says. I peer down. "Oh my goodness!" I run to the full length mirror. I lift up my shirt. It's small. You can't really see it, but there is one. I press my hand to my stomach. I don't realize Harry came to stand until he wraps his arms around me. "I love you." He whispers. "I love you too." We stand there, kissing softly. I pull away. "And you mister, need to shower. I can smell the vodka on you." I joke. "Okie dokie then." He says and walks to the bathroom. I turn on the TV.
E! News is on, and I used to like watching this.
"Coming up next, party boy Harry Styles is seen dancing and drinking the night away with Kendall Jenner at the 38 club in London." I watch silently. I'm angry but brush the feelings. Kendall is not someone I admire. Suddenly, a video pops up. Harry is laughing, a drink in his hand and suddenly, Kendall comes in view. She's grinding on him, and suddenly she turns around and kisses him. The video comes to an end.
"But what we are thinking about is where is Cassia Nolan, his gorgeous photographer girlfriend. Our photographer s spotted her at a Starbucks as well as a chic baby store, where the Royal Lady Kate was seen a couple months back. What we are asking is Is cassia pregnant? And did Hassia fall apart?" Join us next time for new updates!" I don't mind that the papa followed me. What I do mind, is that Harry was actually kissing Kendall Jenner at a "charity event". I rewind and pause on the kissing part. Harry comes out of the bathroom. He looks adorable. His curls are dripping and the towel hangs low on his lips showing his V lines. I scold myself to stop. "Harry? What the hell I this?" I say. He looks puzzled before looking at the TV. His face pales. "Cass I can explain." He says. I cross my arms and wait. "I was drunk ok? And she kissed me and I thought it was you-" I cut him off by slapping him. "Why would you do that?"




THANK YOU! I will be back <3

I absolutely love this story I wish you could keep it going. I can't wait to see where it goes and what happens...

@Harry be like
Well if you feel like it has a crappy ending, then get off this comments page and don't post a damn comment if your just just going to be frikin rude!!! And please don't insult me on my point of view!!! We all have our own point of views and if yours is rude towards the author, don't post a damn comment!!!


I READ THE BOOK AND SEEN THE MOVIE!!!!!!!! THE BEST BOOK AMD MOVIE EVER!!!!!!!(Next to 1D: This Is Us of course.)

Thank you for the support! <3 Don't worry I won't forget to finish it. :)