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Through The Dark

Carry On

Perrie POV.

I rub my eyes and squint. The room is bright with the sunlight.
Beside me, Zayn sighs out in his sleep.
I touch his cheek and place a kiss. I slowly crawl out of bed and face my mirror. My eyes are red and puffy & I remember.

Cassia. The letters. Broken glass. The boys.

I bite my lip as I walk to the living room.

Louis is sprawled on one couch. Liam is lying face down on the floor. Harry is curled in a ball on the couch, a bottle of liquor in his hand and an already worn out letter in his hand.
Niall is lying on his back on the cold floor. He's awake.

He doesn't seem to acknowledge me. As if he is in a trance.
He bolts upright and runs to the bathroom. Ah. Hangover.

Louis is already on his phone, probably texting Eleanor. She's nice and all, but Cassia and I don't really like her.

Liam is getting up, drinking a glass of water and an aspirin.
He smiles wearily before lying on an empty couch and turns on the TV.. He holds his liquor quite well.

I begin to pick up, and Li comes to help me. I place the glasses in the sink. I see Harry on the couch and I get an idea.

I fill a glass with cold water and walk over to him.

I pry the bottle and letter from his hands and set them down.

I pour a little trickle on him. Nothing. Again. Nothing.

Pouring the whole glass of water on him. I set it down.

"Perrie?! The fuck was that for?" Harry yells. His curlies are dripping water, his shirt plastered to him.

By now, Liam, Zayn, Louis and Niall are in the living room.

"We are going to brunch. All of us. So go shower and get ready. We're leaving in forty-five minutes, so chop chop!"

I quickly put on some jewelry, matching my outfit .
We all walk out the door and into the van.

Louis begins tapping on his phone.
"For the love of God! Can you just stop texting Elewhore for at least five minutes?" Harry yells.

Louis slowly locks his phone. His breathing is heavy and ragged.
"What. Did. You. Just. Call. Her?" He spat.

Cassia created a nickname for Eleanor. They weren't exactly mates.

"You heard me." Harry replies.

"First of all, she's not a whore. Not now, not ever. Just because you're girlfriend dumped your sorry ass doesn't mean you can go out on mine. She left the country because of you, you dirtbag." Louis spits.

Harry stiffens, his face getting paler by the second.

We've reached Lotabella's.

No one says anything as we walk inside. Zayn secures his arm around me as we walk in.

We're seated in a quiet corner, surrounded me stained glass windows.
Coffees are poured. Silence.

"We came here to talk. Cassia's gone.." I begin to say but I choke in my words.

Zayn grabs my hand and continues.
"So we have to move on. And I know, it sounds so fucked up. Things happened and she wants all of us to move on. As much as we hate it, we have to." He says, his eyes watering.

My fiancé never cries. This is how bad Cassia's departure has left us.

Liam and Louis nod. Harry is fiddling with a napkin, and Niall is swirling designs in his coffee.

"It's all my fault." Harry sighs.

"Yup." I say. "I mean.. It is but like-" I try to recover what I say but Harry puts his hand on mine.

"It's ok, Per Bear." He says and smiles.

Our food arrives and we begin eating.

"I just wanted to say I'm sorry about how I've been taking this out on you all. I just fucked up. Bad. So it's time to move on, now I guess." Haz says.

We all stand up and pay the check.

We face the busy street, packed up with the paps.

"From this day forward, we'll stick together. " I whisper.


okay. so like my crush was on the decathlon team I competed with yesterday. And I've been off these weeks bc I've been studying for the competition yesterday. And when they called my name to say I got fifth place in Literature, against 1.220 students, I flipped out and ran across the Staples Center to get my medal. And I ran back to my team and he have me a hug and a tiny peck on the cheek and said. "I knew you could do it!" So like I feel so happy about that too. So, through the dark is now in resume! :) enjoy! xx


THANK YOU! I will be back <3

I absolutely love this story I wish you could keep it going. I can't wait to see where it goes and what happens...

@Harry be like
Well if you feel like it has a crappy ending, then get off this comments page and don't post a damn comment if your just just going to be frikin rude!!! And please don't insult me on my point of view!!! We all have our own point of views and if yours is rude towards the author, don't post a damn comment!!!


I READ THE BOOK AND SEEN THE MOVIE!!!!!!!! THE BEST BOOK AMD MOVIE EVER!!!!!!!(Next to 1D: This Is Us of course.)

Thank you for the support! <3 Don't worry I won't forget to finish it. :)